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Colonel Shups, Wing Commander of the SSD Avenger

LCM Shadowhawk (SH) of Butcher squadron, interviews the Wing Commander of the SSD Avenger for the Tie Corps BattleCry Newsletter.

SH: Colonel Shups, what exactly does a Wing Commander do?

Shups: Well, I am sure you are familiar with the Training Manual and the Fleet Standing Orders so I won't bore you with those points. Besides those basic things, the position is really what you make it. A WC really holds the key to activity for a ship in his/her hands. I take the position to be like a coach of a football team, while the Commodore is akin to the owner of the team. A coach's responsibility is to set up his players in the best possible position to win. Thus I try to get to know everyone in the wing and find out what they like to do. Then I can encourage them to participate in those things that they enjoy, setting up competitions and the like for everyone. Also, I feel another major part of being a WC is making sure that medals and promotions are handed out fairly to ensure activity.

SH: How long have you held your current position?

Shups: I became a WC on December 8, 1999.

SH: Do you enjoy it?

Shups: Absolutely. At times it can be quite frustrating and depressing. Despite your best efforts things may not change, but the good times overcome the bad with ease.

SH: Your motto is "Keeping the Talent Happy". Can you explain that?

Shups: The motto is my real life philosophy in my job. I appreciate those who are talented, and I try to keep them as HAPPY as possible. Happy people are fun to be around and I like to see them having fun doing what they are talented at. :)

SH: How are commanders chosen in the TIE Corps?

Shups: Is this a loaded question? :P Seriously, I think it differs ship to ship. On the Avenger, I give precedence to pilots in the squadron that is lacking a CMDR first. From there, I look at those from the wing who apply. After that, I look at the applicants from the TC as a whole. To me the application email is very important. If an Officer applies for a CMDR position on the Avenger, I expect a serious and detailed application for the spot. Obviously their ideas and plans for the squad are deeply considered.

SH: How does a commander affect the members of a squadron?

Shups: Nice tie-in with the last question! :) Commanders are vital to the success of any Wing. Any "good" squadron commander knows how intense it can be at times to manage a single squadron. It would be virtually impossible for a WC to run six of them! Good CMDR's are hard to find and are truly a "pot 'o gold" for a WC. CMDRs are the direct link for FMs and FLs to enjoy success in the Tie Corps.

SH: How is one successful in the TIE Corps?

Shups: It depends completely on what an Officer's goals are. I advise anyone to look at why they joined the Tie Corps to determine that. Above all having fun is the key to success.

SH: How do you have fun in the Tie Corps?

Shups: I really view the TC as an extension of the game TIE fighter. Back when it came out a friend of mine and I took turns playing each mission. We didn't have much time to devote to it, so it took a few months to get through. During that time, we talked about strategy and just the overall fun we were having. If one of us were promoted in the game or given a medal, we practically threw a party! :P The TC is exactly like this except on a much grander scale. Here you have many opportunities to do whatever it is you enjoy, get rewarded it for it, and have your comrades share in the excitement of your successes. I love to fly XvT and when OR nights had tons of Rebels showing up, there was simply no greater thrill for me than helping us to achieve a victory there. Nowadays, I really am enjoying helping other pilots to have a great time in the TC. IRC and ICQ are really invaluable tools for me to help others.

SH: What qualities do you look for in SSD Avenger pilots?

Shups: Activity and a good attitude. Few things irk me more than an Officer who lacks in one of these.

SH: What does dual membership in the Dark Brotherhood mean?

Shups: Ahh, yes. To be on the roster for the SSD Avenger you must be a member of the DB. This is because we are the "OFFICIAL" flagship for the Dark Brotherhood. Usually, members here are Sith in the DB, but not always.

SH: Would you please talk about what it means to be Sith?

Shups: The Sith of the Dark Brotherhood is yet another way for members of the Emperor's Hammer to have fun. Sith engage in flying against the enemies of the Dark Side of the force and sometimes even against other Sith. Being a Dark jedi is really a great experience and building your own lightsaber after many flying combats is really cool! :)

SH: What do you consider to be your biggest accomplishment so far?

Shups: That is a tough question. I was elated to receive the Grand Order of the Emperor. Achieving WC and the rank of Colonel are also up there on the list. Building up Crusader squadron on the Grey Wolf is too. But, I feel my best accomplishment so so far has been helping to make Wing I of the Avenger a very fun place to be.

SH: The SSD Avenger recently was awarded the TCCOM award? What is it?

Shups: Ooops! I forgot to include this in the above question. :( FO Kessler awards this to the best wing in the TC each month. The pilots aboard achieved this for April by setting an unprecedented record of 176 BSFs for one month.

SH: What do you think of the Imperial Storm exercise?

Shups: I am enjoying it, but I am biased just a bit because of our success. We may not win due to the Red team running, err I mean evading us, but it has been fun. I expect to see the Avenger using this style of competition in the future with other ships.

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