March 2002


Warwick Davis ("Wicket") Named as Newest Honorary Member:  03.22.02
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (FA Keiran Idanian)

(Please visit the EH Honorary Members Page)

Greetings gentlemen...


Warwick Davis, the actor who played Wicket... :)

In a message dated 3/22/02 6:58:25 AM Eastern Standard Time, Warwick Davis writes:


I am honoured to have been asked to become an honorary member of the Emperor's Hammer. I accept your offer, and look forward to visiting and seeing my picture etc. on the domain.

Please write to me again in a couple of months re. the email interview, I have rather a backlog of them at the moment.


Warwick Davis

Emperor's Hammer Awarded the Golden Web Award:  03.23.02
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (FA Keiran Idanian)

(Please review our Domain Awards Page as well to review our other awards...!)

In a message dated 3/23/02 9:13:46 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

You are receiving this special invitation because you had submitted your website to the IAWMD's Golden Web Awards and won...

Darin Carter

Greetings GA Ronin,


I hope is is detailed enough. :) I did some light research and found some good information.

The IAWMD claims to be the Internet's leading Association of IT of Web Professionals. You can become a member by paying a fee, which they say will get you world wide recognition, respect and prestige that is associated with being an IAWMD member.

The members are voluntary self-regulation and administration.

Below I found a really good part of their website that may help to answer some of your questions.

How is the I.A.W.M.D. different from other web award programs on the Internet that claim to identify ethical and well-designed sites?
Sites belonging to the I.A.W.M.D. make a commitment to high levels of quality sites as well as upholding the I.A.W.M.D. code of ethics. Our well-trained committee reviews every site that is submitted to the I.A.W.M.D. Webmasters in the I.A.W.M.D. commit to better site design as well as further advancements in web development. No other award program can match the high development standards, the mass amount of qualified members, and the high public name recognition that the I.A.W.M.D. commands.

The I.A.W.M.D., which was founded in 1997 and is today supported by 135,000 members and affiliates in 145 counties worldwide. It is dedicated to better relationships as well as interactivity between developers and surfers, instilling web-based confidence and contributing to a talented web development community.

The I.A.W.M.D. awards programs allows Webmasters to compete for and display various awards and achievements of recognition, for their work and creativity in website design and content, upon evaluation and confirmation of various award requirements.

When a web surfer visits your web site, how does that person know your site is a step above the rest? Wouldn't it be great if you were able to distinguish your site as well designed and established, with just a glance? The I.A.W.M.D. provides you the added measure of approval. The I.A.W.M.D. is the solution to setting your website apart.

In my opinion, it seems pretty legitimate. They have enough information about it to let someone know what's going on.

I hope that helped. If not, I can continue to dig. :)


6th Annual Webby Awards Update:  03.20.02
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

Dear 6th Annual Webby Awards Entrant,

Thank you for submitting your site(s) for consideration in this year's Webby Awards. Thousands of entries were received from 36 countries and 44 states.

All sites have completed our review phase, and a short list of those with the highest scores in each category have been passed on to the Nominating Judges for consideration.  Following the model of the other major Academies, we do not publish our short lists, only the nominees.

Nominees will be announced on Tuesday, April 29, 2002. If nominated, you will be contacted directly via email to the address on record. A complete list of nominees will be available at

We're glad to be able to consider your site for the best of the Web. Please stay tuned.


Doc Watson

VA NiksaVel Appointed as New IWCOM:  03.22.02
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Infiltrator Wing

Following the resignation of the IWCOM Trevor Rastyn and based on his recommendation, the current IWXO, VA NiksaVel, has been appointed to the position of IWCOM.

His email address is

SA Astatine - XO

XO Report #6:  03.23.02
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Office of the XO

The two most common errors on the TIE Corps site have been corrected (the PRIMARY filegroup thing and the manuals page). Also, I've been
going through code and changing all URL and email references to If you're still getting generated emails that refer to the stuff, let me know. Since I've only just looked at a little of the code and have no idea of what the actual table structures and relationships are, don't expect any sort of additional functionality in the near future.

