I got this mail the other day...


I don't even know if you have a place for something like this, but this was the funniest thing I have ever seen on IRC

<RA_Weasel> whats the Colossus's channel ?
<PRAEStarn> isd_Colossus
<RA_Weasel> #isd_Colossus
<RA_Weasel> couldn`t give me a # ? :P
<PRAEStarn> hehe
<PRAEStarn> man you are lazy
<RA_Weasel> I'm a COM
<RA_Weasel> its my job to be lazy

I don't know...I found it funny. If you have a spot great. If not, that's ok.

Thanks for your time,

CMDR/CPT Zorn Starn/Praetorian/DGN Lichtor V
BSx4/PCx5/ISMx13/MoT-1rh/LoC/CoL/CoB/OV [EXCR] {IWATS-SM/2} I though, why not!!! Let's make an IRC section where people can send in funny things they have heard, or preferably said themselves. Luckily, I keep automatic logs, so I have kept some of my conversations as log files. You can read the particularly funny ones here...

Werdna IRC Logs I

Werdna IRC Logs II

Werdna IRC Logs III

Werdna IRC Logs IV

If you hear anything funny, send the log file to me at and I'll have them published in the next issue. For more details on submitting, go HERE