Who's Prince?:
<MindB_ndr> can you do the kind of stuff that only Prince would sing about?
<M`> i can do it all >:P
<Miack> who /
<Werdna_LB> I dunno, I don't listen to Prince
<MindB_ndr> heheh
<Miack> whos prince ????
<Werdna_LB> Prince charles?
<M`> you mean TAFKAP?
<ACMDRGavi> lol
<MindB_ndr> love - the kind you clean up with a mop and bucket.
<Werdna_LB> i can see how that line could work
* Miack is gonna kill prince cause he sounds crap
* ACMDRGavi is going to help Miack
<MindB_ndr> like the lost catacombs of egypt - only god knows where we stuck it:)

*** CG-FOOD is now known as CGv2000
* Werdna_LB thinks that CG sounds more futuristic now, coz of the 2000
*** Miack is now known as Miack2000
*** Werdna_LB is now known as LB_2000
<Miack2000> hehe
*** MindB_ndr is now known as MindB2000
*** M` is now known as Mell2000
<Mell2000> :P
<MindB2000> "The PeaceMaker 2000"....
*** Staneth has quit IRC (Leaving)
<Miack2000> "the Destroyer 2000"
<Mell2000> Mell - the darkness bringer 2000
<Miack2000> lol
<MindB2000> "The Equaliser 2000"
<LB_2000> I feel like a brand new vacuum cleaner now...
<MindB2000> heheh
<Miack2000> hehe
<LB_2000> ...but I'll wait until later :o)
<Mairin> lol.
<Mell2000> no sucking in channel LB :P
<MindB2000> you can do my room if you want
<Miack2000> "The new Appliance 2000"
<LB_2000> no...i'm not going to the ER again
<MindB2000> "Hail the Appliance!"
<Mell2000> lol
* Miack2000 bows
* LB_2000 bows down
* LB_2000 wonders when he can get back up again
* Miack2000 hails the Gold Toaster of the EH
* Mairin cuddles mell.
<MindB2000> when you've finished the floor ofcourse
<MindB2000> or when kess comes in....
<Miack2000> We're not worthy
* WildKat cuddles Mell too
<MindB2000> ...better not get caufght bending over then:)
* Mell2000 feels like Richard Blackwood :P
<Mairin> lol.
<Mell2000> whose da man :P
<Mell2000> 'hey Mell we love you all day, check you everydayin IRC' :P
<Miack2000> Shaft !!
* WildKat gives Mell Rose to cuddle
* Mell2000 cradles rose and smiles
* Mairin cuddles up to Mell and tickles Rosie under the chin.
<MindB2000> there was a god.....
* WildKat notes the real Rose is asleep in her swing snoring
<MindB2000> ...and another god who controlled the sea....
<Miack2000> er....MinBender what you on about ?
<MindB2000> ...got killed by 10 million pounds of sludge from newark and newjersey
<LB_2000> ...can I get up yet?
* MindB2000 points out some more dust in the corner....
* Miack2000 gets up and raids the booze supplie
<MindB2000> no LB you can't yet:)
<LB_2000> tell me when
<MindB2000> get that spopt first:)
<MindB2000> spot*
* Miack2000 gives drinks out to the people in the 2000 Cult
<MindB2000> thx:)
<CGv2000> how often is Turt actually here?
<MindB2000> ...if man is 5....
<MindB2000> ..and the devil is 6....
<MindB2000> ...and if the devil 6....
<Mell2000> i must be 4 :)
<MindB2000> ..then god is 7
* Miack2000 is 9
<Mell2000> my lucky number is 9
* MindB2000 explains that's he has been playing doolittle\Pixies - Monkey go to heaven.mp3:)
<MindB2000> weird text:)
<LB_2000> hmm...I can't get rid of that spot, the more I pick at it the worse it becomes...so can I get up now?
<MindB2000> sure:)
* Miack2000 gives LB some Drink !
<MindB2000> now you can clean your dustbag:)
* LB_2000 gets up, with only a slight cracking in his spine
<Miack2000> hehe
* Miack2000 sits back in his Leather "cult 2000" Chair
<LB_2000> this isn't right, there are only a few of us 2000 people...more join in?
<Mell2000> we rule dammit :)
<LB_2000> ...join us...join us...join us...
* Miack2000 gets out the Recruitment Posters
* Miack2000 gets the hypnotic lights
<Mell2000> you will join us, it's the nature of your evolution.
<Mell2000> hey, that's a good line :P
<MindB2000> for the next 6 months:)
* Miack2000 hypotises himself by acident
<Ace_Pilot> I just watched the Next Karate Kid, wow that movie sucked but it was filmed in my town.
<MindB2000> then we got mell2001:)
<Mell2000> :P
<Mell2000> i have existed or 380 years... i will exist for a lot lot more.
* Miack2000 looks as if he is in some kind of trance
<MindB2000> that could work: "MindB2001 - The Space Odd-see"
<Miack2000> LOL
* Miack2000 will be 2001----the year of the Sloath
<MindB2000> sloth?
<Miack2000> yeah
<MindB2000> hmmm - that's my kind of year:)
<Miack2000> mine too
<LB_2000> it sounds like every year for me
<MindB2000> heheh - yup
* Miack2000 is practicing already

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