Typhoon Runon

It was another typical warm, lovely day in the Imperial Capital as VA Torres walked his way through the crowds to Imperial Security's HQ in the Auroran System.  Despite the warm sun shining down, Torres still felt a chill as he entered the IS HQ.  Last time he had been here, some idiot analyst declared that his statistical data indicated that LCM Brandon was a traitor to the Empire and was planning to destroy the Challenge.  When Torres had bothered to check, the guy was still in hospital, recovering from majoring surgery and was probably going to lose the ability to use his legs.  Hearing this, Torres had simply shrugged and went back to read the Challenge's newspaper which was produced by LCM Brandon.

"Yes can I help you?"

That was another thing he hated about IS, all of them acted like the Empire relied on them and them alone.  As if they didn't know that the fate of the Empire rested in the hands of the EH's elite pilots and not in the hands of pukes like the one now glaring up at Torres.

"VA Torres, COM of the ISD Challenge, here to see FA Rapier."

"I'm sorry, but the FA is too busy for a simple COM.  Go awa.....ahhhh!!!!!!"

The ISer's words were ripped out of his mouth as Torres used his Jedi abilities and hurled him across the hall, slamming into the wall.  Dropping him, Torres shrugged and walked through the corridors and floots, finally arriving at the office of the Security Officer, the head of the EH's IS section.

"Use the door-handle this time, Torres!!!"

Smiling, Torres opened the door (using the door-handle :P) and entered FA Rapier's office which was an absolute mess.  A former COM of the Challenge, Rapier still remembered when Torres was a simple CMDR and made it a standing order that whenever Torres wanted to see him, he was to be let in immediately

"Gee Rapier, when did you last clean up?  When Pappy retired from service?"


Warned by Rapier's short responce, Torres noticed that another person was in the room.  Dressed in a black suit, he had everything about him that shouted CompForce, the military arm of the Commission of the Preservation of the New Order (COMPNOR), in a loud, sharp volume that you could probably hear on the other side of the universe.

"VA Torres, I would like you to meet CPT Kilger, Military Affairs.  CPT, this is VA Torres, one of the finest Imperial officers ever and the current COM of the ISD Challenge."

"A pleasure to meet you, David.  It's a great honour to meet one of the Empire's greatest heroes."

"Nice to meet you to, CPT."

While putting a slight hint into the man's rank, Torres winched in pain inside when he heard that Kilger was MA.  Set-up by some idiot after Endor, MA was the IS' way of keeping an eye on the military.  To Torres and everyone else in the military, the MA had done nothing but cost the Empire precious lives and equipment by empowering the MA officers with over-riding authority on any ship they were stationed on.

"VA Torres, I assume you've recieved the mission to Ssh'?  CPT Kilger has been assigned to the Challenge for the mission."

"I've recieved the mission, but frankly, I'm abit confused.  Even if Intell was out by 100% in their info on the rebel's numbers, I could simply send two M/CRVs to the target, get the base destroyed and be able to use the Challenge for other missions best suited for it."

"My dear David, the decision has already been made."

Ignoring the smiling Kilger, Torres kept looking at Rapier who shrugged his shoulders and nodded towards Kilger, indicating that was his answer.  Walking to his side, Kilger placed a hand on Torres' shoulder.

"Believe me, my friend, everything has its reason."

"Listen to....."

"Enough Torres.  You've got your orders so get to it."

Noticing the signs of Torres' infamous temper showing, Rapier had quickly interfered before he had said something that would wind up putting Kilger as COM of the Challenge and allow him to aim for the BGCOM.  Kilger was an officer who was willing to use any means to get to the top and he was not going to settle for anything less then the FC of the EH itself.

"Aye aye sir."

Snaping off a salute, Torres shock off Kilger's hand and walked out of the office.




The shuttle settled down as the pilots shut down the engines and the ramp lowered down.  Awaiting with a small stormtrooper escort party was Commander Sarah Harrington, the XO of the ISD Challenge.  Formerly LG Torres' aide, she had been made the XO when RA Torres was promoted to VA.  After more then 2 years of serving with him, Sarah could tell that something was up when Torres left the shuttle followed by a black suited man with a CPT's badge the only indication of who he was.  MA!!  Sarah could tell that the gathered troopers were eager to use the CPT as target practise.

"Welcome back, skipper."

"Thanks, Sarah.  This is CPT Kilger, ISMA.  He will be with us for the duration of the mission.  See to it that he has some quarters and anything else he needs.  Once thats done, get the Wind together for a briefing.  I'll be on the bridge."

