Mission Design Contest

I want some magnificent free-missions for a Flying Contest in two months. Fancy the job? If you win not only will everyone get to fly your mission in a competition in two months, but you'll also get a Palpatine Crescent for your troubles.

RULES: I want a single mission (no battles please), but the topic is up to you. You can enter a mission for TIE, XvT and XWA. You may take part in more than one platform at once. The winners of each platform will receive a PC and their missions will be used in a Battlecry Flying Contest. Actually, it's a bit of luck for people who make missions for the EH Battle Board anyway, as I'm sending all missions to be processed by the TAC for entry too.

AWARDS: The best missions for each platform will win a Palpatine Crescent (PC) for it's creator. The judges are yet to be decided upon, as I don't have all the platforms, but XWA will be judged by me (CPT Werdna Elbee) personally.

ENTRIES: All entries should have all the files needed to get the mission working attached (check http://www.tiecorps.org/tac/tac-man/ for details). A readme file is needed, and it would be nice if it has a decent plotline too. Also note that you should Bug Test it too, as a bugged game just ain't gonna win.

All files should be zipped and e-mailed to battlecomp@hotmail.com. Please send your full ID Line too.

DEADLINE: You have 2 months to get your entry in. Final deadline is Saturday 3rd February.

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