On the subject of a website where you can see pictures of squirrels having sex:
<Ricaud> "S&M - Squirrels and Masochism"
<Miack> have you seen the one of the Squirrel crackin a whip
<Ricaud> "Watch them hump!" :-)
<Ricaud> These are the sort of people I admire and look up to. :-)
<Miack> yeah me too this stuff is Priceless
<Werdna_LB> oh no, I can't see the pictures coz i'm only 17...damn the sign telling me that
<Miack> Ric were do you get this stuff from ?
<Ricaud> It was linked to on www.mulletsgalore.com
<Ricaud> It's not like I trawled through search engines with the keyword "Squirrel Sex". :-)
<LT_Ted> he got too much time on his hands
<Werdna_LB> just think, the person who made that site was probably supposed to be working at the time
<Miack> yeah
* Ricaud doesn't even want to know how Kessler found "Warrior Women of the Empire." :-)
<Miack> lol
<LT_Ted> hehe
<Ricaud> Thing is ... that wasn't comedy ... that wasn't a real porn site. :-)
<Ricaud> Err, it WAS a real porn site, rather.
<Miack> lol
<Ricaud> Poor Kessler. :-)
<Miack> yeah
* Miack feels sorry for kessler
<Ricaud> "Does your warp core fire on different thrusters? Then check out our Warrior Men of the Empire site!"
<Miack> must have been one to many Cadet's
<Miack> lol
<Werdna_LB> hmm...were there any goats on that site too ?
<Werdna_LB> ...as we all know that kess has a taste for more than just cadets
<Werdna_LB> ...
<Werdna_LB> ...not like i was interested
<Mairin> lol!
* Werdna_LB looks up in the air and whistles

The reasoning that got Miack a CMDR job:
<Raith> geez...
<Raith> One of my squadrons has two people named Duncan :P
<Mairin> lol
<Quake> lol
<Miack> kill one of them

Cabal shows off his musical talent:
<LT_Cabal_> (to the theme of American Pie or whatever the song is called) Com'on friends lets jump in our Hondai put the pedal to the medal hit the alien guy. cause this is the day that he dies, that he dies cause this is the day that he dies, that he dies, die die mr. alien guy. when we peeled your carcass off the grill you looked like a fly, cause this is the day that you died, you looked like an over grown fly! die die mr.ALIEN GUY!!
<Shawshank> hmmmm
<Miack> LOL
<LT_Cabal_> thank u very much
* Miack thinks Cabal is a little Strange
<Miack> Did I ever do anything like that when I was a LT ?
<Shawshank> always
<Miack> did I ?
* Miack has got more Mature since he became a LCM
* Werdna_LB has went back to immaturity since become a CPT
<Miack> Thats what I plan to do
<Werdna_LB> you just go plain nuts when you hit COL
* Miack has noticed

Well switch the TV off then:
<Mairin> OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<Mairin> that is so DISGUSTING!
<Mairin> there's a guy on tv molesting TURKEYS!!!!!
* Mairin blushes
* Mairin hides behind Astatine

Kumba the Birthday Boy:
* `Kumba is back: from -(sleeping off most of my birthday :P)- gone -(11hrs 39mins 1sec)-
<CPTRamos> your birthday?!?
<CPTRamos> party!!!!!!!!
<Shadwhawk> happy birthday K
<TopDawg> Kumba's B-day?
<`Kumba> thanks
<TopDawg> happy birthday, Kumbaya
<Jedgar> aw, he's 3 now
<LordValek> Happy Birthday Kumba
<ACOGavin> Happy b-day
<`Kumba> actually, 19 :P
<ACOGavin> Mine was on Thursday
<TopDawg> But you still have the maturity level of a 3-year old :P
* Jedgar is older than kumba...damn
<`Kumba> actually, an 8 year old :P
<TopDawg> No, 3 year old :P
* `Coursca gives `Kumba a cookie (::)
<`Coursca> Happy BDay
* `Coursca puts a candle on the cookie'
* `Kumba bites TD and beats him to a bloody pulp with his rattle
<`Kumba> I said 8 year old :P
<`Coursca> (:|:)

Mmm...dog meat:
* Dingo defiles ford
* Ford feeds Dingo to Kumba and does horrible things to Dingo's bunny slippers.
* `Kumba vomits Dingo back up on Ford
<Ford> 'back up on'? You're mean, Kumba :P
* Ford feeds Dingo to EHNet.
<`Kumba> I'm not Vietmanese, I don't eat dog meat :P
<Ace-Away> heh
<Ace-Away> my dad ate that when he was in nam....said it has to many tai spices in it for his liking :P
<Werdna_LB> I think it might of had to much dog in it really
<`Psyko> what do you call a Korean family with a pet dog?
<Shadwhawk> rich
<`Psyko> vegetarians :P

Miack drools:
* Miack gives everyone lung disease
* Werdna_LB wishes brain cancer on Miack (twinkles his fingers to do so)
<Miack> hey you'll kill wahts left of my brain nooooooo
<Werdna_LB> it's not like you use it...you won't even notice
* Miack is unharmed by it
* Miack drools
<Werdna_LB> the wish just went in one ear, found nothing, and came back out the other ear
<ACOGavin> hehe
* Miack cheers
<Miack> I lost the rest of my brain when I become CMDR
<Werdna_LB> I think it's a proper qualification for a CMDR job...
<Werdna_LB> ...that's why I'm still an FM