Congratulations to the recently appointed, including the new LO (FA Abk) and IWCOM (NiksaVel). The position of Grand Moff has been vacated and I'll be posting requirements for it soon on the TIE Corps site. The deadline for the current Newsletter has changed. For this one only, it will be extended til 1st of April. This is because the issue will be featured around Jedi Knight 2, which is supposed to be out on 29th (contrary to the rubbish that EB in Australia is telling customers). The extension is to give us an opportunity to slip in a couple reviews of the game and some pretty pictures. In addition, if you have an article you want to write about JK2 (or JK1 or related things), let me know.

Next month I'll be starting a nice little review of all COs and nice stuff like that. It will be quite comprehensive, ranging from website (usability, how well updated it is) through to actual achievements. Based on this, a report will be drafted with recommendations on what to do with each person, highlighting areas of improvement. I'll be hoping to make it a regular review of sorts.

Lastly, there is a poll on the TIE Corps site about my performance as XO. Some people have opted to put some comments there, so I've decided to answer some of them in a public area. :P

"I'd rate him higher, but I don't know all that he does. But being a former CMDR myself I'll give him the benefit of the doubt of a really good job for things done 'behind the scenes' :P"

I think the TC has really slowed down lately. I'd like to see something flare us up again, though that may require a new game platform.... but
never know, the next competition might peek interests." The slowing down in the TIE Corps is an issue that's been raised by a few people. And yeah, the game platform issue is central to the theories behind this slowing down. The FO and I will be discussing this soon. In addition, I'm hoping that incorporating the Enemies of the EH into future competitions will increase interest.

"I never see a XO report that is sent out to the whole fleet. The FO never does that either. I liked it when you big wigs did that."

Well, I used to do it as TO, sending out a "TO Communiqu�". I haven't really done that as XO because most of the stuff doesn't directly apply to the average Flight Member and most of the contents of the reports are just repeating information that's available on the domain. However, I might look into mailing the TC in the future on a monthly basis.

"He is more active than some XOs, maybe not very popular, but that isn't a requirement.. I would have like to seen past XOs do something like this."

I think this is something people are always going to throw around, the issue of popularity. However, I think that someone actually being capable of doing a job and doing it well is more important than being everyone's best mate. :P That being said, I'm trying to keep some of my more infamous personality problems under control :P

"The work the current XO has been doing is pretty much behind the scenes. As a FL, I am no longer privvy to the inner workings of the executive office or command staff. However, this is what I have noticed. It still seems the XO is doing TO work for some reason? This has put some shadow of doubt on Admiral Havoc's performance and/or ability as a CO. The XO has not responded to my inquiry regarding the SCO. The XO also still seems to carry a negative bias towards some members of the fleet as is backed-up by the lack of support for the XO I have heard in my dealings with personnel - both line, flag, AND admiralty. These personnel have formed their opinions from the XO's position as TO in the past and as XO currently as well as the general attitude, behavior, and personality of the XO. As the XO, I believe it is his duty to act in an impartial manner in ways that totally represent the fleet. The XO should NOT act on biases or prejudices against other members. I firmly believe the current XO will not surpass the accomplishments of Kawolski. The largest advantage of the current XO, however, is his extensive experience in multiple subgroups. However, his training in the fleet seems to be one sided and does not have the charisma of a leader which is primary as a XO. This quality would have been learned in the TIE Corps had he stayed there long enough to actually be a successful squadron commander. I am not a supporter of people who jump from short time CMDR to Dean and then CO. High positions in multiple subgroups does NOT define experience in command, necessarily. I should voice that the current XO is by far the most unpopular XO in the EH's history as I have heard widespread discontent with the selection.

However, both Paladin and Faethor were worse choices. Paladin does not have the time or skills to be XO anymore. Faethor, well...he's another story. I will however note, that as a loyal EH officer, it is my duty to remain fully loyal and obedient to the high command (whom I consider to be the FC and XO). So, although I do not support the XO-ship of SA Astatine, I will abide by his regulations and decisions and support him as the only choice at the time."

