CPT Vexan

The Grand Order of the Emperor medal is a tough medal to get. Not only do you have to be a good pilot and officer, but also you have to have that extra little spark to make you special enough to earn it.

One such person with that spark is CPT Vexan, a Flight Member in Typhoon Squadron. She is an outstanding pilot who has completed all of the TC-TIE Battles, IW-Battles and CAB-Battles, and is close to completion of nearly everything else. This has raised he too second in the FCHG ranks, but is expected to take first place very, very soon.

It's not just the masses of missions that she has played that have earned her the GoE medal, CPT Vexan also dabbles in the other fun things an EH officer can do too, such as graphics and fan-fiction. She is also extremely active, reporting into her CMDR nearly everyday and as I soon found out, one of the nicest people you could meet!!!

When I met her, I found her to be very sure of herself as an officer, and for her young age, remarkably knowledgeable in the EH and raised some very good points on how things could be improved. You can tell that she has worked hard for everything she has got from the EH, and you do feel really honoured to have talked with her.

So, read on and discover more about this amazing officer...

Interview (Questions & Answers)

Interview (on IRC)

What do her friends really think of her?

Personal Profile (Online)

Typhoon Runon

- feature done by CPT Werdna Elbee -