There has been a decent amount of features this week. There may not seem to be much here at first glance, but hidden behind each subject is a wealth of information for you to read. There was going to be more, but not everything met the tight deadline. Right now I'm still working on a big feature about the Internet Office, and doing a feature of  the new FO, and Miss. EH, VA Sarriss. Look in the next issue of Battlecry for those.

COL Kessler Feature

In this feature, not only can you find interviews with the former-FO and now veteran Flight Member, but links to all of his past short stories. The first interview is a bit outdated, with both Nighthawk and Val Ricaud stepping down from their high-ranking positions, but I kept them in there anyway as they make for a good read.

CPT Vexan Feature

CPT Vexan recently won a GoE medal for simply being one of the best pilots in the EH. She has been in the top 3 of the FCHG ranks for ages now (she's only gone and completed all of the TC-TIE battles, IW battles, and CAB battles, and played most of the other ones), been the perfect Flight Member, and even had the time to do some writing. In this feature you will find interviews with CPT Vexan, messages from her friends saying how great she is, and even a run-on story that she took part in.

The Future Of Battlecry

No, this doesn't tell you what is going to be in the next issue, but it will tell you what Battlecry will be doing in the future. Not only are we going to be throwing out a newsletter every month (well, every 4 weeks, I'm going to make a Xmas issue too with the extra weeks), but we are going to do a few projects too. Right now, there is an archive planned for all of the work ever handed into all the newsletters and competitions, and an EH encyclopedia to help you get the facts you need to write your own fiction.