This one is fun. :P I'm doing "TO work" because at the moment, the TO site coding is a mess and I can't give Havoc a login and password on
it. So, as a result, I'm approving TC competitions still (which uses the same interface as approving DB comps, a duty for me as DGM. Might
as well kill two birds with one stone). I didn't respond to the inquiry about SCO because it was included in an email that was primarily about
an error on the TC site and I totally missed the line asking about the SCO. Yes, shock, horror, I'm human. As for bias, well, everyone has
that and anyone who says they don't have bias are lying to themselves. My biases, unlike some people, are not based on personality issues or
thinking that "Bob is a jerk". They more lay in the performance of people and how I feel people execute their positions. If they execute it poorly, then they get a little black mark against their name, regardless of how nice or nasty a person they are. Passing the achievements of Kawolski will be hard. However, it's important to note that most of Kawolski's achievements are contained within the TC database, which he made as FO, not as XO. I'm confused about the author's next point about how high positions (i.e.. command positions) in multiple subgroups don't equal command experience. The jump from CMDR to Dean is a rare thing and in my case, it seems it was a good decision of the XO at the time. The progression from Dean to TO was a totally logical and natural one and to argue it's "unnatural" or "bad" is a bit silly. Popularity, as pointed out in a previous comment, is something that doesn't bother me. I don't lay in bed everynight hoping that every EH member loves me. I've love to know where this widespread discontent is coming from since I never heard a bad thing about my appointment either directly or indirectly. The simple fact of the matter was that I was *the* senior CO on the Command Staff, I had and still have good working relationships with the SGCOMs, knowledge of the subgroups and all that nice stuff. It would seem then that any "discontent" about my appointment would, once again, be based upon the "Ast is a jerk" syndrome and not any real evidence of my inability to do the job.

And that's about it. :P

XO/SA Astatine/CS-2/SSSD Sovereign

Imperial Cross Awarded to FA Kermee:  03.21.02
As Recommended By:  Science Officer (AD Darkhill)

Emperor's Hammer Imperial Cross (IC) Medal
(Please see the Operations Manual for Medal descriptions)

I know its probably a month late and he has transferred to the Reserves. But I would like to have FA Kermee awarded the IC for his past
service to the EH and Science Office most importantly. He created a much easier to use batch install system for EH patches. He took the old archaic version of the Fleet Manual and turned it into a much easier to navigate and read Fleet Manual v5.0. As well as taking the old Order of Battle and turning it into a more compact and Fleet Manual cross referenced Order of Battle. He has been an incredible help to the EH as his time as SCO and then CA:SCO.


SCO/AD Den Darkhill/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign
SW Den Darkhill(Sith)/House Ludo Kressh of Clan Naga Sadow
WR-RM w/2/DC-KC/(BN)
"Fly for Honor, Fly for Glory, come home in bodybag."

JKII: Outcast Goes Gold:  03.19.02
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (FA Keiran Idanian)



The day has come!

-= Fleet Admiral Keiran Idanian, Reconnaissance Officer =-
[- | -}
RO-MAG/FA Keiran Idanian/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
KE (Krath)/CON/Alvaak
"For the honor of the Emperor's Hammer"

LO Report #1:  03.22.02
As Emailed From:  Logistics Officer (FA AbsoluteK)

Logistics Office


Greetings everybody! As I have only been LO for a few days now, I�ve spent most of my time getting up to speed on current projects so there isn�t a great deal to report this week. I�ve spent some time and whipped up a quick basic LO website which can be found at Right now there isn�t that much there in the way of content, but I�m working on that.

Being as how the LO site has moved yet again (this should be the last time really!), I have some new URL�s to announce:

� Logistics Office Homepage:

� EH Memorium:

� EH Codex:

� HTML-ized NL�s:

Also, the EH zipped newsletters will have two mirrors, the one formerly known as the �IO NL Mirror� at will become the primary mirror location, and henceforth, will simply be known as �Mirror 1�. The LO mirror at will be the secondary mirror, and thus will be called �Mirror 2�.

LO/FA Aiden "Absolutek" Cantor Karias/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign
"C code. C code run. Please run, PLEASE!!!"


