SSSD Sovereign

  • Wing I --------FAILED TO REPORT
  • Wing II -------FAILED TO REPORT
  • Wing IV

Wing IV has had a busy May.. Between Rounds 8 and 9 of the Squadron League, we've had a Tag Team competition, and numerous squadron competitions. For Round 8 of the Squadron, Wing IV submitted 20 entries, for 56% participation (Round 9 is not quite over).. Our membership has grown to 39! In the squadron competitions, Kaph and Teth, both of Wing IV, squared off; Kaph was the victor. Teth Squadron was the winner in a matchup between them and Samekh Squadron of Wing V. And Yod Squadron was defeated in their competition versus the elite Praetorian. I'd like to commend Teth Squadron, who has obtained 40 squadron citations, almost all of them in the past month! They have some very dedicated and hard-working pilots.


WC/COL Alec Ricardo/Wing IV/SSSD Sov {Imperator}
[BS|PCx3|ISMx6|MoT-2gh|MoC-6BoC-SoC|OA-2E] {PIN- #275}
[IWATS-SM/1/2-mIRC] - - T/D "Sable"
SW Ricardo (Sith)/Quaestor/Galthain of Satal Keto [GC/SC/DC]
"Death, thunder, destruction and brawl!"

  • Wing V---------FAILED TO REPORT
  • Wing VI--------FAILED TO REPORT

TIE Corps Battlegroups

  • ISD Colossus------FAILED TO REPORT
  • ISD Relentless----FAILED TO REPORT
  • ISD Challenge-----FAILED TO REPORT
  • ISD Immortal

Wing XI Battlecry Report

I've been Wing Commander here for barely even a month, and already I've been impressed with the high activity of this ship. With a solid lineup of pilots who have served the Immortal for over 6 months, it has evolved into one of the top ships in the fleet, by far. As of today, I have 352 bsf's resting in my inbox, and I know there are more coming ( at least 20 ). This is evident when one looks at our ships FCHG ranking, with the majority of Commanders having more than 300 points, and quite a few pilots that are catching up, if not far surpassed already (811 for LC Dras Hempor -- wow!)

May has been a month with a variety of competitions. Early in the month, our pilots faced a challenge against the Vanguard, flying an XWA battle. Our flight groups showed their dominance by placing 7 out of the top ten. Next, there was VA Marc's Competition of 5's, where 5 elite pilots from the Immortal, Challenge and Wing IV were given a TIE mission and an XWA mission to fly. Again, the Immortal went on to win this battle of high scores, with 4 of our pilots finishing in the top 4 individual piloting ranks. These 5 pilots were emailing each other on a daily basis to share tips and report their progression, really showing a team effort. Our pilots are also currently flying missions for a couple fleetwide competitions, XWA League 2 - run by Major Badlands, and Sovereign League. Another competition that I have started is the XWA Battle Plotline Competition. This not only gives those creative pilots, who aren't good at achieving high scores, a chance to win a ship wide comp, but it also will lead to more XWA battles being created.

Daily, you will find several officers hanging out in the Immortal's holodeck playing Jedi Knight. Here we get the opportunity to slice each other's heads off with light sabers and blast limbs apart with rail charges, and then return to the lounge for drinks. This has provided an excellent forum for everyone to spend their time once their daily flying duties have been completed. This just goes to show that our pilots are not only individually active, but also in a teamlike sense. Everyone has been getting along great, and I'm really proud of the way the Wing is shaping up.

Respectfully submitted,

WC/MAJ Adrenaline/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
JH Adrenaline (Sith)/Galthain of Satal Keto, DC-KC-O
"When Mr.Bigglesworth gets upset, people die!"

The Immortal is on quite a tear as of late. We've managed a large turnaround of CMDRs quite well. MAJ Adrenaline is our new WC, giving CM Toran Dan the opportunity to take charge of Ranger. CM Sanj has taken over command of Falcon and they are on quite a resurgence with LC Dras rejoining them. MAJ Weasel has also returned to the Immortal as CMDR of Ghost squadron. We've recently been quite successful in competitions having defeated the ISD Vanguard in an all out rumble. We have also defeated Wing IV and the

