X-Wing Vs. TIE Fighter
Week of War 35 - May 2001

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View EH Scores
1st   ASF
2nd   S
3rd   BOSS
14th EH
The ASF have had a fantastic month in both of the WoWs. Two 1st places should give them all very big smiles on their face.

The EH could only make it to 13th and 14th places however. That's a pretty respectable score for us however, considering the EH aren't multiplayer specific like many of the other clubs.

While not as many pilots take part in this competition as preferred, the pilots who do take part do remarkable well against the odds before them. Here are a few pilots who should be highlighted.

Brucmack was the only pilot to be ranked in the top 50 XvT pilots. He amassed 22 games over the week, winning all but 2 matches. It's also worth noting that although he only flew 4 games for the XWA WoW, he won them all.

Dae almost got as many pilots for the EH team in the XvT WoW as Brucmack. The committed pilot flew 27 games in XvT, winning a fair majority of matches, to help the EH claim the 14th place.

We had two EH pilots get into the top 50 pilots for the XWA WoW. The first of which is Dras Hempor, who won 9 out of his 10 games. He also gained the EH quite a lot of points for the XvT WoW.

Demosthenes wasn't much further down the top 50 than Dras, and in fact gained the most points for the EH. He flew very well and gained a good number of wins.

RogueWing flew the most games for the EH in the XWA WoW. While his ratio of wins against losses wasn't the best, it was more than made up for by enthusiasm and commitment, and moved up the rankings by the number of games he played.

feature by Werdna Elbee

X-Wing Alliance
Week of War 25 - May 2001

View Club Ranking

View Player Ranking
View EH Scores
1st   ASF
2nd   SW
3rd   ECH
13th EH

We need everyone to take part in these Week of Wars! Even if your not the best pilot in the world, get stuck in and have some fun. Practice will make perfect and we get points for the rankings by how many games we play too.

If you're interested in playing, then please visit the EHWoW website at http://vogue.ehonline.org/wow/  for information on how to take part and when the competitions are on.