FA AbsoluteK Appointed as New Logistics Officer:  03.14.02
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Logistics Office

New Logistics Office Selected

After a selection process, the new Logistics Officer has been picked.  Congratulations to Fleet Admiral AbsoluteK. He was selected on the basis of his excellent record as Internet Officer and other works.

Others who applied include:

* AD Goatham
* AD Starrett

XO/SA Astatine/CS-2/SSSD Sovereign

IWCOM Report, AD Trevor Rastyn Resigns:  03.15.02
As Emailed From:  Former IWCOM (AD Trevor Rastyn)

Infiltrator Wing


Trevor stood in the door way of the Infiltrator Wing Commanders office. His possessions had been removed, Trevor's hardwood desk and high-back leather chair had been taken away, and the room seemed to be twice the size with nothing in it. Trevor held a box under his arm, and a second tunic in his opposite hand. He took one last look around the room and thought of all of the events that had taken place in the time he called this office 'his'. The vacation he and Viper took just days before his appointment. The Adaran Civil War that cost him his beloved YT-2000. The parties he had partaken in with his fellow members. He looked out the grand window where one could gaze out at the endless void of space. Trevor envisioned his old Awing sitting in the hangar, just as it was when he was posted to Knight Squadron. Trevor's first starship command, The Ka'tal was looming off to the side of the WarHammer. From where he transferred to the Renegade that Trevor later switched, to bring back the Fear and Warspite pairing that he and so many others remembered. The office that Trevor earned his full Admiral badging, and most recently the second highest award of the Infiltrator Wing. Trevor turned out the lights, moved out of the empty room, and let the door close on its own behind him. He continued down the hall to the lift and headed to his new quarters, which were much smaller. It was a similar to the barracks of the pilots and crew, but still with an element of privacy. With a sigh, Trevor sat down his belongings, and flopped into the end chair. He looked around and decided to get out and take his mind off things. He walked to the lounge and took a seat at the bar.

"G'evening sir. The usual?" The barkeeper asked.

"Heya.." Trevor said as he looked around. "Ummm... not tonight thanks. I'll have a double rum and Coke." The barkeeper nodded and fixed Trevor his drink. The room was empty and Trevor could not help but wonder what things would be like in the days to come. The bartender sat down Trevor's drink and began to wipe down the counter. Trevor reached into his pocket to pull out some money.

"Don't you worry 'bout that sir." He stated. "You've always paid your tab on payday, and you've tipped me about as much in the last few months as I've made in wages." Trevor smiled and raised his glass to the bartender. "Now you go have fun... and that's an order!" The bartender said with a return smile. Trevor headed into the lounge and began to mingle with his comrades. The Infiltrator Wing would continue to prosper. That was for sure, but it would lie in the members...

and time will tell that story....

Membership Count

Infiltrator Wing Command Staff: 7
IWCS Advisors: 3
IWCS Assistants (Full Time): 2
Flag Staff: 4
Centurion Squadron: 3
MC90 Fear: 40
MC90 Warspite: 34
Trainees: 0
Total: 93


Well, this is it folks!! It's been six great months, since I took command of the Infiltrator Wing, and I just want to say that it has been a great six months. It's gone by pretty fast, I must say. With my final report, I have some news to share with you.

For some time, I have contemplated the access of members on #the_infiltrator_wing. I've decided that it's time to go back to the old system that we had when I joined the Infiltrator Wing. Wing Commander and above will receive Ops staus, and Squadron Commanders will have Voice status. I asked the members for their Cservice nicks last week, and I now give the Squadron Commanders permission to use their access in channel when they are there. Have fun with it, but remember... this is a privilege to you, not a right. Respect your access, and I'm sure your seniors will allow you to retain what you have earned.

Prelude to Andevia has wrapped up, and all we can do now is wait for the results. I wish the best of luck to all those who participated!! (Viva the IW Team Run on!!)

Crusader has put up "Rastyn's Rants" at and I'll continue to do my best to make you smile and laugh.

Well, we tried but we could not break one hundred members. Though, I am very pleased with ninety-three. I hope everyone will do their part to keep those numbers up, and build upon them. Break that hundred member mark!!

