<Mairin> where does Werdna live?
<Werdna_LB> Newcastle, England
<mto> heh
<mto> Newcastle-under-Lyme?
<mto> >:P
<Werdna_LB> no Tom, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne...where all the fog is
<mto> ew...The Geordie type Folk
<Werdna_LB> this is racism, Tom...due to the CoC I demand that Tom be kicked out
<Werdna_LB> :o)
<mto> >:P

* Mackaveli kicks Al Gore
<Ford> Heh
<Mackaveli> Stupid Al Gore, I won't be voting for that freak.
<Mackaveli> Aye. Tis sad to hear.
<`Dingo> Al Gore is cool
<`Dingo> rather vote for him then Bush
<Werdna_LB> I won't be voting for any of them
<Ford> Al Gore is cool? :P
<Mackaveli> Leiberman sucks though.
<Ford> You're a Brit, Werdna :P
<Ford> Since whe is Al Gore cool? :P
<Mackaveli> Al Gore sucks man.
<Werdna_LB> yeah, that's why I won't be voting...dur!!!
<`Zoltar> Since you can.. ah never mind
<Mackaveli> He's all: "Hey, man! Give me a... high five!"
<`Zoltar> Anything's better than George Jr. :P
<MindB_AFK> since when is any politician?
<mto> heh
<Mackaveli> I don't like any of them really.
<Psyko> bah, screw Gore and screw Bush Light :P
<`Zoltar> lol
<Ford> Bush Light..
<Ford> Heh :P
* MindB_AFK goes with zoltar
<Ford> Everyone knows you're a Ralph Nader man, Psyk :P
<Psyko> I don't know who that is :P
<Psyko> is he a Communist? :P

<Werdna_LB> american politics is boring!!!
<Ford> British politics are more boring :P
<Werdna_LB> all politics are boring!!!
<`Dingo> No British politics rule
<peer-TIE> Werdna: Boring, yet essential :P
<Werdna_LB> I know I'm getting screwed over by the people in charge, but I don't care how they do it
<Ford> Amen, peer :P
<Werdna_LB> politics only exist so people like Jay Leno can make a few cheap jokes

<MindB_ndr> go guncontrol!
<CPT_Astin> Guncontrol sux
<peer-TIE> gun control = learning to use both hands :P
<peer-TIE> The US can take my guns when they pry them from my cold dead fingers
* MindB_ndr still wonders how the US hasn't foud the link "no guncontrol" - "crimerate"/"scoolshootings" etc yet
<CPT_Astin> Yeah, then it'll be school stabbings, or something :P
<CPT_Astin> And I'd much rather be shot than stabbed. :P
<Ford> Gun control is in no way related to school shootings.
<Shawshank> if we just educated children in school
<CoHo-Away> I agree that everyone should be allowed to do what they want, but they shouldn't be allowed to shoot/blow up/maim people :P
<Shawshank> they might not be so friggin ignorant
<DingAway> We had a knife fight in school last year, it was cool :P
<MindB_ndr> because strangely enough.... we have guncontrol and our crimerate is a prcentage of yours.
<Ford> If you'll note, none of those people who shot up the schools obtained guns by legal means.
<Shawshank> then you wouldnt have assholes killing ppl
<Shawshank> >:P
<peer-TIE> Bender: A couple of stupid kids shooting up a school doesn't call for gun control, they'd just use knives and explosives then
<CPT_Astin> It's all the parents
<CPT_Astin> And how other kids treat them
<Ford> You're also a much smaller country, Ender :P
<MindB_ndr> also - we have guncontrol - AND no scjoolshootings
<Astatine> *cough*
<Astatine> once again.
<Astatine> this channel is not a political discussion platform.
<Astatine> if you want to rant about this kind of crap, take it outside
<Astatine> you've all been here long enough to know that the issues you're talking about irrititate other members and as such you can be kicked and banned under the provisiions of the Code of Conduct.
<Astatine> next person to talk about this after I unmoderate gets a ban.
<Astatine> and the same for every person thereafter.
<Astatine> this has been a repressive bastard announcement from the Training Office.

