Interview with EH Medical Officer - VA Mike

Doctor, Doctor...I feel like a pack of cards! Don't worry, I'll DEAL with you :o) No, this feature has nothing to do with really bad jokes but everything to do with VA Mike, the EH Medical Officer. (I just thought of that you know, never heard it before. Now you know where these terrible jokes come from)

Fair Use Basics

This is useful info for anyone who has a website or something dedicated to someone or something famous (like Star Wars). It's the US law of how you can use such things without going too far, such as having a whole film for download!!! It's all legal mumbo-jumbo to me, call Wolfman & Hart.

Interview with SSD Avenger Wing Commander - Colonel Shups

LCM Shadowhawk has interviewed the SSD Avenger WC Colonel Shups. he tells us what a WC does, what he looks for in CMDRs and Flight Members, what it means to be in the Sith of the DB, and his opinion of Imp Storm (like those damn Reds evading us!!! - This is Werdna Elbee talking by the way, it would be a bit dodgy if VA Theodore was)