Cal hated to be defenseless, to be without any plan of rescue whatsoever. There she was, her hands above her head, walking in front of the numerous Rebels. What a great example I am for my pilots, she snorted.

Brandon was carried by two of the scum, no stretcher, no medical support, nothing. The Rebels could be glad he was in this trance, he’d prolly eaten them alive for doing this. Cal was worried to say the least. Bran needed medical attention as soon as possible, the longer he was in this poor state, the worse he was gonna recover from it later. They walked for about 15 minutes, then they arrived at a clearing. It wasn’t difficult to see that the building that stood there was a Rebel base... too many of them were running around there for Cal’s taste. The scum looked at the Imperial pilots in interest, but went about their business.  

They were led into the building, into a large room right on the left. Cal figured it was the comm center, with all the computersand radars and all. All of the captured Typhoon pilots were placed in a row, and Bran was laid on the floor (;P). They exchanged some glances, and Calli could see that everyone seemed to expect her to have a plan of some sort. Just that she didn’t have one. A pretty corpulent Rebel officer bearing the rank insignias of a Major approached them.  

‘Are these all of the Imperials that intruded?’ He went along the row of Typhoon pilots and looked at each of them in disgust.  

‘We cannot be sure, Sir, there may be more of them. We counted 12 Imperial Star Fighters in the orbit, but some of them might have been destroyed by the impact on the surface.’ Replied the young Rebel who had led the capture operation. "Go on with your search then, Lieutnant... what about this one here?’ the major said and kicked Brandon slightly in the side. Cal had to refrain herself from scratching the guy’s eyes out. ‘He’s barely alive, Sir. To be exact, we were wondering how he can still be alive with these wounds. He certainly won’t make it much longer.’ ‘Well then, get rid of him. He’s no use to us.’ The Lieutnant took his blaster and aimed it at Bran’s head. Cal had to act. Fast. ‘I wouldn’t do that if I were you...’ she muttered, barely audible. But the major heard. He gestured at the Lieutnant to stop. The major went up to Callista, stood in front of her and brought his face close to hers. His breath was a nasty odor of bruualki.

‘And why, little lady, wouldn’t you do that if you were me?’ ‘He’s our Commander.’ Some of the Typhooners looked at her in surprise, but the major didn’t notice. ‘I figure if you want to question us, you’ll certainly get more information from him.’ The major sneered at her.

‘A fine specimen of a loyal Imperial you are. And you expect me to spare you out on the interrogation cause you cheated on your Commander? I’m not as dumb as you might think I am.’ He gestured at the Rebel guards. ‘Bring them to a detention cell. Split them up, they have to be separated from each other. And put this one here,’ he pointed at Brandon, ‘into a bacta tank.’

When they were led down the corridor of the base, towards the prison section, Cal had a smile on her face.


CMDR/LC Callista/Typhoon/Wing X/ISD Challenge

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