Welcome to Issue # 3 of the battlecry.  With his hands full reorganizing the Corporate Division, AD Ricaud has left the staff and I, as the new Battlegroups Commander, have assumed the reigns.

We have quite a bit of material for you this month and hope you all continue to enjoy this publication.  Each officer of the Tie Corps is or should be integral to the success of the club.  So thank you to all who have submitted materials or have inspired others to submit to make this publication worth reading...

I have not changed the graphical components of the magazine...though I make no promises of the future.  Now is now time for changes.  I want to thank our Competition Coordinator Vice Admiral Sauron, for preparing the competition for April and May.  You all should be excited about the opportunity to fly the excellent missions he has created.  This competition will grow in importance as the month passes on. Because of my ascension to the ranks of Editor, I will not be moderating the Monthly debate, but have invited people to apply for the position.  In this issue, several submission were made and the best of them summarizes the March debate: How will the Navy affect the Tie Corps?

Anyhow, on with the magazine, and it's another good month, with a nice round-out of submissions: all the usual ... fiction, interviews, comedy, debates, etc. Now we arrive at my favorite part of the proceedings ... you can always rest safe in the knowledge that every submission to the battlecry gets read or analyzed, even if it doesn't make it into the final magazine. Of course, out of all these, some will be declared the "best" submissions. And so they are:

Graphics - FL/LCM Ixion Deathbringer/Nun 2-1/Wing V/SSSD Sovereign - A Palpatine Crescent for uniforms? Just as AD Ricaud found it necessary to award an ISM last month, I find the amount of work that went into creating the Uniforms for all Imperators of the FCHG, warrants recognition for the continued exceptional work of  LCM Deathbringer...

Features - Interview with SA "Pappy" Renegade (ret.) by FL/LCM Dall Star/Omicron 2-1/Wing VIII/ISD Colossus - Not only is this interview a "Recommended Read," it really is a MUST Read for all members of the Emperor's Hammer.  Over the last month, many have spoken with admiration of Pappy and have wished him the best in his retirement.  This interview does an excellent job of introducing those who did not have the chance to actually meet Pappy to one of the reasons this Club is where it is today.

And so, with Pappy's Interview receiving the Editor's Recommended Read award, and Lieutenant Commander Dall Star bestowed with a Bronze Star of the Empire, I will now leave you in peace to enjoy the rather fabulous Battlecry, Magazine of the TIE Corps ...

Vice Admiral Theodore
Editor, Battlecry Magazine

Editor ....................................... Vice Admiral Theodore
Competition Co-ordinator ....... Vice Admiral Sauron
Staff Writer(s) ..........................TBA