Flying Contest
Here are some brand new missions for you all to play, and not only that but you can win a Silver Star (SS) if you win in any of the platforms.
Fiction Contest
This is an open contest, where you can write about anything you like. The story I like the most is in line for receiving a Palpatine Crescent.
Graphics Contest
This is an open contest, where you can draw, render, photograph anything you want (as long as it's loosely based on Star Wars). The picture that I most admire will win, and the creator will get a nice Palpatine Crescent. 
Mission Design Contest
Again, a fairly open contest. I want missions for TIE, XvT and XWA, based upon anything you like, and the the best of each of the platforms will receive a PC each.

Select the titles of the competitions to get more details on the competitions. Also, the results of the last Flying Contest can be found in this months Flying Contest.