BIG Competition - Flying Contest

The Flying Contest is different this month. Since it is part of the BIG Competition the medals that are to be awarded are greater. So here's your chance to earn yourself a Silver Star if you win in any of the platforms.

Also, all of the missions are brand, spanking new with a Christmas twist. I would like to thank CPT Troutrooper (TIE), CM Fenn Logan (XvT) and MAJ Jeffery Domm (XWA) for making the missions.

To play the missions, unzip the files on the right, and follow the readme files. Details about the competition are below.

If you want to find out the results for last months Flying Contest, then please select this paragraph. 

Starting Date: 13th Jan 2000
Ending Date:
6th Jan 2000

This months missions: -

TIE Fighter Mission
X-Wing Vs TIE Fighter
X-Wing Alliance
How To Submit Your Pilot Files and ID Lines

Send in all pilot files and ID Lines to CPT Werdna Elbee at 

Please zip all of the XvT and XWA pilot files, because them files are MASSIVE. If you don't, your submission won't be accepted. Notification will be given if you annoy me this way, so you can rectify your evil ways.

I don't mind unzipped TIE pilot files though, as they are fairly small, but please feel free to zip them too.

Full ID Lines are definitely needed too, so I can count your pilot file to the Squadron competition as well.

Competition Rules

Individual Pilots:

There are three platforms for you to take part in this month, TIE Fighter, X-Wing Vs TIE Fighter, and X-Wing Alliance. For each platform, League Tables will be made showing who placed where depending on the score.

If you come 1st in any platform, you will win a Silver Star, 2nd place will get a Bronze Star (BS), and 3rd will be awarded a Palpatine Crescent (PC).

You are not limited to how many platforms you take part in.

Squadrons Participation:

Awards will be given to the top contending TC squadron. This will be decided by how many pilots take part and how many platforms they take part in. If that is a draw, it will then be decided by the pilots placing in the League Tables.

Imperial Security Medals (ISM) will be awarded to all of the pilots who flew for the winning squadron. The squadron will also be highly shown off in these pages as being the best of the best of the best.

Note that participation will have to be great for not just one platform, but all of them. You don't have to get amazing scores, but you do have to take part. I also know that it is biased towards larger squadrons, but that should get you recruiting rather than complaining.

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