Peeking out into the hallway CMDR Callista, saw that there were no enemy troops as far as she could tell.  Motioning to the rest of her squadron, or at least the ones she could count for.  She still had squadmates that were not accounted for.  Moving down the hallway, LCM Andron was using the sensor pad he modified. Sweeping it around he checked the dials and swept it back and pointed.. " Eljay is that way," he replied.

LCM Jenn,  LCM Ehart and CM Blackbird were leading with COL Domi and LCM Vexen guarding their rear.  They did their best to make sure that LC Calli was protected.  The force forbid that something should happen to the sweetheart of the 'Hammer'.  Breaking out into the sunshine they were greeted with several blaster shots that came fairly close to the Typhooners.  This is crazy thought Vexie, we're pilots, this is a job for the stormtroopers, but there were never any around when you needed one.  All Imperial pilots were given a short course in ground tactics but they very seldom has a chance to use their training.

Remembering some of those tactics helped.  Taking cover behind anything that looked like it could stop a blaster bolt, Typhoon shot back.  CMDR Calli, hiding behind a storage container, set the grenade she took from the armory and tossed it into the heaviest concentration of badguys.

CPT Vader, jumped up and made a wild mad screaming run towards a bunch of rebels who began running the opposite direction.  Seeing that Vader's charge put the rebs to running, she ordered the rest of her squadron to charge.  Chasing the rebels back into the trees, she ordered Talon, BB and Jenn to go into the building that Andron pointed out.  Running into the HQ of the Rebels, they saw Eljay standing there with a restraining bolt attached.  Quickly removing the bolt, Talon ordered Eljay to a data terminal.  "Find the others Eljay.  They have to be around here somewhere," he said.

Meanwhile, the rest of the squad were still exchanging fire with the base security force.  Although Typhoon was holding their own, they were still out numbered.  None of them had been hit yet but it was just a matter of time.  What the rebels didn't see was a lone small figure fading away from the battle site and grabbing a speeder cycle.  Jetting off into the afternoon, the figure was spotted by LC Calli..  "Danged that girl, what is she up to now.  Whatever it is, I wish her luck."  CMDR Cal wasn't worried about any of her pilots going AWOL, especially when the stuff was hitting the fan.  There was never a finer team that stuck togeather through thick and thin than Calli's pilots.

" BB to Calli, Eljay found the rest.  They are in a supply dump 30 klicks southeast of here.  The bad guys have them in a detention cell," called BB on a confiscated COMM unit.

" Thanks BB, get out here and flank them, we need to fight our way to the spaceport.  We need transport, I plan on flying to the supply dump and make life a living hell on the rebels until we get our people back."

"Darn it," said Jenn.  "Where did Vexie go to, she is always going off on her own.  What can she be doing now.  We need her help."

"Stay kewl, Jenn, I am sure she has a good reason for being away from all this fu............  What the heck is that, it sounds like a Tie engin........  It is a Tie or rather a Missile Boat.  It must be Vexie, good going girl."

"Hi guys, I have some torpedoes here that need a home, you guys look out down there.  I am coming around for a pass, where do you want this delievered, asked LCM Vexen.

"The rebels have been chased into the tree line nort of the main building.  We are behind the east and west building," replied Cal.

What a beautiful sight, thought the members of Typhoon as the MIS passed over their heads and swung straight up disappearing from sight.  Reaching 10,000 meters altitude, Vex flipped the ship over and began a long dive back towards the battle raging below her.  Setting the pipper on her heads Up Display, she locked onto the trees below her.  Pulling the trigger 3 times, she pulled up and flipped over onto her back and saw the world literally explode below her.  "Calli, Vader, Ehart,  anybody, you all OK down there, screamed Vexen into her COMMO unit.  Answer please."  She hoped she had shot the torpedoes at the rebels and only the rebels.

"Relax, Vex, we are a bit shook and singed but we are OK.  Fly cover over us.  COL Domi will join you as soon as he recoveres his T\A.  We are headed to the spaceport on the ground transport here.  We plan on capturing a SHU or something and rescuing our comrades.  Calli, out...........................


FM\LCM Vexen\Typhoon 2-1\Wing-X\ISD Challenge
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