In his ongoing efforts to encompass more of the Star Wars Universe within the Emperor's Hammer, the Fleet Commander herein posts the Star Wars Role Playing Game (RPG) (West End Games™, 1987) statistics for Grand Admiral Ronin for use as a Non-Player Character ("NPC") in EH Star Wars RPG campaigns.


  • Character Type: Imperial Grand Admiral
  • Character Name: Stephan Ronin
  • Height: 5'9" (1.9 meters)
  • Weight: 160 lbs. (73 kg.)
  • Sex: Male
  • Age: 37
  • Physical Description:  Grand Admiral Ronin, although somewhat short for his native race, the Saraii, strikes an imposing visage.  Like Grand Admiral Thrawn, Grand Admiral Ronin's skin has a dark blue complexion, dark black hair and reddish-tinted eyes, revealing his native homeworld, Sif (See Phare System detailed in the Systems Manual).  Ronin is almost always wearing the all-white uniform of the Grand Admiral. Typically armed with his lengthened, purple-hued Lightsaber (5D+13D for Force Control) and his Dark Side Force abilities, few in the Empire would dare oppose him in battle.

  • Biographical Background

  • Dark Jedi Clan Alvaak History


Dexterity: 3D

  • Lightsaber:12D+2

  • Blaster: 8D

  • Blaster Artillery: 9D

  • Bows: 6D

  • Archaic Slugthrowers: 8D

  • Thrown Weapons: 7D+2

  • Brawling Parry: 7D

  • Dodge: 9D+1

  • Grenade: 5D

  • Melee Combat: 9D

  • Melee Parry: 8D+2

Knowledge: 4D

  • Alien Species: 10D

  • Bureaucracy: 10D

  • Cultures: 9D+1

  • Intimidation: 10D

  • Languages: 7D+2

  • Planetary Systems: 10D

  • Streetwise: 8D

  • Survival: 8D

  • Tactics: capital ships 12D, fleet 13D, ground assault 8D, sieges 12D, starfighters 10D

  • Value: 7D+1

  • Willpower: 9D

  • Technology: 7D+1

  • Scholar: arcane technologies 10D, Dark Side Lore 12D, Jedi Lore 11D, Lightsaber History 9D, geology/planetary geology 13D

Mechanical: 3D+2

  • Astrogation: 7D

  • Beast Riding: 4D

  • Capital Ship Piloting: 9D

  • Capital Ship Gunnery: 10D

  • Capital Ship Shields: 8D

  • Repulsorlift Operation: 5D

  • Starfighter Piloting: 9D+2

  • Starship Gunnery: 10D

  • Starship Piloting: 8D

  • Starship Shields: 6D

  • Space Transports: 5D

Perception: 3D+2

  • Bargain: 13D

  • Command: 12D+1, Imperial Navy Officer 13D, Emperor's Hammer personnel 17D

  • Con: 9D

  • Persuasion: 13D

  • Gambling: 10D

  • Hide/Sneak: 8D

  • Search: 10D

Strength: 2D+1

  • Brawling: 7D

  • Climbing/Jumping: 6D

  • Lifting: 5D

  • Stamina: 8D

  • Swimming: 5D

Technical: 3D

  • Computer Programming/Repair: 9D

  • Demolition: 6D

  • Droid programming/Repair: 4D

  • Medicine: 3D

  • First Aid: 5D

  • Repulsorlift Repair: 3D+2

  • Security: 10D

  • Starship Repair: 6D

Force Data

  • Force Points: 25

  • Dark Side Points: 30

  • Control (c): 13D

  • Sense (s): 13D

  • Alter (a): 12D+2

Dark Side Powers (Dark Jedi Master)

  • Drain Life Essence (c, s, a)

  • Force Harmony (c, s, a)

  • Doppleganger (c, s, a)

  • Rage (c)

  • Telekinetic Kill (c, s, a)

  • Affect mind (c, s, a)

  • Transfer Force (c, a)

  • Control Another's Disease (c, a)

  • Detoxify Poison in Another (c, a)

  • Accelerate Another's Healing (c, a)

  • Place in Hibernation Trance (c, a)

  • Return to Consciousness (c, a)

  • Inflict Pain (c, a)

  • Control Another's Pain (c, a)

  • Injure/Kill (a)

  • Telekinesis (a)

  • Farseeing (c, s)

  • Projective Telepathy (c, s)

  • Instinctive Astrogation (s)

  • Life Sense (s)

  • Receptive Telepathy (s)

  • Absorb/Dissipate Energy (c)

  • Control Disease (c)

  • Detoxify Poison (c)

  • Contort/Escape (c)

  • Accelerate Healing (c)

  • Hibernation Trance (c)

  • Control pain (c)

  • Remain Conscious (c)