The IWCOM's trivia now wraps up, and unfortunately... it didn't go over as well as I thought. So, here's some info about myself, and the answers...

History Lesson

What name did IWCOM Trevor Rastyn join the Emperor's Hammer under? Kezran Sylarr
What Squadron does IWCOM Trevor Rastyn call "home"? White Squadron
What date (month and year) did IWCOM Trevor Rastyn join? July 2000 (it was actually mid June, but.. oh well)
Who was IWCOM Trevor Rastyn's Flight Leader, when he joined? Rear Admiral Neo
Was _______ a former Rebel, or a loyal Imperial? Kezran Sylarr was a former Rebel

Can I see some ID?

What was the FLT Exam based upon? The SrgEx (Sergents Exam)
The COMEx is based upon the old ColEx exam, what was the ColEx exam based upon? The CapEx (Captians Exam)
Which IWTA course was created by IWCOM Trevor Rastyn? Starfighter General Knowledge (SGK)
For what, did IWCOM Trevor Rastyn do to earn his LoA's? For submissions to the EH News Letter
What award does IWCOM Trevor Rastyn share with Vice Admiral Kano? the Order of the Warspite

Maybe you should Drive

What ship was IWCOM Trevor Rastyn's first Command? M/FRG Ka'Tal
What ship was IWCOM Trevor Rastyn's second Command? MC90 Renegade
What is IWCOM Trevor Rastyn's current YT2000 named? Hannah Sound
What is one of IWCOM Trevor Rastyn's more obscure passtimes? Swoop Racing
IWCOM Trevor Rastyn's father commands an Imperial Star Destoyer, what is that ISD named? Judge

Rast & the Family IW

What planet was IWCOM Trevor Rastyn born on? Obora-Skai
When IWCOM Trevor Rastyn turned 18, his first job within the Empire was as a? Imperial Royal Guard
True or false, IWCOM Trevor Rastyn is the last of his clan? True
Who is IWCOM Trevor Rastyn's half brother? Kezran Sylarr
What are the names of IWCOM Trevor Rastyn's twin nieces? Claire and Julia Jerin

...that's close enough

Where does IWCOM Trevor Rastyn live in reality? Edmonton Alberta, Canada
What does IWCOM Trevor Rastyn drive? (make, model, and year) 1988 GMC Sierra
Which of the Star Wars movies is IWCOM Trevor Rastyn's favorite? the Empire Strikes Back
How old will IWCOM Trevor Rastyn be next month? 23 (on Tuesday!!)
IWCOM Trevor Rastyn plays hockey. What position does he play? Defence


Congratulations General Figaro for being the only participant, and being 100% correct. I hereby present you with a Merit Cross Second Class (MC2) and a Legion of Merit (LoM) for your contribution!!

With my last report, I'd like to award some promotions and medals to those who have truly earned them in my time as IWCOM. These individuals have distinguished themselves by their passion for this Sub-Group, by their dedication to thier work, and by thier friendship.

To an old friend Mutilator,

Your time and effort into the work of is second to none, and shows some of the finest dedication I have ever seen. Through thick and thin, you have proven yourself time and time again. Words can go only so far to praise the work you've done, but sometimes actions are stronger than words. I hereby promote you to the long overdue rank of Vice Admiral. Congratulations Mutilator!!

To my good friend Astix,

Two years ago, we were both aboard the Warspite in White Squadron and Shadow Squadron. I remember one of our old friends, Kyph Orvak mistook Astix for a woman. (thought you'd lived that down, eh?) But Astix being the happy-go-lucky type he is got over it rather quickly. A true freind, he has always been on the bright side of life and knows how to cheer a person up. For his work as IWTAC, and getting the Infiltrator Wing's battleboard started (finished by ISE Mutilator), I hereby promote Astix to the rank of Lieutenant General. Congratulations Astix!!

