Mission Design Contest

I want some magnificent free-missions for a Flying Contest in two months. Fancy the job? If you win not only will everyone get to fly your mission in a competition in two months, but you'll also get a Palpatine Crescent for your troubles.

RULES: I want a single mission (no battles please), but the topic is up to you. You can enter a mission for TIE, XvT and XWA. You may take part in more than one platform at once. The winners of each platform will receive a PC and their missions will be used in a Battlecry Flying Contest. Actually, it's a bit of luck for people who make missions for the EH Battle Board anyway, as I'm sending all missions to be processed by the TAC for entry too. If you don't want your work to be sent to the TAC, please tell me.

All entries must be relatively new. I don't want anything that is already on the EH Battle Board. Missions that are currently being viewed by the Tactical Office and is being Beta Tested are allowed to be entered.

AWARDS: The best missions for each platform will win a Palpatine Crescent (PC) for it's creator. The judges are yet to be decided upon, as I don't have all the platforms, but XWA will be judged by me (CPT Werdna Elbee) personally.

ENTRIES: All entries should have all the files needed to get the mission working attached (check http://www.tiecorps.org/tac/tac-man/ for details). A readme file is needed, and it would be nice if it has a decent plotline too. Also note that you should Bug Test it too, as a bugged game just ain't gonna win.

All files should be zipped and e-mailed to battlecomp@hotmail.com. Please send your full ID Line too.

DEADLINE: Final deadline is Saturday 3rd February.

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