From: FL/LCM Dall Star

To: Battlecry

Good day, my dear readers. Today I'm going to make an interview with man who devote five years of his life to the Emperor's Hammer and Tie Corps, man who changed appearance of our fleet. SA "Pappy" Renegade (ret.)

He started in March 1995 as a FM in Delta squadron, was transferred to Iota squadron as a FL and then became the Iota CMDR, was asked by GA Ronin to become the Hammer's Executive Officer, which he accepted, unfortunately medical problem prevailed after several months and he had to give up the position as XO. He was the first MOFF in the EH, he founded the Infiltrator Wing and the Imperial Weapons and Tactics School. He was the first COM of the IW, which incidentally far surpassed his wildest dreams. Due to treason he was considered dead and took a lot of time to convince everybody including the GA that he was alive and kicking. He, again, took over the IW and built it up, earning the title of EH Rebel Tactics Officer, given for life by GA Ronin.

He was an FA in the TC but wanted to become a CMDR again so he gave up his rank and became CMDR of Lamed squadron, then WC of Wing X on the Challenge and then her COM. He retired to the reserves because of the medical problems after Chadar Operation. When got better he came out of the reserves and reentered the TC as a COL in Mu squadron \ Wing VIII where he served until 25 March when he decided to retire.

He is also a Dark Adept and Quaestor of House Tridens of Tarentum. His ID line is approximately fourfold longer than mine and his history is real impressive.

Some members called him a legend in EH and a hero but he prefers to be remembered as "Just a member who loves the EH".

Oh, well, he is approaching - this is one of the last his days on Colossus, in Wednesday Omicron Flight 2 will escort him to the Phare system. Well, last stroke to smooth my uniform and...


LCM Star: Sir, good day sir. I am Lieutenant Commander Dall Star form Omicron Squadron. May I take some of your valuable time, sir? I would like to interview with you for Battlecry issue #3, sir.

COL Renegade: I would be glad to answer any of your questions.

LCM Star: Thank you, sir. Let me ask you the first question: How it is all started? I mean how did you became member of EH and Tie Corps?

COL Renegade: I had just gotten the Internet and was surfing and checking it out. I was looking for custom X-wing and Tie fighter missions to play and came across a link to a new Star Wars club opening up. I checked it out. The EH was only on AOL at the time. I checked it out but took me 4 weeks to meet the entrance requirements. I applied and was assigned as a FM in Delta squadron. My first EH assignment.

LCM Star: Well, this is interesting... Can you tell me how many members were in TC when you joined it, sir?

COL Renegade: I remember it was not very many at the time. The EH was formed in Jan or Feb of the 1995 and I joined in March. The NL's were being put out once a week and I was place on the roster in NL-9.

LCM Star: Can you explain the phenomenon of constant growth of TC and related sub-groups?

COL Renegade: I wish I could explain the popularity. I know for myself, I found a club that was very well organized and it is in tune with keeping up with the times. I was in the Rebel squadrons for a while, it was being run as a committee, and it failed. Although the EH is a "dictatorship", it is setup that every member has a voice in what they want and the upper echelon takes this into when developing the various functions of the club. I feel the EH does offer something for every member in the various sub-groups more than just flying Ties and completing missions. The various CMDR's very well run it, WC's CO's and ect. I think a member likes to have organization and know that their hard work will be rewarded which it is in the EH.

LCM Star: Well, when you joined you were just sub-lieutenant, fresh pilot after training on Daedalus. We know that you were assigned to Delta Squadron as common Flight Member but soon you became the Executive Officer. Can you describe us the way you went to achieve this?

COL Renegade: I was only a FM in Delta squad. The EH was growing so fast with so many new pilots coming in the opportunity for promotion was very great. I went to Iota as a FL and then became the CMDR. Those that were serious about the club were moving up very fast to make room for the new recruits. The XO at the time was AD Adams who disappeared, and since I was very active, I guess GA Ronin felt I could do a good job and sent me an e-mail saying he had thought I would have what it took to become XO. I believe I was the 3rd XO.

LCM Star: You are founder of Infiltrator Wing and Imperial Weapon and Tactics School. Can you explain us what substantiated you to create them?

COL Renegade: I noticed that the EH was only a club for Tie pilots and since there were so many people joining the many rebel clubs and then finding them to fail, why not form a part of the EH so those pilots who only owned the X-wing game would have a stable club environment in which they could fly and have fun doing it. I formed IWATS for the same reason, the manual that comes with the games are good but IWATS could expand upon that. I wrote a tactics manual, formed a few questions for the pilots to answer, thus given them a little more knowledge in how to fly the mission a little better. Both have far surpassed my dream of what they should be and became even greater.