"Aye sir."

Something was definitely up for Torres to get the WC and the CMDRs of Wing X for a briefing after just returning from the surface.  Pushing the thought aside, Sarah turned back to the CPT who was leering at her.

"CPT Kilger, if you would follow me and I'll take you to your assigned quarters."

Nodding for two of the troopers to get Kilger's bags, Sarah walked out of the hanger with Kilger walking alongside.

"You know, I can help you.  You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours."

None of this was going to get an answer so Kilger went on a direct approach.

"Obivously Torres doesnt appreciate what kind of a woman you are, but I do and if you give me a chance, I'll make it your while.  Like a promotion at the end of the mission."

This still didnt get a responce out of Sarah who maintained her straight stance and refused to look in his direction.  Damn military!!!  Didn't they understand that a person's ability politics was more important then their ability to fulfill their duties?  Kilger knew this was true and had proved when he had forced GN Bousshe of Inferno Squadron to retire.  Unfortunately this allowed Inferno's newest pilot, GN Torres, to be promoted to CMDR and thus began Torres' raise to power.  Kilger knew that Torres played the game far better then anyone in the Fleet, a fact pointed out when he considered the many times he had spoken out against COMPNOR's directives.  He knew that Torres was simply waiting for the right moment to act and then he would neutralise the current BGCOM, VA Kyle Kessler, through his many high level connections.  It was up to Kilger to stop this threat, save the Empire and became the greatest hero ever.

Of course it never occured to Kilger that the reason for Torres spoke against COMPNOR's directives was because they were all related to surface bombardment of civilian targets, an event which went against Torres code of honour.  Just as it didnt occure to him that Torres was not only one of VA Kessler's supporters, but was also semi-related to him and would never betray him.  As far as Kilger was concerned, any moves flag officers of the military made was part of some political agenda aimed at destroying the Empire and Kilger.  The moment he had stepped on the ISD Challenge, Kilger knew it was his destiny to command the ship.

Leaving the turbolift, Kilger walked through HIS ship and as he started to remember the faces of the crew, he saw probably the most beautiful woman ever alive reading a pad.  Completely forgetting Sarah, he marched towards her and grabbed her by the arm.

"20:00 in my quarters.  Just bring yourself, I'll supply the rest.  CPT Kilger's the name, CPT Kilger of the ISMA."

LC Callista, CMDR of the elite Typhoon Squadron, couldnt believe this jerk.  Here she was reading an email from GN Wolly, WC of Wing I, while waiting for Torres' return and all of a sudden shes been ordered to this jerk's quarters for something other then a 'Hi, can we be friends?" dinner.  Shacking his hand off, Calli glared at Kilger and went back to her reading.

"Perhaps you didn't hear me, pilot."

By now Sarah had noticed Kilger was gone and back-tracked her way to where Calli and Kilger were.  Recognising who Kilger was with, she smiled and leaned against the bulkhead, waiting for the fireworks to occur.

"Oh I heard you alright, CPT.  Its just that I'm busy right now so go away."

"Well get unbusy...right now!!"

Turning her pad off, Calli glared at Kilger who was busy checking her out.

"Well, CPT, I had better introduced myself.  LC Callista, CMDR of Typhoon Squadron.  Perhaps you've heard of me?"

Kilger immediatel went pale and took a step back.  Who hadnt heard of LC Callista or of Typhoon Squadron?  The winners of the Squadron League, Typhoon was considered by many as one of the finest and deadilest squadrons around.  A fact best shown in the form of it's CMDR, Callista.  One of the most beautiful women in the EH, she was also one of the most dangerous, both on and off the battle-field.  Not only was she married to HA Kawolski(ret), but she could also count on the support of many of the TC's brass, including Torres.  This thought prompted Kilger to pursue Calli even more and he reached for her again.

All of a sudden (ok there has to be a better way to say this :P) Kilger was flattened against the bulkhead and then dropped onto the deck as a tall MAJ walked up the corridor.

"Hi Calli."

"Oh hi Nightflyer.  How's things?"

"Not bad, I miss out on much?"

"Nope, just this email from Wolly.  Want to read it?"

"Sure, the cantina is free."

Without a single thought to Kilger, the two officers walked off, leaving him gasping for breath.  Kilger swore he would have his revenge on Torres by destroying Typhoon Squadron.  Picking himself up, he brushed past Sarah and entered his quarters.


COM/VA David Torres/ISD Challenge
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