Fleet Commander in SW Novels...?

Several odd but flattering references to a character similar to GA Ronin were identified by LG WildKard in the Children of the Jedi Star Wars novel...Is this purposeful or simply coincidence; the readers can decide for themselves...Herein are presented excerpts from LG WildKards reviews which, if the reader is perceptive, implies the House/Clan structure that is now a foundation for the EH Dark Brotherhood of the Jedi:

Subj: Character Garonnin in CHILDREN OF THE JEDI

Date: 97-04-23 01:39:30 EDT

From: (Adrian (WildKard) and the Myer Family)


Okay, here a few quotes for you, to get his character and all. I left out some of the more lengthy descriptions of things (symbolized by ...) and left out dumb things (Garonnin stood up.), but here is a sample from the first two chapters he is in.

BTW: As you may have noticed, the spelling is Garonnin. Still, it's suspicious


Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet - Data Submission Form

For: Grand Admiral Ronin

By: Squadron Commander WildKard

Subject: Persona - Garonnin

Type: Research and Reference

SubType: Quotations

p. 260 line 16:

"Artoo, go!" Leia shifted sideways, forcepike raised, keeping a wary eye on Elegin and the man called Garonnin-- surely not a member of the House Garonnin?

p. 263 line 5:

Well, why not do it now?" demanded Irek sullenly. "Without her the Republic would crumble"

"Without her, the Republic would simply elect another Chief of State," replied Lord Garonnin quietly, a twinge of disgusted contempt in his voice. He stepped around Rogana and walked across the room toward Leia and the kretch. Leia, fighting not to run headlong from the filthy things, wasn't sure she could have done that. The light of a single glowpanel in the doorway behind Roganda made a stiff gold fuzz, like a metal halo, of the elderly man's short-cropped hair.

"Surrender your weapon, Your Highness. That's the only hope you have to comeout of this alive".

Some Hope, thought Leia bitterly, as she switched off the vibrobladeand slid the forcepike to him across the stone of the floor.

p.284 line 30:

The room where they put Leia was a large one, hewn out of rock and equipped---startlingly---with a window of three wide casements, through which daylight filtered even before Lord Garonnin slapped the wall switch to activate the glowpanels of the ceiling. "By all means, try to break it if it will amuse you, Your Highness," he said, observing the immediate direction of Leia's interest. "It was put in long before the dome, and the locks are made to withstand almost anything." "I still say we should have put her in one of the lower rooms" insisted Irek... Like her, he dressed simply, but carried himself with the cocky arrogance of one who believes himself the center around which all the universe turns... "If we keep her at all," he added, and gave her a look, up and down, calculated to be an insult.

Lord Garonnin replied quietly, "Whatever her position in the Republic, Lord Irek, Her Highness deserves the consideration due to the daughter of one of the Great Houses".

p.286 line 30:

Garonnin turned back to Leia. "They are parvenus," he said, his matter-of-fact tone contaning, by it's sheer lack of apology, something abyssally deeper then the contempt for those not of the Ancient Houses. "But such people have their uses. With him as our spearhead, we will be able to negociate from a position of power with the military heirarchies that fight for control of the remains of Palpatine's New Order. I trust you will be comfortable, Your Highness."

Chief of State of the New Republic and architect of the Rebellion she might be, but Leia could see that she remained, in his eyes, Bail Organa's daughter... and the last surviving member of the House Organa. The last Princess of Alderaan.

*** END QUOTES ***


Garonnin appears to be an honorable character, much like Talon Karrde. But also like Karrde, he is not above 'questionable activities' in order to secure his power and such.

If you need any more information, I'm always checking my Email and I have the book for quite awhile.


CMDR/LG WildKard/Aleth/SSSD Sov

The Fleet Commander orders the retrofit of the Torpedo Sphere Empress Teta...!

The retrofitted Torpedo Sphere, Empress Teta of the Auroran Home Guard BattleGroup,

in low geosynchronous orbit over Aurora Prime...

(Photo: Created by, 1997)

The Torpedo Sphere (TS), as excerpted from the Imperial Sourcebook; Greg Gorden; West End Games; June, 1994; pp. 58-59)...

