"Welcome to the first issue of Battlecry, the new TIE Corps magazine!" That's an overly euphemistic, cliched, and joyful opener to the starting issue of an embryonic newsletter, I know, but nevertheless I feel it somehow appropriate all the same. The TIE Corps is currently enjoying an unparallelled period of stability, activity, and morale; more than ever we have a rightful claim to be the heart and soul of the Fleet. Yes, nothing is perfect, and sometimes we have problems: the domain can go down, everybody above Squadron Commander complains about not having enough new assignments, and minor crises pop up every now and then ... but essentially, we've never had it so good. My editorial ego would like to think that in some small way, this magazine - a first for the TIE Corps - embodies and symbolises that current prosperity ... So, what can you expect from this, the first issue? Well, before I point out some of the highlights, I would like to express my pleasure at the quantity and quality of submissions to the Magazine, from all branches of the service. Each and every person who has their names up in lights throughout Battlecry has a right to be very proud. I should perhaps apologise for a certain amount of editorial ruthlessness upon my part: many submissions, particularly graphical ones, have been turned down, due to several strict policies which are intended to limit the size of the magazine, so that more people are able to download it easily. Part of this plan involves there being TWO versions of the magazine - the on-line verion is essentially the full kit, with all the trimmings, for those who have the bandwidth, the time, and the money to browse the newsletter on the web and download the larger files themselves. The second, off-line version, is a watered-down "Battlecry Lite". It does not include full images in the Graphics section, nor does it include the zip file with the voices for the X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter version of the Contest mission (although it will still run fine without these voices, you'll just have to put up with not hearing me get beaten over the head ;-)). All three major sections - Fiction, Features, and Graphics - are fairly well-rounded, with a good range of diverse submissions (from Cantina Games to "Christmas Presents" to assassination attempts on the Fleet Commander's life). As promised, however, the top three submissions to each issue, at my discretion, will be rewarded, and are as follows in reverse order: 3. Fiction - The Invisible Rebellion by CMDR/MAJ Joe/Resh/Wing VI/SSSD Sovereign - one of the early submissions to the magazine, and also one of the most outstanding, if only for the extremely high quality of writing, well fleshed-out characters, and a nice, steady pace. Major Joe gets an Imperial Security Medal for his efforts ... 2. Features - Interview with Fleet Admiral Kessler by FL/LT Mini Minkus/Teth/Wing IV/SSSD Sovereign - no, I'm not brown-nosing. :-) Lieutenant Minkus asks some very searching and original questions of the Fleet Admiral, including the controversial matter of just how the PLT Daedalus might be improved. And as with all the best interviewers, he is able to elicit an interesting response from the interviewer without having to intervene or distract. And let's face it, anybody who can make Kessler sound interesting deserves a Palpatine Crescent ... :-) 1. Features - Wing I Christmas Present by FM/LC Calias/Rho 3-4/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign and CMDR/LC Freelancer/Rho/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign - alright, so Christmas may be long over, but that doesn't make this little oddity any less hilarious, though it isn't even vaguely related to the Festive Season itself. I don't want to say too much - it'd spoil the fun - but all I can say is this: God help us if these people ever get their hands on the actual database. :-) Bronze Stars coming up for Misters Calias and Freelancer ... and the dubious accolade of "Editor's Recommended Read." :-) I thought that by now I'd be tired and worn-out from putting this magazine together, but I'm very happy to see my expectations proved thoroughly wrong. Yes, it has been hard work, but that's been overcome by an immense pleasure at reading your submissions (even the ones that didn't make it into the final mag). I'm sure that in time, I'll become as ratty and ill-tempered as any good editor should be, but until then, keep those submissions rolling in ... :-) Regards,