The Future of Battlecry

Putting together a newsletter is pretty easy. Simply get some people to write the odd piece of fiction, draw a few pretty pictures and add a few healthy portions of club information. Quite frankly, my job's dead easy and it's you lot who really have to do the work.

For this reason I have decided to give something back to the members of TIE Corps (and the rest of the EH) but setting up a special few projects under the Battlecry banner. You can find out more about the first two projects planned by selecting them below: -

The EH Archives

Emperor's Hammer Storyline Encyclopedia

Of course, I'm going to have a hard time doing these projects myself, and it would be really great if some of you wonderful readers joined in and gave me a hand. There are a list of skills that could be used in the explanations and if you could do any of them to help the projects then please join!!! Hey, even if you don't have any of the skills need, send me a mail and I'll find something for you to might even learn something.

CPT Werdna Elbee