The Torpedo Sphere, a dedicated siege platform, is designed to accomplish one mission - to knock out a planet's shields. Planetary shields, whether full or partial, protect a world from orbital bombardment. It takes a lot of troops to assault a planet. It is easier and far less expensive to simply pound a planet into submission with the weapons of a Star Destroyer. But planetary shields prevent this.

The Torpedo Sphere is a miniature Death Star, covered with thousands of dedicated energy receptors (DERs) designed to analyze shield emissions. Planetary shields are never uniformly even. They experience power anomalies and energy fluctuations just like other mechanical devices. The Torpedo Sphere parks in orbit around a planet and trains its DERs upon the world to search for weak points in the shielding. These weak points rarely exceed more than a 20 percent power drop, but that is enough for the Torpedo Sphere to bring down the shields.

The Sphere contains 500 proton torpedo tubes arranged in an inverted conical formation. Surrounding these tubes are 10 heavy turbolaser batteries. The actual destruction of a planet's shields is simple. The Torpedo Sphere arrives and analyzes the shields. It finds both the weak points and the location of the planet-bound shield generators. The Sphere then fires a salvo of torpedoes that knock a hole in the shield (at a weak point), followed by blasts from the turbolasers to destroy the generators. Then the bombardment of the planet can begin.

That is the quick version. In reality, it takes almost a hundred heavy weapons technicians to coordinate the tube launches. The target area rarely exceeds a six meter square. The hole this produces is actually a power surge that only lasts a few milliseconds. If the turbolasers have not made their shots in this time, the process must start all over again.

The most difficult part of the entire process is determining exactly where the shield generators lie. Sensors can not penetrate full planetary shields, so the crew of the Sphere must study the power waves within the shield to determine where the initial power is coming from.

There are only six Torpedo Spheres currently in service. They perform only one function, but it is an important one in these times of open rebellion.

The TS Empress Teta is currently being retrofitted to hold the two starfighter squadrons for the Dark Jedi Clansmen of Ronin's Clan Alvaak ( The Torpedo Sphere is in low geocentric orbit above Aurora Prime as it undergoes retrofits...

Craft: Loronor's Torpedo Sphere

Type: Dedicated siege platform

Length: 1,900 meters

Crew: 61,245, gunners: 2,030, pilots: 36, skeleton: 20,415

Passengers: 8,540 (troops)

Cargo Capacity: 3.8 million tons

Consumables: 4 years


10 Turbolaser Batteries

500 Proton Torpedo Tubes


2 Fighter Squadrons


Black Omega Squadron slated to get first of Kuat Drive's upgraded CoakShape Starfighter...!

The CloakShape StarFighter used by Black Omega Squadron of Clan Alvaak...

(Photo: Created by, 1997)

The Cloakshape Fighter, as excerpted from the Dark Empire Sourcebook; Michael Allen Horne; West End Games; June, 1993; p. 106)...

Kuat Systems Engineering's CloakShape fighter (or CS fighter) is an outdated space and atmospheric starfighter that still finds use on backwater worlds and in private arsenals. While it lacks the speed and offensive punch of more modern craft, the reinforced hull makes the vessel quite sturdy for a starfighter. CloakShapes still in service often find use as system patrol craft, smuggler blockade vessels and in anti-piracy support actions.

The fighters have respectable atmospheric performance, but their small power plants make them unsuitable for deep space combat. The CloakShape is a surprisingly simple design - so much so that few ships still in service have gone unmodified. Modularized compartments and universal adaptors allowe the ships to be fitted with virtually any aftermarket system: heavier weapons, larger fuel capacity, or more powerful thrusters. The popular add-on is the Curich Engineering's rear wing and stabilizer conversion kit; it is so common that few people realize that they aren't part of the original fighter. These fins not only provide additional maneuverability, but allow a hyperdrive sled to be rigged into the CloakShape. Still, a CloakShape has its limitations, as amply shown by the one which pursued the Millenium Falcon over Nar Shadda. Like the Z-95, its relative slowness allows even heavy weapons, such as those in "Chug's chute," to target them with deadly accuracy.

