“He’s Talking Nonsense”

by CPT Werdna Elbee

Disgusting TV

TV is getting worse. Even the news is made to be highly disgusting. Why do I say this? Well, I defy you to find anything on TV that doesn't have "Gore" and "Bush" on.

Okay, obviously I'm not really talking about violence (Gore) and sex (Bush), but it has been on TV too often. I mean, I come from Britain and it's on all the time there. God knows what it's like in the US!!!

Its for that reason that I'm not going to bore you with any more of this crap.

I just finished an exam...WOO-HOO!!!

As you might be able to see, there is no new part to the "Old Friends" fiction that I am writing in this issue. I have had no time this week to do any work on it because I have been studying all month. Luckily though, I have now done it (just a few days ago) so I will now be able to get plenty of work done on this newsletter and various other EH stuff.

This means there will definitely be a Bumper Issue next month for the holidays. I'm going to try and get lots of features, competitions, submissions and anything else that I can cram in. I can already tell you that it is highly likely that there will be interviews with GA Ronin and SA Compton, new, original missions to play in the competitions, and some surprises that I don't want to tell you just yet.

You'll be able to get a hold of issue 10 on the 16th December. But for now, you can enjoy this issue!!!

Top 5 Cool Things This Month

5. Disco Music - Okay. I know it's sad and I though I was over it, but it all came back a couple of days ago when I went to a few clubs with some mates and they were playing 70's music. I still prefer modern music, but there is just something about dancing like an idiot with your friends that make it more fun.

4. Charlie's Angels - The film has been critically panned by the press, but I think you should give it a go anyway. It's not brilliant, but neither was the series, so what do you expect. There is plenty of violence, jokes, stunts and flaunting of the stars bodies...so it has everything a good film should have. Just think of it as "The Matrix" if it were made of cheese.

3. U2 - Come on!!! They have been around for a couple of decades and they still sound good. You have to give them credit for that. I do have on problem though, who else thinks that "Beautiful Day" sounds like a old A-HA hit??? Anyway, that's my Dad's Christmas present sorted.

2. Toy Story 1 & 2 - YEY!!! TOY STORY'S ON DVD!!! Not only that but they will all be out in a box set soon over here in Britain, with a extra DVD with features on. That's my little sister's Christmas present sorted.

1. Championship Manager 3 - The King Of All Games!!! This game always has me completely addicted. Not only is it based on the Beautiful Game (Football/Soccer) and great fun...but I am so good at it. It's not even like I started with one of the best teams, but I choose my home team who are having troubles at the moment (Newcastle Utd), and I won the League in a season with out buying any players in. There is a updated version out now too, so that's my...erm...Mam's Christmas present sorted.

Crap things this month - Sunderland A.F.C, Sunderland Fans, Sunderland in general (It's a English Football thing...BASTARDS!!!!!)

CPT Werdna Elbee
(Battlecry Editor)