Unofficial EH History - by VA Jarak Maldon

This is as close a history of the EH as I've ever seen (in such detail anyway). Jarak is still working on clearing up a few points to make it more accurate, but this is a good guide for now.


XvT Week of War October 2000 Stats
XWA Week of War December 2000 Stats

Find out how the EH done against most of the other XvT and XWA clubs in the past Week of Wars (using http://www.battlestats.com). You can even find out how badly I done when I played in the XWA WoW (I still won us some points though). Hopefully this will spur you all on to take part in the next set of WoWs so we can do better next time.


He's Talking Nonsense - by CPT Werdna Elbee

As well as my Top 5 cool things of the month, there is also a fair bit of info about multiplayer gaming. While I still haven't finished the major feature that I'm doing on it, there is enough info on playing in the EH and the new-look Outer Rim War too keep you happy.


The Talking Fish - by MAJ Troutrooper

He doesn't know that I'm calling his article that yet, but he'll know now. Actually, this is a good article with some interesting opinions. Not everyone will agree, but that is why I added his e-mail at the bottom so you can tell him personally. (Do I treat slave-boy...I mean, Trout...too badly???)



Here some of the funniest and interesting utterances from the world of IRC on the EH channels. Enjoy it while it lasts, because unless I get some submissions from others, this feature is going to be cut. (It may also allow people to feel less awkward about what they say to me when I'm on IRC :o)

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