LCM Star: I heard that there were some problems with Infiltrator Wing some times ago...

COL Renegade: Ah yeah.... There were a few, there have been a few IW-COMS who let it go to their heads that since the IW was in all respects an Imperial rebel club and they tried to be rebels and defect. It the nature of the sub-group to be a little rebellious. However, due to the structure of the EH, the IW had the checks and balances of the EH to get rid of troublemakers and replace COMs until a loyal officer was placed in command. There was talk of moving the IW into to the Tie Corp as a wing. I know I personally sent many e-mails to the GA and all concerned to keep the IW as a sub-group. Due to the checks and balances, it has remained so.

LCM Star: I suppose it was hard experience!

COL Renegade: I did have a few discussions with the GA about it, he was a little reluctant at first, but I persisted and got the IW started.

LCM Star: I know you and your family are closely related with the EH and TC. How many members of your family are members of TC?

COL Renegade: My wife had joined the TC in 1995 and was the first medical officer of the EH, she was a real life nurse. I lost her to cancer later in the year and she was the first woman to earn a Medal of Honor in the EH. I remarried and my wife then joined the IW as a CMDR and my 2 daughters are now members and doing very well in the EH. CPT Dontal is a FL in Beta squadron and my youngest CPT Vexen is doing very well in Typhoon squadron. None of my other 3 daughters expresses an interest in Star Wars.

LCM Star: That is impressive! You will surely hand down them all your experiences in EH, sir. How do you think, can we talk about the young generations of "Colonel's Renegades"?

COL Renegade: I don't know if you could call them the Colonel's renegades although they act like it sometimes, but they like all other young members of the EH are learning what it is like to be responsible, and carry out their duties and get some command experience for those in command positions, also learn teamwork and how to work together to accomplish their goals. The pilots also get to interact with others with similar likes and ideas and have fun doing it.

LCM Star: I understand. Let us talk about some history. Can you describe us your standard day of duty as Executive Officer?

COL Renegade: When the GA promoted me to XO, the EH was still in its infancy and there were many growing pains, various ideas were being tried and we were working on making things better. A typical day would be to answer e-mail and carry out the polices and orders of the GA and make sure that the membership was informed as to what was taking place, I accepted all newsletter submissions for the GA to place in the NL, settled a few disputes between several pilot who had problems. We did not have the INQ's then. I had the unfortunate duty to Court-Marshall a few pilots. Thinks were changing very rapidly back then.

LCM Star: As we know you have resigned from those post, sir. You achieved rank of FA but you give it up and become squadron Commander again, what were your reasons?

COL Renegade: I made the rank of FA when I was promoted to XO. And I was an FA during my reign as IW-COM, I semi-retired as an FA but I want to command a squadron again, I reentered the TC as a general and was CMDR of lamed squadron, the ISD Challenge need a WC so I transferred to the Challenge as the WC, the COM went on to become Grand Master of the DB. I was promoted to RA and became the Challenge’s COM. I gave up the position because of medical problems. Problem solved and I wanted to fly again so I came back into the TC as a COL and was placed as a FM in Mu aboard the Colossus. Being an admiral rank almost prevents a pilot from flying because they have so much to do with running their ship or command duties. I wanted to fly so took the rank reduction.

LCM Star: It was very good decision, sir. Many pilots still mention times when you were Squadron, Wing Commander and Commodore on ISD Challenge with tune of nostalgia. What is your recipe for keeping squadron and wing satisfied under your command?

COL Renegade: First you have to treat the pilots under your command as people and respect them as much as you need to have their respect. If a pilot is messing up then I contacted the pilot in private and asked what would help them solve the problem. I never belittled a pilot in public or private. I never asked my pilots to do anything I was not capable or willing to do my self. I gave them public praise and rewarded their hard work with rewards and promotions. Also recognizing that some had command potential and recommending them for higher positions.

LCM Star: But those good days have past quick and you were forced to become simple Flight Member in Mu on ISD Colossus. I heard that you were transferred there to prevent ship from closing. Can you explain us the reasons 'cause of that ship was planned to close?