ISD Challenge in a new type of competition. It was called the competition of 5's. What it involved was 5 pilots from each ship/wing who owned both TIE and XWA. Scores were accumulated as a percentage of the highest score submitted for each round. One week for a free mission of TIE and one week for a free mission of XWA. Participation was perfect from the Challenge and Immortal, but was quite low from Wing IV. Nonetheless, I think I've proven that it can work although there do need to be some bugs ironed out. Some of the main bugs I found were that other ship members had no idea what was going on. on my ship sme pilots knew and got everyone to fly the free missions to offer tips. This was great and i was pleased to see this unprovoked act of helpfulness. However on Wing IV, short of my poking and proding, there was no CMDR to incessantly remind the pilots to fly and as a result their participation was low. On the Imm, I was pushing my pilots, but they pretty much did it by themselves, on the Chal, they did it all themselves to my knowledge with no proding except for my few e-mail reminding everyone of the deadline. I'm going to look at this and try to iron those things out before starting another one, but I would like to try it again soon, slightly expanded, 2 TIE Free's and 2 XWA Free's over 4 weeks. I don't know how well that will work because a 2 week period is easier to say "Yes, i'm positive I'll be there and I can participate". This was a problem for one pilot who had an unexpected leave and I had to release the XWA free earlier than I had hoped so that he could fly it. 4 weeks would be much harder to guarantee. Other than that, the Immortal's Message board has continued it's activity which has surprised me, after that initial bunch of posts, to get us up to abour 80, I expected it to die down as message boards ussually do, but our people have taken a real shine to it and it has proven to be an excellent forum to exchange ideas as compared to e-mail and IRC. It alows everyone to comment on things at any time and can be seen by everyone who wants to, but does not bombard the inbox of those who don't care about a particular topic. Our membership on the Imm has also grown although I expect to se it drop very shortly. So it goes, I do see a stronger crew though, we are taking on good young pilots and removing old stale ones :P I'm looking towards an overall increase in personel by the end of the summer, hopefully around 40ish, but I'm targeting 45. 

COM/VA Marc/ISD Immortal [DRAG] SS/PC/ISMx4/MoI/IS/LoCx4/MoC-9BoC-10SoC-10GoC-2PoC/OV {IWATS-IIC/1/2-M/1/2-SM/1-TT} MIS - Guardian's Edge


Aggressor Strike Force

  • ISD Grey Wolf-----FAILED TO REPORT
  • ISD Intrepid--------FAILED TO REPORT
  • ISD Vanguard-----FAILED TO REPORT


SSD Avenger

The SSD Avenger is the flagship of the Dark Brotherhood, but is a Tie Corps based ship. To be a member of the SSD Avenger, you must also be a member of the Dark Brotherhood. This mix allows us to be very versatile in our competitions and mission/fiction creation, as it allows us to incorporate the mystical powers of the Dark Side of the force. We are independent of the ASF. Commodore Firefox and I have been the flag officers of this ship since the first week of December 1999. Since that time many incredible things have taken place.

The SSD Avenger was awarded the TCCOM award for April 2000. I was particularly proud of this because we had achieved a goal of 200 BSFs in one month. This was no small accomplishment for a ship that has 3 TIE squadrons, 2 XVT squadrons, and 1 XWA squadron in the same Wing. This is unique in the Tie Corps to the best of my knowledge. Even more impressive is our roster. Our 6 CMDRs are very experienced and hold the following ranks: Major, CPTx3, and CMx2. We have 52 officers on board which makes us 2nd in the entire fleet for the highest roster number. And due to this amazing growth since the Commodore and I have taken over, Flight Officer Kessler has decided to open Wing II of the SSD Avenger once we reach 54 pilots! This is an amazing accomplishment and one that makes me very proud to be a part of.

Next up, the talent we have aboard the ship is simply astounding. Some of the best TIE/XVT/XWA pilots are aboard. Major Smitroc is an extreme graphics "guru". And we have some great fiction writers as well. Quite simply, due to Commodore Firefox's vision of a multiplatform ship, our diversity attracts many talents. Activity, which is the heart and soul of the Emperor's Hammer, is exemplary and I would like to mention that rewards for service on the SSD Avenger are simply the best in the fleet (in my opinion). Internal and external competitions abound and "winners", i.e. Officer's that come in 1st, 2nd, 3rd place, are rewarded with medals frequently. The website for the SSD Avenger is located at the following location:

If you wish to join in the exciting escapades of this Super Star Destroyer and wish to have the opportunity to gain promotions and medals that would rival even the Lord Darth Vader's flagship, then send an email to

WC-COOA/COL Shups/Avenger Wing I/SSD Avenger