Quaestor: DJK DBZero - dbzero@engin.umich.edu
Aedile: DJK Oberst - oberst@germany-c.it.earthlink.net
Lord of Challenges and Honor: JH Jupiter - caijw@singnet.com.sg
Lord of Planetside Warfare: Guardian Raptor - joseph.j.schaff@uwrf.edu
Lord Scribe of the House: JH Hunter Oan - oan@swipnet.se
Lord Advisor to the quaestor: Sith BM Kaerner - mange@mbox317.swipnet.se
Squire to the questor: DJK Thrawn - thrawn551@aol.com
DA Rene'le Gar (Retired) - gcavitt@ainet.com
SW Sepul - GNSepul@aol.com
JH Phatguy - soggy@ix.netcom.com
JH Diastrom - diastrom@ala.net
Guardian Lacey - gcavitt@ainet.com
Guardian Brie - gcavitt@ainet.com
Guardian Shadow - ScubaJoeB@aol.com
Guardian Death - tkomalko@iwn.fi
Guardian Kal Torak - watersm@merstec.u-net.com
Guardian Stele - lafontjd@mail.megatoon.com
Guardian Ozick - ozick@cloud9.net
Guardian Gregory - LrdAshramD@aol.com
Apprentice Moore - Gmoore@NH.Ultranet.com
Apprentice Percy - barrak@hem.passagen.se
Apprentice Martino - bigj@nanaimo.ark.com
Apprentice Bull - DanKador@chicago.avenew.com
Apprentice karrde - imhollen@awinc.com
Apprentice Mustang - mustang@evanbbs.com
Apprentice Haem - bobtf@trader.com
Apprentice Dragon - dragon1978@msn.com
Apprentice Kumba - kumba12345@aol.com
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