The modifications being performed to the CloakShape fighters serving with the Emperor's Hammer will include modifications to the thrusters, giving much higher maneuverability and power, heavier weapons and shield capability...There are even rumors that the cloaking devices designed for the TIE Phantoms will be incorporated into these sleek fighters that serve equally well in orbit around the Empress Teta or high above the plains of New Laconica or Sif...

CloakShape Fighter (CS)

CRAFT: Kuat Systems Engineering CloakShape Fighter

LENGTH: 15 meters




COST: 15,000 IC (stock/used)


Double laser cannons

dual concussion missile launchers


COST: 5,000 IC


COST: 15,000 IC

Roll of the Alvaak Dark Jedi Clansmen

Compiled by

Alvaakian Council

Consul: DJM Ronin -

ProConsul: DA Blazer -

Terantum Quaestor: DJK DBZero -

ADI development staff:

Appr CEO Nelson -

Appr XO Brian -

Appr SEO Pav -

W black omega squadron W






FLIGHT I - Cloakshape fighter

1) Appr LG Stone (




FLIGHT II - Cloakshape fighter





FLIGHT III - Cloakshape fighter





Alvaakian Clansmen

Sith BM Shotgun -

JH Vampire -

JH Odysseus -

JH Ishtar -

Guardian Daavak Tron -

Guardian Khadgar -

Guardian Wulf -

Guardian Ajax -

Guardian Darkstar -

Guardian Jerry -

Guardian Tyrus Flare -

Protector Morph -

Appr Karrde -

Appr Yhe -

Appr Nate "IG-88" Plantenga -

Appr Jarek -

Appr Ice -

Appr Roland Gilead -

Appr Athena -

Appr K-Saro -

Appr Tarkin -

Appr Alex -

Appr Mustang -

Appr Kevin Joseph -

Appr Whafro -

Appr Jon -

Appr Suron -

Appr Jodo Kast -

Appr Lone Ace -

Appr Chandler -

Appr Sterling -

Appr Kikiro -

Appr Gilkane -

Appr Hetfield -

Appr Jendris Scinar -

Clan Houses

Herein are the rosters of the Houses associated with Clan Alvaak.

Some Imperial Poetry...!

Submitted by CMDR/LG Distant/Hound/ISD Int

From: (Neil Wren)

To: (GA Ronin)

For many years the story has read,

Of the defeat of the Imperial might.

How once so strong and powerful,

Was beaten in the dark of the Night

How death came to the Emperor,

When betrayed by someone within.

But that has all now come to change,

And its time for the Empire to Win.

The Power and Might with once stood tall,

Is rebuilding up in strength.

Its enemies once again running,

And keeping the Empire at length.

Fearing for their lives and homes,

As it used to be in the past.

Never knowing if they would live or die,

Or if their bloody line would ever last.

Be prepared for a good beating,

Its time to settle the final score.

The books shall sing a different tune,

As history's written by the Victor.


Why struggle to live,

If the cause is not right?

What's the point to it all,

If you just die in a fight?

Enjoy your time here,

There's more to life than a gun.

Yet it has been said before,

Shooting is a loads of fun.

Blast the scum out of the space,

With your Laser Cannons still burning,

Explosions left, right and center,

Is that not the inner yearning?

Having the last and final laugh,

As you see them blow up in the sky,

Its great to toast Rebel scum,

Make the poor suckers Fry.


Thankyou for your time,

CMDR/LG Distant/Hound/ISD Int. DJK(Sith) [PL] GoE/PC/2xBS/SS/MoI-bc

...and the mist cleared


=Neil ( ) Distant======


Emperor's Hammer Survey Results...!

Compiled/Submitted by WC-LOA/MG Shotgun/Wing V/SSSD Sov

"What is your favorite star wars movie?"


A New Hope 3%

The Empire Strikes Back 90%

Return of the Jedinder 7%

Winner: The Empire Strikes Back

General Reason Why: Its the only one of the three in which the Empire wins at the end.

Next Month: What is your favorite and lest favorite Star Wars's character?


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