"Will the new Naval Corps affect the Tie Corps and how?"

In the beginning of the debate, the TIE Corps had only just found out about the new Naval Corps, which is to appear at the end of Operation Imperial Storm, catering for strategy fans using Project Faithful. 

The plans state that the Naval Corps will become a part of the TIE Corps, probably as another Battlegroup. Does this mean a complete reorganization of the TIE Corps? Will people move from the TIE Corps to join the Navy, making our numbers drop? Who will outrank whom? These are all points that were discussed in the debate, from worried members unsure about this new proposal. Most of these points came from CM Mini Minkus, but the main point Minkus came up with was, “Why do we need the Naval Corps?” FO Kessler was also at hand to defend the Naval Corps, handing out information left, right and center, to help people understand why the Naval Corps are coming. But, what is the point of the Navy? To answer that question CM IQ Pierce points out, quite obviously, “What is the purpose of all Video Games?” There isn’t one, apart from just…fun! 

The debate did drift off from the main subject. Instead of focusing on how the TIE Corps will be affected, it went into why the Navy is being made, and answering questions about the Naval Corps. For now, I’ll just write about how the TIE corps will be affected, but I will come back to this towards the end. The main way that the Naval Corps could affect the TIE Corps, is that people could move from one to the other, making the TIE Corps numbers drop. Kessler did explain this though, saying that that is not a problem at all. If a lot of people want to join the Naval Corps, instead of the Tie Corps, then is that a good enough reason to not open it? Should we not give the people a chance to do what they want to do? Is the Naval Corps not going to be a part of the TIE Corps anyway? Would it be selfish of us, as TIE Corps members, to not give the others a chance to do what they want to do? Sure, the rosters for each wing may not be as large, and the closed Wings may not be opened because of a lack of members, but the Naval Corps will make up for that by bring more members in total to the TIE Corps. FO Kessler also says that it is going to be just like an EH sub-group, just under the Tie Corps command. While it is against the EH rules to be in both groups at the same time, there are ways around this. It will be entirely possible to create a clone version of yourself to join both groups, just as people do to join the other sub-groups, if you think that you can handle it. All you have to do is get another e-mail address (trust me, from experience, you need separate addresses anyway to work out which mails are from which groups). As for the other questions I noted earlier, will the TIE Corps be reorganized? No, it will just have the Navy bolted onto the group as a Battlegroup, just like the ASF. Who will outrank whom? It’s tough to say right now, as the positions and ranks haven’t been sorted out yet, but it will be decided by position rather than rank, so a CRV Captain would be the equivalent of a FM LT. As you can see though, instead of a debate, it turned into a fact-finding mission. People were more fearful of the Naval Corps though a lack of knowledge, rather than a real threat. People were sprouting out misconceptions throughout, which had to be explained. Why is this? Simple… The Naval Corps hasn’t been sorted out yet, and is possibly months away from completion. It’s very hard to know about something if the people creating it don’t even know yet. The information about the Naval Corps was leaked out too early, to hype people up about it, but instead it brought misconceptions and confusion. It is my belief that we should have been told when the details had been finalized, and our questions could have been easier answered. Okay, that last paragraph may have included too much of my own opinion than a report of this type should have, unless you get my point. I’m explaining that I have no opinion at all. Really!!! I have always thought that no one should have a strong opinion unless they know all the facts (that sound more reporter like) and we do not know all the facts. It is my suggestion that we wait until the rumors and misconceptions have gone, and then decide upon if the Naval Corps will affect the TIE Corps. It may, and then again may not, only time will tell. 

Article written by FL/CM Werdna Elbee/Beth 2-1/Wing III/SSSD Sovereign

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