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  Star Wars: Celebration III - FA Joe

Greetings to the Fleet!

Let me say, its good to be back. Celebration 3 was a blast! It was the most fun I've had in a long time. The EH has done very well. I know I spoke to at least 300 people just myself, not to mention the people COL Jan Wemmel talked to while I was away from the booth. I brought over 400 EH Bumper stickers to Celebration 3. Now, there are only 9 left. THAT is amazing. Granted a few people took two because they liked both designs, it still shows that the boot was popular.

COL Wemmel took it upon himself to create a new EH pamphlet, paid $60+ to have 200 pieces published which look really great. COL Wemmel also was the ONLY other EHer to help man the booth. Though a few people from the fleet agreed to help, and some even stopped by and said they would help, none returned. I'd just like to say thank you to the Colonel. He's done a lot for the EH in this past weekend and will be rewarded for his effort.

Now, down to the entree. I was able to secure a few Honorary Members this weekend. All of them also agreed to an email interview at some point. Here's the list..
(The names with the * indicate an Autograph to the EH)

*Amy Allen - Jedi Aayla Secura
Michonne Bourriague - Aurra Sing
*Zach Jensen - Jedi Kit Fisto
*Nalini Krishan - Jedi Barriss Offee
Daniel Logan - young Boba Fett
*Mary Oyaya - Jedi Master Luminara Unduli
*Femi Taylor - Twi'Lek Oola

Orli Shoshan - Jedi Master Shaak Ti said she would consider it. I will be emailing her in the next week or two (she has a busy schedule).

I also asked the cast of Star Wars in 30 Minutes to be Honorary Members. if ANY of you have seen their performances, you'd understand. More on that at a later date.

The EH Autographs have already been sent to GAs Ast and Ronin as well as the new Honorary Member's names to be added to the Honorary Member web site.

As well as the new Honorary Member interviews, others have also agreed to an interview, they are:

Michael Sheard - Admiral Ozzel
Shannon McRandle - Mara Jade
Ian Liston - Wes Janson

Isn't that cool? Yeah well I saved the best for last. The last Honorary Member I was able to secure was probably the biggest I could, besides getting Lucas himself. I was able to pin down Steve Sansweet at the EH Booth, which myself and COL Wemmel were able to pictures of him in front of our booth (with the EH banner in plain view) and to which he agreed to be an Honorary Member of the EH and agreed to an e-mail interview. He also signed my volunteer admission badge!

I also was able to secure an interview with Mary Franklin, an old friend of mine from my AOL SIM days and Fan Specialist/Editor of Bantha Tracks for Lucasfilm.

This past weekend has been the BEST weekend for the EH in a LONG time. Talking to people around the convention center, I heard our name and seen our bumperstickers and pamphlets in people's hands. The EH was referred to as the "Gamers" all Celebration. We were the only gaming group there. We had VERY GOOD word-of-mouth promotion the entire time. I'm quite happy about our turnout.


Issue: #107

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