COL Renegade: I do not know if I was transferred to the Colossus to help prevent it from closing. There were already pilots on the Colossus, and it was more WC Theo and COM Ari as well as the CMDR's and the existing pilots who turned the Colossus around. I was only one pilot on the team. It took all of the pilots and command officers to turn things around. A ship either comes together as a team or they fail. The Colossus pilots refused to fail. I am glad I was a small part of it. Perhaps my experience had a small part.

LCM Star: And now ISD Colossus is one of the most active ships in entire fleet. I suppose that was partly your merit, sir.

COL Renegade: Like I said in the last question, it took all the Colossus pilots working together to make it great. One man can only do so much, many men can accomplish many things.

LCM Star: It seems that helping in restore ISD Colossus morale was your last assignment, sir. Now you are leaving us, as you said, for good. I suppose that it is related with events in Desert Storm, am I right?

COL Renegade: Well yes, you are right. I was in the military service of the United States as a navy officer and pilot. My job was to save lives as a Search and Rescue pilot, I flew helicopters into the battle zone to pick up wounded men or rescue pilots who were shot down. I never tried to take life unless it was to protect the men I was rescuing or my crew-mates. I was flying to rescue a British pilot who had been shot down and was shot down myself, giving me massive injuries and wounds. I did lose both legs and sight in one eye as well as partial use of one of my arms. I do not feel handicapped. I am only a little slowed down. Some things I cannot do but that does not keep me from doing some of the things I enjoy. I still suffer from some of my injuries. Right now, I must take a rest and take it easy upon the advice of my doctors. I am not able to fulfill my duties with the vigor that I need to be 100% effective. I refuse to keep doing a job that I cannot do 100% so I leave my duties so a pilot who is more capable of carrying on the duties. If someone can only give a portion of time that a job needs then those depending on him do not get what they need. This then takes away from them. I do not feel I can be effective at this point and time and since I have 5 years EH, I thought this would be a good time to retire.

LCM Star: Let me quote you "I do not consider myself as a Star of the Empire. I am just a member who loves the EH." Does not the statement make you a star of the EH.

COL Renegade: No, I do not think so. There are hundreds of others who feel the same way I do. This makes all of us stars. I like so many others joined to have fun in the Star Wars universe. Some joined to fly their fighters, some joined to have fun and learn about the ways of the Force, some just joined to seek friends with similar interests. Just because I was a good pilot there are other better pilots out there in the EH. Some have the talent to write excellent fiction or design excellent Web Pages or what ever else. They would be "stars" in their own field of experience.

LCM Star: You were with TC almost from beginning. What can you tell about it's future?

COL Renegade: I see the EH getting more and more popular, not only with the TC but with the other sub-groups but since I was a pilot I will concentrate on the TC. I am glad to se that the EH has worldwide popularity. I am from the US, you are from Poland, and some are from almost every country in the world. We all share a common goal. Star Wars. In five years I have seen the EH grow so fast that it is scary. Who knew that 5 years ago a small club who’s goal was to give Tie pilots a chance to share in the experience, now it is in the far corners of the globe. New game platforms are coming out to be involved in. New technology is making the gaming experience even more fun and the EH is able to keep up with it. Other clubs that cannot keep up die. There is nothing but growth in store for the EH because they can keep up.

LCM Star: All knows that you are going to inhabit in your estate on planet Sif. Can you tell me do you plan to go back to EH in future, do not you think that you are EH-addicted? As we know - true love never dies...

COL Renegade: I will be around the EH in a small capacity. I will not accept many duties though. I will leave it up to my daughters to do the flying. I plan on checking the EH domain from time to time to see what is going on. I just do not think I will be back on active duty. I have been in service in the EH and in real life for more than half of my life. I have made many, many friends in the EH and like to keep in touch with them.

LCM Star: Well, best luck to you, sir. Moreover, my last request - Your one sentence to new member of EH, to someone like me, sir.

COL Renegade: My best advice I could give someone in the EH is "This is your club, it is only as good as you want to make it. Work hard and well and the rewards will be yours. Seek out the part of the club you are good at and try to make it better. Work with your fellow members as a team. And most important of all is - Have fun while you are doing it."

LCM Star: Ardent thanks, sir! It was real honor for me to have ability to talk with you, sir. Tomorrow, my pilots and me will escort you to Phare system, sir! I request permission to dismiss!

COL Renegade: Thank you Sir, the pleasure was mine.

Well, he went to Cantina – there is farewell banquet in his honor hosted by Wing VIII. He was great member of our community and we will miss him much. But this is the way of force...

From deck of ISD Colossus reported LCM Dall Star...


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