"What the hell's going on with the issues month?" you may well be thinking. I don't blame you, I'm a bit confused as well. Last issue was the December issue, and this month is the December issue too!!!

Well, it's not my fault. If you want to blame someone, blame the UK PC magazine, PC Zone, as I was copying off their system. When I wrote out the future release dates for the coming year (which you can see on the BC website), it just didn't make sense. All of the magazines were almost 2 months out of place, and the XMAS/Holiday Special was nowhere near the holiday season.

I apologise for any confusion which I may have caused over the change of dates.


Actually, it seems to be the month for confusion with Battlecry. We had another problem with the release of the Competition Results in the last issue. First people were annoyed because I just posted the winners of the competition, and not the details of who took part. Then when I did eventually get more detailed results to post on the website, there were still missing scores and missing pilots.


This is mainly because towards the end of the competition, COL Sauron had to leave the TIE Corps due to real life. Believe me when I say that getting in touch with him was a bit of trouble, as he doesn't check his e-mails as often any more, so getting all of the results on time were hampered to no end.

Any problems that have occurred with the BC Flying Contests recently have no been sorted out for this month though. You can find out how everything will be dealt with in this months competition along with all of the other competition details for this month. 


Expect next months issue of Battlecry to be amazing next month. Not only will it be a bumper issue, packed to the brim with interesting content, but it will also have an incredibly big competition to take part in.

For the content, expect to be able to read interviews with FC/GA Ronin and XO/SA Compton, features on the COO and Advanced Guard, and news on how Battlecry is going to get bigger and better still (believe me, you're going to love what's going to be happening with this newsletter over the following months).

The big competition will be just that...BIG!!! Not only will there be flying competitions with new, original missions developed for the competition (with a XMAS twist), but there will also be sections for fiction, mission design and a few more ideas that are circling in my head as ideas. The Writing Contest will be continuing on as usual though, for all of you who are enjoying how that is going.

Also, I'm hoping for masses of submissions. I'm going on a big submission drive over the following month to make sure there are plenty of fiction, artwork and articles for everyone to read. Remember, you can get LoAs for submitting to this newsletter now, due to the deal I have with the EH newsletter, Dark Sentinel.


Okay...I have nothing else to apologise for or show off, so I'll let you continue on with reading this newsletter.

“He’s Talking Nonsense”
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Release Date System Changed

Next Issue: Holiday Special (Bumper)
Battlecry 10  Jan 2001 - 16th December
Final Submission Date - 9th December

Editor .........................................CPT Werdna Elbee
Staff Writer ....................................CPT Troutrooper
Publisher........................................VA Jarak Maldon