The cell had a dark, humid feel to it, not unlike that of a cave of some sort. Blackbird, Ehart and Jenn were all checking the walls and door for signs of deterioration or any other form of weakness. "God, this place is sealed up tighter than anything I've ever seen." remarked Ehart, partially to himself. "Good, then we still have a chance." added Jennifer with a grim smile. A smile that wasn't visible to her fellow captives, as the LCM was still faced towards the wall, inspecting the object that stood between them and freedom inch by inch.

After a few minutes of checking, BB rose up from his crouched position and spoke up:"I wonder how far away the others have been locked up"

-"Well, wherever they are, they're sure to be on another level" answered Jenn, "I saw them being taken to an elevator once we got into the complex and were split up by the soldier boys. I just hope they're having better luck than us...wherever they are..."


"Come on, move it bucketheads!" Calli felt a blaster poking her hard between the shoulders.

The complex was huge, the CMDR thought as she was walking down yet another corridor with two of her flightmembers, boxed in by six heavily armed commandos. The bulk of the fortress must've been located underground. It made better sense, the scopes wouldn't have picked up a subterranean structure during a basic electro-magnetic/infra-red surface scan.

The LC was disturbed in her thoughts when the guards walking point halted in front of one of the doors connected to the long corridor. Andron and Talon bumped into their Commander while she was already busy studying the door. It looked like any other door they had seen, apart from a smal triangular box attached to the wall directly next to the sliding door. One of the guards stepped forward towards the box and inserted a key-card. A second later a camera-eye and a speaker unit were revealed, as a compartment slid open. The guard spoke:

"Blue-section leader, clearance code Lima-Victor-niner"

The response came an instant later, given by a metalic voice.


**visual indentity...confirmed**

**vocal indentity...confirmed**

**clearance code...confirmed**



And with that the sliding doors opened up, and the three Typhooners were pushed in the room. Expecting a prison cell of some sort, Calli was surprised to see racks and racks of blasters, rifles and concussion grenades. Why in the Sith would they bring them to a weapons storage room?  The front guards turned around as one, their bodies stiff as boards. Then, as if puppets cut from their strings, the three of them crashed to the floor. Behind the astonished captives stood Vader, Vexen and Domi, clad in commando fatigues, all of them wearing battle helmets with the blast shield in a now upright position so that their faces were revealed.

Vexie and Domi quickly caught Vader before he hit the floor.

"Ughh, I thought we'd never get to a safe spot." Vader moaned.

-"I'm surprised you could control them this long!" came Vexies astonished reply.


Several minutes later the six flightmembers had suited up and stocked up on weapons.

While checking his blaster Talon turned to Vader.

"So how did you get yourself here?"

-"Me and Vexie were successful in landing our craft and camouflaging them. After that we headed off in the direction of the blaster sounds and explosions." Vader replied, who was just coming out of a Jedi calming routine.

"When we got there, you guys were already surrounded by commandos lying prone in the bushes around you. Domi was observing the whole thing from a safe distance. Then we decided to keep 'em company." added Vexie with a smile.


Calli added the last concussion grenade to her utility belt before adressing the squad.

"Ok you guys, now what do we do? Anybody have any suggestions?"

Andron looked up from a sensor pad he had gotten from a case of equipment.

-"Well, I just finished modifying this sensor pads' azimuth and frequency-range"

-"I should be able to locate ElJay with it, then we can use him to log into any nearby terminal and get a fix on the position of the others"


Vader smiled "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go kick some butt!"


FM/LCM Talon Drear/Typhoon 3-4/Wing X/ISD Challenge  

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