* Zekk was seriously considering streaking the Million Mom March. :P
<`Ace> heh
<MindB_ndr> heh
<Psyko> lol
<peer-TIE> Million Mom March!??!? LOL
<CPT_Astin> lol
<`Dingo> Oh god, I'd love to argue but your all idiots so I'm going mudding
<Werdna_LB> what the hell is the MMM???
<Zekk> Did you hear about the Million Mom March, Ziggy? :P
<Zekk> It was a bunch of moms and old grannies and lesbian Rosie O'Donnell who made a quilt and and speeches in Washington, D. C. for gun control :P
<Zekk> I'm not going to be persuaded by a bunch of old ladies who made a quilt.
<Psyko> I'd pay to watch that :P

<CoHo-Away> Ahhh stop whining about which president was the least successful...we all know that the president doesn't REALLY control America. It's the Men in Black :P

<Werdna_LB> anyone...has Sarriss been in this room lately?
<`Trev> !seen Sarriss
<DeathFyre> Sarriss (~sarriss@ was last seen quitting from #Emperor's_Hammer 23 hours, 20 minutes ago stating (-=EH Graphics Course now open at http://graphics.ehnet.org!!!=-).
<Werdna_LB> few, I'm was late for a interview with her...
<Werdna_LB> ...if she arrives say I've been here for hours

<Werdna_LB> do-be doop do, do-be doop do, da-da
<Bran> my sentiments exactly
<`T> the Flintstone's?
<Werdna_LB> actually, it's Badly Drawn Boy...is my singing that bad?
<`T> yep
<Werdna_LB> :(
* Werdna_LB sings some more to irritate everyone
<`T> its not your fault you don't have a natural singing voice, like mine :P
<`T> its a secret
<Werdna_LB> so I'm supposed to sound mildly off key like you?
<`T> yep

<Werdna_LB> Da Roof! Da Roof! Da Roof is on fire!
<Werdna_LB> We don't need no water...let the mother-f*ckers burn!
<Werdna_LB> Burn Mother-f*ckers!
<Werdna_LB> BURN!
<Shawshank> uhmmmm
<Polanski> hmm indeed
<Shawshank> DH helllooo
<Werdna_LB> sorry...I'm just that bored :o)
<`T> heh
* `T sprays Butch with his water Cannon#
*** Werdna_LB is now known as Butch_LB
<Butch_LB> water doesn't bother me!!!
<`T> it does when it hits you with the force of a wrecking ball
<Butch_LB> why not just use a wrecking ball then?
<`T> because you said Water
<Butch_LB> ah...clever

*** Sarriss has joined #Emperor's_Hammer
<`Quake> that is not funny
<`Quake> Sarriss!
<LT_Jyris> <SALUTE>
* `Quake salutes Sarriss
<Sarriss> Yo
<Werdna_LB> it's the boss...everyone stop talking about her now!!!
<Werdna_LB> :o)
<`Quake> lol

*** `T is now known as Chimpokem
*** Chimpokem is now known as `Tom
<Werdna_LB> I had the erge to buy a toy of Tom under that last name ???
<`Tom> Chimpokemon?
<Werdna_LB> yeah!
<Werdna_LB> I'll be "Shoe"
<`Tom> But you've gotta defeat the evil Power First :P
*** Werdna_LB is now known as Shoe
<Shoe> Buy me! Buy me!
<`Tom> ...
<`Quake> lol
* `Quake buys Shoe
* `Quake throws him out of the windo
<`Quake> window
<Shoe> ARGHH!!!
<Shoe> SPLAT!!!
* `Tom feels sorry for shoes, and destroys it
<Polanski> hmm Shoe
<Shoe> let's bring down the evil capitalist American government!!!
<`Quake> lol
<DevinBron> lol
<`Tom> heh
<Werdna_LB> me and some friends are inventing a Pokemon game...Pork-emon
<`Tom> lol
<Werdna_LB> we attach knives and stuff to pigs and make them fight
<Werdna_LB> it's probably illegal, but I think it will catch on
<`Tom> lol
<`Tom> Oh, Can I join?
<Werdna_LB> you have to catch your own pig mind
<`Tom> ah, I already have 6 
<Werdna_LB> you have to run around a farm yard yelling..."Come here, Boy!!!"
<`Tom> okie dokie
<`Tom> then what, I suppose I have to make my own knifes?
<Werdna_LB> no, you can buy them
<Werdna_LB> making knives isn't as fun as catching a pig
<`Tom> oh, alright
<Werdna_LB> hopefully every kid in the world is going to play
<`Tom> I will
<Werdna_LB> ...it would allow me to make my mark on society
<Werdna_LB> damn, gtg...bye!!!
<`Tom> bye Butcher

<Werdna_LB> yey, I got back for a little while :o)
<`Tom> ...
<Werdna_LB> when this song FINALLY downloads I'll be gone again though
<`Tom> what song?
<Werdna_LB> Badly Drawn Boy - Once Around The Block
<`Tom> er...ok
<Werdna_LB> the do-be doop thing before
<Werdna_LB> 5% to go!!!
<Werdna_LB> 3%
<Werdna_LB> 2%
* `Tom pulls the plug on LB's Connection
<Werdna_LB> ARGHH!!! NO!!!
<Werdna_LB> 1%
<Werdna_LB> 0%...bye bye!!!
<`Tom> cya laters then LB

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