Fiction Contest

Here is you change to win yourself another PC. All you have to do is write a story and send it into Battlecry. Quite frankly, most of you do that already when you're submitting work to be published anyway, so really this medal is just a bonus.

RULES: The topics that you write about is fairly open (although you still have to write about Star Wars or the EH). Also, the length of the story is really up to you, but take note that a story that is less than a page long probably won't win.

AWARDS: The best story wins a Palpatine Crescent (PC)...simple as that. It is too be judged by the Editor (CPT Werdna Elbee), and the judges decision is final. Please don't use your rank to sway my decision, I know I'm just a FM but I can still kick ass.

ENTRIES: All entries should be in .doc or .txt format and e-mailed to I will not accept any other formats, as I basically can't open them with the software I have. Oh yeah, I need your full ID Lines too.

DEADLINE: I'm giving you just less than two months for this one, so you will get plenty of time to write a damn good story. Final deadline is Saturday 3rd February.

May I also add that there is another Battlecry Writing Contest on now too. You can find out more about that competition by clicking here.

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