The position is the heart and core of the Hammer's Fist as it is with all Emperor's Hammer subgroups. Although rank is important, position is what takes precedence. A Detachment Leader who is a Sergeant will always be higher in the chain of command than a Fire Team Leader who is a Gunnery Sergeant, even though GSG is a higher rank than SGT.

Below each position description lists it's minimum and maximum ranks as well as it's tour of duty requirement (for leadership positions). A tour of duty is the minimum amount of time a member must spend in their position. Failure to complete the tour of duty results in the member being returned to the rank he/she held before assuming the position. As they are not listed on this page, the tour of duties for any Special Operations Command member is 6 months.

Recruit (REC)
A Recruit is a member who has joined the Hammer's Fist but not yet satisfied the training requirements needed to graduate from Platform Declaration. Once graduated, the Recruit is transferred to an active unit as a Fire Team Member.

Minimum Rank: Private (PVT)
Maximum Rank: Private (PVT)
Tour of Duty: none

Fire Team Member (FTM)
A Fire Team Member is the lowest position in the organization of the Hammer's Fist, but could also be considered the most important. Fire Team Members are the backbone of the group and keep it running by participating in events and activities that their leaders provide to them. Fire Team Members have no command authority and their only responsibility is to keep in contact with their Fire Team leader and participate in any events available to them
Minimum Rank: Private (PVT)
Maximum Rank: Corporal (CPL)
Tour of Duty: none

Fire Team Leader (FTL)
A Fire Team Leader is in direct command of the five members in it's Team. This is the first level of command in the Hammer's Fist, and as such is often considered an introductory level for future Detachment Leaders and officers. A Fire Team Leader is expected to work very closely with it's Detachment Leader.

Minimum Rank: Lance Corporal (LCP)
Maximum Rank: Gunnery Sergeant (GSG)
Tour of Duty: 2 months

Detachment Leader (DL)
A Detachment Leader is in command of three Fire Teams and all of the members that they consist of. The Detachment Leader will be responsible for assigning Fire Team Leaders and must develop a close working relationship with them. Together with the Fire Team Leaders, the Detachment Leader should ensure that there are plenty of activities for the Fire Team Members to participate in and have fun with.

Minimum Rank: Sergeant (SGT)
Maximum Rank: Sergeant Major (SGM)
Tour of Duty: 3 months

Company Commander (CC)
A Company Commander is an officer in command of three Detachments and all of the members that they consist of. The CC is directly responsible for the Detachment Leaders under his/her command and must make sure that they are performing their duties to standard. Company Commanders should always be working to better their Company in every way possible.

Minimum Rank: Second Lieutenant (2LT)
Maximum Rank: Lieutenant Colonel (LTC)
Tour of Duty: 4 months

Battalion Commander (BTC)
A Battalion Commander is an officer in command of three Companies and all of the members that they consist of. The BTC is directly responsible for the Company Commanders under his/her command and must make sure that they are performing their duty to standard. Battalion Commanders could be in command of as many as 174 troops, and as such must be an experienced leader and highly organized.

Minimum Rank: Captain (CPT)
Maximum Rank: Brigadier General (BGN)
Tour of Duty: 4 months

Brigade Commander (BGC)
A Brigade is a high ranking officer in command of two Battalions and all of the members that they consist of. The BGC is directly responsible for the Battalion Commanders under his/her command and must make sure that they are performing their duty to standard. This highly prestigious position is held by only the most experienced and skilled officers of the Hammer's Fist, and is the highest position one can hold without becoming a member of Special Operations Command.

Minimum Rank: Lieutenant Colonel
Maximum Rank: Major General
Tour of Duty: 6 months



  • What is the HF?
  • What is this manual?
  • Structure of the HF
  • Special Ops. Command
  • Support Staff
  • Positions
  • Ranks
  • Identification Lines
  • Procedures
  • Awards and Medals
  • Certifications
  • Uniforms
  • CSMA and Training
  • Activities
  • EH Bylaws
  • Articles of War