There have been some major events in the TIE Corps since the last issue of Battlecry was released.  We reached 1200 members, then hit 1300 without pausing for breath.  Exercise Imperial Storm concluded, giving our XWA capable members a taste of a more strategic aspect to multiplayer gaming.
We have some big plans for Imperial Storm II, which the newly opened Fleet Naval Corps will be testing out for us.  Rules additions including Ship Boarding and Capture Operations, and joint operations with the Hammer's Fist for Ground Assaults to capture enemy territory will all be implemented when ImpStorm II rolls around, and the Naval Corps will the guys who get the pleasure of playing it all first to make sure it works.

Speaking of the Naval Corps, it's coming along very nicely.  As with any new group, things were a little chaotic at first, as our new Warship captains all settled in and decided how they wanted their naval Careers to develop - as a pilot, a tactician or a strategist.  True to form, it looks like the Corellian Gunship Squadrons are filling up first, for some reason everyone wants to be captain of a Gunship.  Must be a firepower thing :)

But enough time-wasting.  Time to announce the winner of the TIE Corps Commander's Citation for May.  Just as a note, in future, this award will be open to Naval Corps Task Forces as well, since they come under the command of the TIE Corps Commander too.

I made the big mistake of asking all Wing Commanders and Commodores to tell me why I should award their Wings with the Citation this month.  I almost wish I'd never asked, as the replies made the choice extremely difficult. Honourable mention must be given to the ISD Grey Wolf, for their staggering performance in Vice Admiral Priyum's ASF Contest, but they didn't quite win the TCCOM's Award.  The SSD Avenger put in a VERY impressive bid to regain their title, as did Wing VIII with insane amounts of BSF submissions, but as they say in Highlander, there can be only One.  Therefore I'm proud to announce that the winners of the TIE Corps Commander's Citation for May, are:

Wing XI, Imperial Star Destroyer Immortal, TIE Corps Battlegroups.

The officers and crew of the Immortal are definitely becoming a force to be reckoned with in the Battlegroups.  It's impossible to stop them from posting on the Message Boards, and they recently took on and beat two other Wings in contest organised by the Commodore - Vice Admiral Marc.  They've always been handicapped in the Battlegroups by virtue of their being a single-player XWA Wing in the middle of a TIE Battlegroup, but this hasn't even remotely slowed down their activity.  My congratulations to VA
Theodore, VA Marc, MAJ Adrenaline and all the crew of Wing XI.

Until the next issue, watch your six!

Fleet Admiral Kyle Kessler
TCCOM-FO/FA Kyle Kessler/CS-4/SSSD Sovereign
MoH/IC/GOE/GSx2/SSx4/BSx7/PCx2/ISMx10/MoI-DC/ISx3/LoC-PSx34/OV-2E [GALL]