To a new friend Renn,

When this new officer named Renn joined the Infiltrator Wing, I was amazed at how fast he was taking to things. Writing reports, writing IWTA courses, writing emails, and using IRC, Renn made an impact on a lot of people. Shortly there after, I recorded the Renn Rant as a reminder of how hard he worked in his first few days as a member of the Infiltrator Wing. Always having an open ear when you need it, Renn is a true friend to someone who shows the same respect he shows. I'd like to have had Renn take the COMEx and receive a promotion to Colonel, but I'm feeling generous. (and technically rank is no longer dictated by an exam). I hearby promote Liuetenant Colonel Renn to the minimum rank of his position, Brigadier. Congratulations Renn!!

To Commodore Darkmage,

An honest and hard working officer, he came into the Infiltrator Wing scene with a bang. Soon after he was climbing the rank ladder of the IW, and has earned his current position as Commodore. With his dedication and loyalty, I hereby promote Darkmage to the rank of Brigadier. Congratulations Darkmage!!

To an even older freind Axxemann,

I don't know what to say.... I'd call you very lucky with a probation my old friend. Though, I'm glad you didn't loose your head and resign over this matter. I trust that you'll do me a favor and learn to keep your lips sealed when the time arises. For your hard work, and your diligent efforts, I hereby promote you to the rank of Brigadier. Congratulations Viper!!

To past Echelon Guardian Iron Mark,

A regular on IRC and a driven leader, Mark like many others shows great potential for the Infiltrator Wing. A proven member of this Sub-Group, Mark has helped build his Squadron to what it is today, and with dedication and a little bit of luck, we'll see more members like Mark emerge from our ranks. I hereby promote Iron Mark to the rank of Major. Congratulations Mark!!

To another new friend Daniel "Hobbie" Hanson,

You came to the Infiltrator Wing like a Pheonix from the Ashes. (a Pheonix that I had never heard of, hehehe..) But quickly earned the respect of his peers and made his way up the chain of command. Taking on the responsibility of the Infiltrator Wing Guard, he quickly began to bring in new members to the Guard and move them up the ranks. Without further adieu, I hereby promote Captian Hobbie to the rank of Major. Congratulations Hobbie!!

To a dedicated member Talon Jade,

One day on IRC a month or so ago, I got a query from a member who simply wanted to talk. I was quite impressed, as I'm used to hearing from various sources that SGCOM's are feared for some reason. I don't know why? (we're not headhunting cannibals) Later, he again approached me and struck up a conversation. The discussion turned out to be very insightful, and I was glad to have had it with that member. I hereby promote Talon Jade to the rank of Commander. Congratulations Talon!!

And to finally Wes Janson,

A long over-due promotion and spread out over just about every Sub-Group of the Emperor's Hammer, Wes has been a consistent presence in the Infiltrator Wing. One of the first times I met Wes I thought to myself "oh that's original..." but, Wes proved me wrong to be an outgoing and all 'round great guy. I hereby promote Wes Janson to the rank of Commander. Congratulations Wes!! (don't worry Wes... I'm sure you'll make your minimum rank very soon)

I present the Navy Defense Medal to VA NiksaVel for being there for me when I needed him. His words were of great help to me in those times of question or wonder. Thanks a lot Niks!!

I present the Black Cross of Infiltration to VA Ilyan Kano for his dedication and for the benefit of his pages. Thanks for the hard work Kano!

I present the Navy Defense Medal to RA Abel Malik for his perseverance and hard work as Training Officer and a friend. You've been a pleasure to serve with Mal!!

I present the Navy Defense Medal to FA Jacen Nightflyer for his help as an SO, and friend. Maintaining the Pilot's Manual, the IWMPs, and most recently his "IWCOM's Own" ladder competition I believe have boosted the IW as a whole. Well done NF!!

I present the Legion of Merit to COL Boris for his good spirit which has always reflected in his work. Keep it up Boris, and congrats!!

I present the Distinguished Service Medal to COL Crusader for being such all 'round great guy. Always in high spirits, Crusader has always been one to make me grin on the darkest of days. Thanks for everything Cru!!

I present the Legion of Merit to CAP Holu Tatsumi for his hard work and dedication. Keep up the good work Holu!!

I present the Legion of Merit to CAP Valin Darkfyre for his diligence and dedication to the Infiltrator Wing. Well done Val!!

