From the Desk of Fleet Admiral Kessler

Issue Three rolls around for publication and the magazine still appears to
be going strong.  I must admit that I was worried about finding a
replacement Editor now that Admiral Ricaud has become Corporate Division
PREX, but it seems my fears were groundless.  Vice Admiral Theodore appears
to be doing an excellent job, so we can look forward to "Battlecry" becoming
a regular monthly feature.

It's customary for me to announce the winner of the TIE Corps Commander's
Citation here, and far be it for me to ignore tradition, so it gives me
great pleasure to announce that the winners of the TCCOM's Citation for
March 2000 are Wing II of the SSSD Sovereign.
  General Gallow's Roughnecks
aren't the most well-disciplined crew of malcontents in the Fleet, but what
they lack in respect they make up for in spirit!  Some of their most
notorious pilots (whose names I won't mention here for fear of inflating
their egos even further) are famous throughout the entire Fleet, and if
there were a prize for team spirit, Wing II would win it hands down.  There
are other Wings who share this attribute, but Wing II do it as if they're
out for revenge.  Reviewing Weekly Squadron Reports and monthly Squadron
Evaluations isn't the most exciting of my duties, but I actually look
forward to reading the ones from Wing II.  They might not have much to say,
but they certainly do it with a good sense of humour.  So my thanks go to
Wing II for proving that there's more to the TIE Corps than flying a bunch
of battles.  Comradeship and fun are part of the equation too.

Until next month, keep your trigger finger ready.

Fleet Admiral Kyle Kessler
TCCOM-FO/FA Kyle Kessler/CS-4/SSSD Sovereign
IC/GOE/GSx2/SSx4/BSx7/PCx2/ISMx10/MoI-DC/ISx3/LoC-PSx33/OV-2E [CAVL]