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  Welcome to the 107th issue of the official Emperor's Hammer newsletter! With this issue being released on the heels of Revenge of the Sith, there is no lack of Episode III content. In the creation of this issue, I also attempted to make sure that the various SGs and command offices that make up the Emperor's Hammer are represented here. I believe this was fairly successful thanks largely to a lot of enthusiasm and interest from the membership. I would like particularly to thank certain individuals that were particularly helpful. Firstly, Archangel, for creating the layout you see before you, getting the coding work started and sending me a lot of submissions. The following also helped in promoting the NL and/or securing submissions: Astatine, Sarin, Cyric, Nocturnus, Drak, Domingo Chavez, Tuss, Reinthaler, Demerzel, Kodiak, Ender mBind, Rastyn, Gilad, Yoda, Astix and Kate Flyer.

However, what you see before you represents the hard work of many individuals over many hours. I'd like to thank each and every one of you that made an effort to send me submissions. It is only because of you that publications like this can succeed, and indeed, the Emperor's Hammer can continue to bask in the glow of the saga from a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away. Cheers!

- Admiral Khadgar


Executive Interview - AD Khadgar interviews the newly appointed Executive Officer, SA Khameir Sarin.
Celebration III - FA Joe relates his experiences from Star Wars: Celebration III.
Imperial Alliance - AD Khadgar explores the new fight simulator in production by the Science Office.
Revenge of the Sith - Several EH members review the latest movie in the Star Wars saga.
Rage of the Wookiees - AD Vladet Xavier reviews this new addon to Star Wars: Galaxies.


Issue: #107

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