While the Flying Contest is complete, there are still plenty of other competitions to take part in over the next month.

I should point out that these competitions have not had their medals changed. It is just the Flying Contest that has been affected by the ruling of the OPS office (more on that on the main contest page).

Select the titles of the competitions to get more details on the competitions.

Fiction Contest
This is an open contest, where you can write about anything you like. The story I like the most is in line for receiving a Palpatine Crescent.
Graphics Contest
This is an open contest, where you can draw, render, photograph anything you want (as long as it's loosely based on Star Wars). The picture that I most admire will win, and the creator will get a nice Palpatine Crescent.
Mission Design Contest
Again, a fairly open contest. I want missions for TIE, XvT and XWA, based upon anything you like, and the the best of each of the platforms will receive a PC each.