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...The Jungles of New Laconica

Located on the outskirts of New Imperial City, in the jungles of the western continent of New Laconica, Grand Admiral Ronin has had his secluded Palace constructed in the utmost secrecy. The untamed, mountainous jungle environs of New Laconica not only provide the Fleet Commander with a beautiful setting for his much needed vacations from the burdens of fleet command, but also provide an excellent, natural seclusion for his new Palace. The Jungles are exploding with various and wondrous varieties of native life but are not inhabited by any particularly aggressive flora or fauna.  However, the extremely dense Jungles of New Laconica can be most disorienting for newcomers to Aurora Prime and are not to be traveled without the proper navigational equipment.  In fact, the Auroran Tourist Commission requires that local jungle excursions be accompanied by licensed, seasoned Auroran forest guides as more than one wandering galactic tourist has been lost to the wilds of New Laconica.  The spectacular vistas and sunsets near New Imperial City and Europa attract even the jaded Aurorans to their craggy outskirts and higher summits at certain times of the Auroran annum.  When an Auroran Sunstorm (see Systems Manual) occurs (once per Imperial Standard Year), the colors and hues brighten the Auroran horizon for days.  When on Aurora, the Fleet Commander can often be found at his secluded Palace, taking solitary walks along its ramparts or sometimes deep into the foreboding jungle to commune with the Dark Side of the Force.  It is said he sometimes disappears for days in quiet meditation.  Often, Ronin is accompanied by Dark Jedi Clansmen Guards of his Clan Alvaak.  The Lost Jedi Clan is known to use Aurora Prime as a base for their clandestine operations.

New Imperial City...

New Imperial City has become a testament to the return of the Imperial New Order to the Outer Rim Territories.  Located in the north central portion of the western continent of New Laconica on Aurora Prime, New Imperial City has been literally exploding with growth and new construction over the past year.  In order to accommodate the millions of immigrating military, political, corporate and civilian personnel and their dependents, New Imperial City is literally being rebuilt based upon the architecture of the original Imperial City on Coruscant.  Several of the Emperor's lower-level Imperial architects have been found, rescued from Coruscant and now reside planet side.  Within this new marvel of Imperial engineering has been constructed the new High Court of Inquisitors, a new Imperial Academy to train our own military, the  Fleet Commander's Palace, the Great Hall of Clan Alvaak, and a new, highly complex Directorate Command Complex.  In addition, millions of support personnel have moved into the city which has not only boosted the local economy, but also provided the funding for construction of several permanent Imperial Garrison facilities, new libraries, eateries, theatres, coliseums, plazas, corporate centers and COMPNOR re-education centers.   Aurora Prime is rapidly becoming a beacon of Imperial wisdom, order, justice and education throughout the Empire...!  Already, construction has begun in earnest and the entire Aurora System is buzzing with thousands of incoming and outgoing transports, freighters, tugs and their military escorts.  The offices of the Planetary Governor of Aurora Prime also in New Imperial City.

...High Court of the Inquisitors

The Inquisitors of the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet typically hold their proceedings in the newly constructed High Court of the Inquisitors, located in New Imperial City on Aurora Prime. Although few in the Fleet understand the inner workings of the Inquisitorius, they are feared throughout the Emperor's Hammer Territories.  When Imperial Intelligence or the Security Forces identify one who has betrayed the Empire, the Inquisitors ruthlessly dispense Imperial justice, often quickly, unsympathetic and unforgiving.  Only the most honored retirees and heroes from Fleet Command are appointed to the Position of Inquisitor, as they are still considered "Advisors" to the Fleet Commander.  The Court is headed by the High Inquisitor who is assisted by the Tribune, Warden of Setii IV and the Inquisitors.  Besides their other duties, a quorum of 3 Inquisitors can be convened to hold an Inquisition Hearing.  Often, these hearings will take less than an hour, but several recently recorded cases have lasted weeks in the internal fact-finding proceedings of the Inquisition.  Needless to say, the Inquisition should be avoided by Imperial Citizens at all costs.  The known workings of the High Court of the Inquisitors is presented in the EH Articles of War.

The following was excerpted from the Imperial Sourcebook; Greg Gorden; West End Games; June, 1994; pp. 141-142:

Imperial Academy on Aurora...

An Element of TIE Fighters in flight training above the canyons of windswept Pandaria, also called Land's Bridge, on Aurora Prime...

"The epitome of officer training is the Imperial Naval Academy.  Its academic standards are stringent and its training methods are the most advanced of their kind.  The Academy system is designed to instill loyalty, build discipline, and develop team interdependence. The greatest of naval commanders and fighter pilots have come from the Academy.  Graduation from this is almost essential for promotion to the very highest echelons of naval command.   The exact location of the Imperial Naval Academy is unknown to most who study there. Cadets board a transport and disembark on the grounds of the institution ignorant of which world they are on. Only in this way can the wealth of highly classified information and equipment at the Academy be protected from the Rebels, other insurgents, and the politically questionable who can not be trusted with the secrets of the Empire.  The highest aspiration of most young naval officers is to become a starfighter pilot.  It is the single most dangerous, demanding, and prestigious job in the Imperial Navy.  Only officers who graduated in the top five percent of their class qualify for flight training.  The remaining top third of their class qualifies for flight-related specialties such as astrogation, weapons systems, and other support skills.  Because of the tough entrance requirements and extensive training offered at the Imperial Navy Academy, all officers in the top third of the Academy qualify for flight.  Before instruction is half over, pilots begin to fly missions under actual combat conditions.  This trial by combat policy swiftly adapts the trainee to combat, culling those who are unfit and teaching the rest things they could never learn under peaceful training conditions.  By the time a pilot is certified for combat, he flies missions as regularly as other starfighter pilots. The new pilots are then transferred to the wing which is their permanent duty station."