Finally, I present the Navy Defense Medal to RA Mutilator for his excellent work with I can't say enough for the hard work that Mutilator has put into the IW's homepage. Keep it up Muti, and best of luck to you in the future!!

SotW Wing II: Enforcer Squadron. Congratulations!!
SotW Wing III: Eagle Squadron. Congratulations!!
PotW Wing II: FLT Lazarus, congratulations!!
PotW Wing III: CAP Pellaeon. congratulations!!


IWXO: Received
IWFO: Received
IWTO: Received
IWTAC: Reveived (on leave)
IWOC: Received
IWSO: Received

COM/Fear: Received
COM/Warspite: Received (on leave)
Centurion CMDR: Received
WC/Wing I: N/A
WC/Wing II: Received
WC/Wing III: Received
WC/Wing IV: N/A

Fleet Status:

I hearby step down as Infiltrator Wing Commander, and leave the Fleet in the hands of IWXO NiksaVel until the next Infiltrator Wing Commander is officially announced by FC/GA Ronin or EHXO/SA Astatine.


Well, if your curious... activity is something I'm going to keep up. I plan to get back to the Message Board... (ready for some 'tag' Cruney?) Email and IRC shouldn't change at all for me.

Otherwise, I invite all members to keep thier levels up and continue the hard work I've seen in my six months as IWCOM. I appreciate all the dedication I've seen from the members of this Sub-Group. I can't thank you enough for the great memories you've given me!!

Best of luck to you all in your future endeavors!!

Command Staff/Flag Staff Roster:

Infiltrator Wing Command Staff
IWXO: VA NiksaVel
IWTO: RA Malik
IWTAC: CM Janson
IWSO: FA Nightflyer

Command Staff Advisors
RTO: SA Renegade

CSO: AD Moreco
ISE: VA Mutilator

MC90 Fear
COM: BRG Darkmage
WC/II: LC Stirner

MC90 Warspite
COM: BRG Axxemann

Other Notes:

I'd like to thank the Fleet Commander, Grand Admiral Ronin and his Sector Admiral Kawolski for giving me the opportunity to take the "Big Chair" here in the Infiltrator Wing. The past six months have gone by so fast, I still can't believe it. Thanks to Sector Admiral Astatine for his help these last few weeks as well.

I'd also like to thank my staff for all their help, through the good times and the bad. Niks, your Newsletters rocked!! Thanks for bringing the fun and excitement back to the Insider's Voice! Kano, your webpages are such a great help, keep it up... you'll get your shot. Mal, what can I say buddy? Thanks for everything!! (Viva banners!!) Wes, give 'em hell and have fun!! (..and good luck!!) Renn, the next time I see you.... I'll have to salute you!! Good luck buddy!! NF, NF, NF... (hehehe) Thank you so much for all those kicks in the butt. Best of luck to you amigo!

To the remainder of the Infiltrator Wing... THANK YOU SO MUCH!! It's you all that make this club work. I wish you all nothing but the best of luck in the days to come, and I hope to see you excel and all become potential Sub-Group Commanders.

"We're here for a good time... not a long time. So have a good time... the sun can't shine everyday." -Trooper

It's been a slice, and I'll see you all on IRC!!


Trevor Rastyn

Knight of the Warspite
AD Trevor Rastyn
NDM, LoM, SV, MoD(x2), MC1(x7), MC2(x18), VC(x4), CBV(x2), IWwGW-IE, LSM, MoI, HSM (x2), OotW, MoC, LoA (x4)
"...and with the coming of the night, in the morning we shall remember them."

COO Report #1:  03.15.02
As Emailed From:  Combat Operations Officer (VA Khadgar)

Combat Operations Office

From the desk of Vice Admiral Khadgar...

Welcome to my first Report as your new Combat Operations Officer! As you've probably heard, VA Brucmack recently submitted his resignation and the Fleet Commander and Executive Officer agreed to give me, VA Khadgar, a chance at the position. Before proceeding, I'd like to thank the GA Ronin and SA Astatine for selecting me for this post, and FA Priyum for writing a recommendation on my behalf.

