WWW Site - Please
contact the Fleet Commander's
Attaché for inquiries regarding routine Fleet matters or general
Member questions.
Dark Jedi
Clan Alvaak - The
"Lost Dark Jedi" Clan Alvaak, the Home Clan of GA Ronin, has begun a
resurgence in the Outer Rim in the years after the Battle of Endor.
of the Clan Alvaak - From the beginning of the Old Republic over
1,000 years ago to modern day, the "Lost Dark jedi Clan" has seen a
resurgence in popularity. Learn of its ancient histories and noble
Commander's (FC's) Dossier - For information
on the Fleet Commander, the history of Grand Admiral Ronin and his goal
of restoration of the Star Wars Universe Galactic Empire on the World
Wide Web (WWW).
Commander's (FCs) Memo - ALL Emperor's
Hammer Members should visit this site every few days for the latest
breaking news direct from the Office of the Fleet Commander.
Ronin's RPG Stats - In his ongoing efforts to
encompass more of the Star Wars Universe within the Emperor's Hammer,
the Fleet Commander herein posts the Star Wars Role Playing Game (RPG)
(West End Games [TM], 1987) statistics for
Admiral Ronin for use as a non-player character (NPC) in EH Star
Wars RPG campaigns.
of WCall - Ever wanted to know the Fleet Commander's
real name? What he does in real life? How old he is? His favorite hobbies?
His profession?. Please feel free to visit the Fleet Commander's Personal

Sovereign Stats - The mighty Flagship of the
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet. The SSSD Sovereign is a 15 km
long Star Destroyer armed with the deadly, planet-busting Axial Superlaser
(as presented in the Dark Empire Comic Series by Dark Horse Comics).
Avenger Stats - The former Flagship of the Fleet.
The SSD Avenger currently serves as the Flagship for the Dark Brotherhood
SubGroup and contains two deadly Wings of Dark Jedi TIE Fighter Pilots
(144 TIE Fighters total!) at any given time.
of the Fleet Commander - A brief description
of Aurora Prime which is now the thriving capital planet of the Emperor's
Hammer. Also presented are brief descriptions of the Imperial Academy,
the Fleet Commander's Palace and the High Court of the Inquisitors.
Readouts - Detailed descriptions of several of
the more unusual capital ships and fighters utilized by the Emperor's
Hammer Strike Fleet. These craft have been kept consistent with previously
published 'canon' Star Wars materials (i.e. West End Games RPG
Sourcebooks, Star Wars novels, Dark Empire comic series, computer games,