Manesh's (Love) Life #124:
<Manesh> Only 15 more days people!
<Manesh> that's 2 weeks and one day!
<Werdna_LB> 15 days until what?
<Manesh> until the exciting Season Premiere of "Manesh's (love) life" :P
<Manesh> Episode #124
* Goatham just shakes his head :P
<Faethor> Episode #124? I thought it would be Episode 1:P
<TopDawg> More like Episode 2/3
<Werdna_LB> it must depend on what he counts as "action"

Burn the flag! God says so!:
<`Dingo> I also support the flag burning amendment
<`Dingo> if you want to burn the flag your ass should be deported
<`SAS-ASU> I think the US is the only country that I know of that puts so much value into their flag
<`Dingo> unless of course the flag is damaged, then it's okay to burn
<Werdna_LB> what punishment do you get if you burn it?
* Miack uses his countrys flag as toliet paper
<`Dingo> nothing now
<Ricaud> Heh ... Bush. Don't get me started. :-)
<`Dingo> it's not illegal
<Ricaud> Bush is going to base his defence policy on the Book of Revelations. :-)
<Miack> LOL
<`SAS-ASU> lol
<`SAS-ASU> ok
<`SAS-ASU> im gone :-)
<`Dingo> hmmm...
<Ricaud> "Let us rain down cleansing brimstone on other nations! Or failing that, nuke the commie b*stards!"
<Miack> hehe
<`Dingo> Bush is gonna be a reagan about defense
<Ricaud> At least Reagan had an excuse ... he was senile. :-)
<`Dingo> and we had the soviet union
<Werdna_LB> all I can say is...thank god I'm British
<`Dingo> well, Bush is stupid :P
* Miack thanks god he is a brit
<Ricaud> Gore may be boring, but at least he doesn't get instructions from God. :-)
<Miack> Hail Ricaud
<`Dingo> I think Gore will be good for the country
<Werdna_LB> "I get instructions from god...the little voice in my head tells me what to do"
<Ricaud> There was some thing on CNN last night about some Green party candidate ... can't remember his name. :-)
<`Dingo> Neader
<Ricaud> That was it.
<Ricaud> He seemed okay ... but he doesn't stand a realistic chance. :-)
<`Dingo> he wants to do away with like 90% of the countries taxes
* Ricaud wonders if there's an equivalent to the Monster Raving Loony Party in the US. :-)
<Miack> lol
<Ricaud> Oh yes, I forgot ... the Republicans. :-)
<Miack> the leader of the monster party died... And I Voted for him DAMN
<`Dingo> and Buchanan is just scary, he pretty much told the chinese to f*ck off the other day :P
<Ricaud> Nothing wrong with telling the Chinese to f**k off. :-)
<Miack> hehe
* Miack remembers a Episode of Father Ted
<Miack> Father Jack was dressed like Hitler
<`Coursca> Masked language, Ricaud. :P
* `Coursca had to do that otherwise I'd get lots of festive bitching :P
<`Dingo> yes there is when your a president canadidate :P
<Ricaud> Nothing wrong with telling Coursca to f**k off. :-)
<`Coursca> Heh.
* `Coursca smacks Ricaud across the wrists
<`Coursca> Bad Ric!
<`Coursca> Go sit with Ramos!
* `Dingo defiles Coursca
* Miack shudders
* `Dingo then locks Coursca in a closet with Bush
* `Coursca has Bush give him the key and opens the closet
* `Coursca is a Republican, Dingo :P
* Ricaud watches as Bush defiles Coursca in the name of God. :-)
<Miack> hehe
* `Coursca is unaffected, since they're lame via-the-internet attacks :P
<Darkheart> lol
* `Dingo is probably the only gung-ho military person in the country that is a democract :P
<Night_Hwk> The most qualified person should always get the job, but unfortunately it doesn't always work out that way. :P
* Miack Attacks Cour with a used Toilet brush
* `Dingo thinks the best looking chick should always get the job :P
* Miack used the Toilet brush to clean the Sovs loo'
* Miack agrees with Dingo
<`Psyko> I say lets not have a president for the next 4 years, see how that works out :P

*** Topic is 'Hail to the great Lavos!'
<Werdna_LB> hi everyone
<Werdna_LB> HAIL Lavos
* Lavos salutes Werdna
<LCM_Seth> hey werdna you better act like the Ewoks cause lavos is a god
<Werdna_LB> I can act as badly as anyone in Star Wars :o)

Pepsi is out to get me:
<LCM_Cal> So how comes you havn't been on the Net for awhile then?
<Werdna_LB> well, Mr Keyboard met Mrs. Fizzy Drink
<LCM_Cal> ohh, lol.
<Werdna_LB> but I don't mind, I have a cool new "internet" keyboard
<Werdna_LB> ...with fancy blue buttons on the top that scroll though websites
<LCM_Cal> Funnily enough Mrs Fizzy Drink also met Mr Stereo at my flat - she's a right slag!

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