Graphics Contest

Send in your pictures for the chance to earn yourself a Palpatine Crescent (PC). It could be a hand-drawing, bitmap, vector, rendered, photographed, or long as it has a Star Wars or EH theme. the entries will also double up as submissions to Battlecry too, so everyone should be noticed. 

RULES: You can make an image of anything you want, as long as it is Star Wars based. 2D, 3D, photographed...I don't care. The only image I don't want is uniforms, because as good as they are, they aren't quite as creative as other works. All entries must be relatively new. I don't want anything that has been published in newsletters before.

AWARDS: My favourite graphic will earn a PC for the creator. Also, all entries get submitted to the newsletter too, so their may be a LoA in it too (depending upon what the XO does with his newsletter). It is too be judged by the Editor (CPT Werdna Elbee), and the judges decision is final.

ENTRIES: All entries have to be in .jpeg or .gif format. Nothing else will be accepted. If you can, please zip the files too, as it will make downloading the e-mails a little bit easier on me.

All files should be zipped and e-mailed to Please send your full ID Line too.

DEADLINE: Final deadline is Saturday 3rd February.

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