Sadly, there hasn't been any graphic submissions sent in. I know how talented you all are, so I'm so very disappointed. I'll tell you what, I'll let you off this time, but you have to send something in for the next issue :o)

If you want to submit anything to Battlecry, the please mail the editor VA Theodore at with your work attached and a brief explanation of what it it and who you are.

This goes for anything; fiction, features, graphics, and so on. Please, please, please, please, please, send something in and if it's good enough, we'll put it in. You have to admit that this issue has had too much of me in (Werdna Elbee) because I work here. Perhaps if you send some stuff in, it will drown my crap out!!!

* If you want something to do, there is a writing competition on. Just nip to the contest page.