SSSD Sovereign

  • Wing I
  • Wing II
  • Wing III
  • Wing IV
  • Wing V
  • Wing VI

TIE Corps Battlegroups

  • ISD Colossus
  • ISD Relentless
  • ISD Challenge
  • ISD Immortal
* ISD Colossus/Wing VIII
Wing VIII has not lost a step with my departure form their ranks.  The pilots of the Colossus continue to demonstrate outstanding communication and activity.  They opened Omicron squadron last month and, if their recruiting continues on its current pace, they will open their final squadron soon.
* ISD Relentless/Wing IX
Wing IX has had some changes in their CMDRs and has banded together to put their recent past behind them.  The result is a ship which has increased its communication, activity, and organization.  The Relentless is a resilient ship who is on a quest to be on top.  With the leadership in place, expect the Rel to continue its high activity and impressive gains.
* ISD Challenge/Wing X
Being on the Challenge has been an interesting experience for me.  I have served on the Colossus and the Relentless, but have always heard the stories of the Challenge.  Those who may doubt my belief that communication and closeness are keys to a successful ship only need spend a short time on the Challenge.  Wing X is a close-nit group of pilots who regularly meet and stay in touch.  They share their skills with one another and continue to prove they deserve to be the Flag Ship of the Battlegroups on a daily basis.  In small recognition of the successes of the Chal and my personal desire to spread the  success of the Chal, I have appointed the Chal COM, RA Corran Force, as the Battlegroup High Command Chief of Staff.   CoFo and I will work in close concert to achieve the goals I have set forth above.
* ISD Immortal/Wing XI
The Immortal is sometimes seen as the forgotten ship of the Battlegroups.  As our only XWA wing, Wing XI does not always have the opportunity to compete in the same way as does the rest of the Battlegroups.  I am working on ways to change that.  All Battlegroups competitions, from now on, will have provisions to increase the opportunities for the Immortal.  She is a ship with exceptional leadership and high activity.  The skills of the pilots on the Immortal would AND WILL astound the pilots of the remainder of the Battlegroups.  As we work to bring the Battlegroups closer, expect the unexpected from the Immortal....

*****before I make the monthly presentations, I would like to put forth a request for appropriate award-graphics for presentation to future winners... The graphics should be suitable for posting on squad or ship trophy rooms.... I would like submissions ( PRIOR to April 30, 2000 and will award medals as appropriate***********

* Pilot of the Month - FM/LCM Taf'ron Daro/Sword 1-2/Wing IX/ISD Relentless
Taf'ron has been extremely helpful to Commander Fortis over the last month.  Not only has he flown a bunch of missions, but he has continually presented his CMDR with ideas for interesting competitions.  He has been communicative and has encouraged his fellow Sword pilots to continue their training in various IWATS Courses.  Taf'ron has led by example and for that he has earned this award.  Congratulations, Lieutenant Commander, you've earned yourself a Palpatine Crescent!

* CMDR of the Month - CMDR/CM Devlin/Omicron/Wing VIII/ISD Colossus
Early in the year the Colossus faced a real challenge....numbers and activity were down and another squadron or two were potentially being closed.  Continuing the astonishing turn-around, last month, Wing VIII opened the long-inactivated Omicron Squadron and appointed Commander Devlin to head the new squad.  A veteran of the Colossus, Devlin was excited and energetic to take command, and take command he did !  Devlin has built the squad to 8 pilots and achieved 100% participation in CR #6.  His pilots are active and communicative and are taking Wing VIII by storm.  Good work, Commander!

* Squadron of the Month - Omicron Squadron/Wing VIII/ISD Colossus
No, I'm not kidding...of all recommendations made by the Flag Officers, Omicron stood clearly above all others.  Having started from scratch, Omicron has built itself quickly into one of the finest squads in the Battlegroups.  Omicron survived the loss of one whole flight early in the month and has built itself to 8 quality pilots.  As noted, above, they achieved 100% participation in CR #6 and are as communicative and active as any squad in the Battlegroups.  Congratulations, Omicron ... wear this accolade with pride, all of you ... because you've certainly earned it.
That's all for now.....go have fun

BGCOM-Legal/VA Theodore/Battlegroups
GS/BSx3/PC/ISMx16/MoT-ghx2/LoCx3/MoC-7BoC/CoL [DRAG]
ICQ #9854862

Aggressor Strike Force

  • ISD Grey Wolf
  • ISD Intrepid
  • ISD Vanguard
Thanks to the efforts of MAJ Raith, we now have our official channel, #EH_ASF. The following will get axs in there:
COMs - 300
WCs - 175
CMDRs - 75

If you're one of those people, and you don't yet have your access sorted, get either myself or MAJ Raith to do it if you see us on IRC :)

Also - after an incident in the channel yesterday, I'm forced remind you ALL that #EH_ASF is an official EH channel - you must obey the Codes of Conduct (, Articles of War ( and Bylaws ( They're there for you own benefit, so please be sure to stick to them...
- Thanks to WC/COL Khaine, the ASF has a new patch for your uniforms. The images can be found from a link in my office at
They're excellent graphics, and COL Khaine has been awarded a Palpatine's Crescent for his great work.
- After a while of searching, we've found our new Vanguard Commodore...please congratulate COM/RA Blade ( on his new appointment!!
Rear Admiral Blade was the former Wing XI, and has a lot to offer to the Vanguard and the ASF. Please make him feel welcome :)
- The details of the new Aggressor Strike Force competition that you've all been hearing so much about have been finalised and posted in the War Room ( The competition start on April 16th and runs until May 21st, a total of six weeks. This may seem like a long while, but it ensures that everyone has enough time to take part and work on their submissions. Please send all entries to me zipped, and with ASF Comp in the subject so that I know what it is.
- The TO's Office has moved again to Please be sure to make note of this.
- Finally, from next Monday, and until Friday I'll be away on leave. Please continue sending me your emails and I'll catch up with them all by the end of next weekend.

Until then, have a good week! :)

Vice Admiral Priyum