For those of you who don't know me, I originally joined the Emperor's Hammer in 1999 and had a tenure with the Imperial Senate under CHS Nighthawk. After retiring the Senate in late 1999, I joined the TIE Corps in March 2000. I served aboard Krayt Squadron aboard the ISD Intrepid before transferring to a Flight Leader post in Valkyrie Squadron and later a Squadron Commander post in Phoenix Squadron on the ISD Grey Wolf. After a few months as Phoenix Commander, I retired to the Reserves. I returned another few months later to once again become a Flight Leader in Valkyrie Squadron. After a long tenure as Flight Leader, I was promoted to Wing Commander of Wing XV and later to Commodore of the ISD Grey Wolf, where I served before becoming Combat Operations Officer.

The main thing that pilots want from the Combat Operations Office, above all else, is quick distribution of LoCs. My goal is to have Combat Events processed within 24 hours of the Combat Event occurring. Another thing that pilots look for is a lot of new and fun Combat Events to participate in. To that end, negotiations are continuing from Brucmack's tenure with Rebel Squadrons regarding the return of weekly Outer Rim Competitions. Another goal of mine is to promote Multiplayer activity. To accomplish that, I intend to provide incentives for playing Multiplayer and keeping pilots informed of Multiplayer news via IRC and news posts.

A lot of suggestions and ideas for the Combat Operations Office have been floating around. If you have any ideas, or you'd like to contact me in regards to anything related the Combat Operations Office, my door is always open.

Anyways, with that out of the way, I'll get on with news this week...

XvT Week of War

Today, XvT Week of War started. Pilots will have until next Friday to fly matches on the Zone against other clubs to win LoCs. Last time around, a lot of matches were played, and many awards were distributed. I hope to see many pilots come out and help the EH to once again rank amongst the top ten clubs participating. As an added incentive to participate, I intend to keep my predecessor's Iron Star rewards system for WoW Competitions:

The system depends on how many players are ranked from the EH. To be ranked, you must have flown at least ten matches.

If 1-4 EH pilots are ranked, the top EH pilot gets an IS-BW.
If 5-9 EH pilots are ranked, the top EH pilot gets an IS-SW, second place IS-BW.
If 10+ EH pilots are ranked, the top EH pilot gets an IS-GW, second place IS-SW, third place IS-BW.

Similar rewards will be given out to XWA WoW winners.

The Competition details and URL can be found on the Combat Calendar at Like usual, you will be required to be registered with Battlestats. If you have any questions about Battlestats or anything about WoWs in general, please feel free to contact me at

DB Awards

This week I was contacted regarding missing Cluster of Fire awards for Jedi Knight matches played at fleet Competitions hosted by the Combat Operations Office. Unfortunately, I don't have previous results to submit to Order Leaders. However, to put concerns from the DB to rest in the future, I will be sure to send Jedi Knight wins to the appropriate Order Leaders so that CFs can be awarded.

COOA Positions

I realize that a lot of people are interested in COOA. However, at this time, I'm not interested in taking on another Assistant. Hence, any applications send in will be fed to Brucmack's bot, WolfByte. If at any time I am interested in hiring another Assistant, I will be sure to post a news item indicating that the position is open for applications.

In the service of the Empire,

Vice Admiral Khadgar
Combat Operations Officer
COO/VA Khadgar/VSD Aggressor
GS/SSx3/BSx2/PCx8/ISMx16/MoT-2gh/IS-1BW-6BR-2SR/LoC-PSx58/CoL/CoB/LoAx9/OV-2E [EXCR]

Episode II Novel Release:  03.17.02
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (FA Keiran Idanian)



On April 23, the Episode II Novel will be released in stores. The auther is R.A. Salvatore, a great author - in my opinion. I'm expecting this book to be very interesting!

Information from:

-= Fleet Admiral Keiran Idanian, Reconnaissance Officer =-
[- | -}
RO-MAG/FA Keiran Idanian/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
KE (Krath)/CON/Alvaak
"For the honor of the Emperor's Hammer"

SW Celebration II Information:  03.16.02
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (FA Keiran Idanian)


-Peter Mayhew to Appear at Celebration II:

-R2-D2 Celebration II Parade:

-= Fleet Admiral Keiran Idanian, Reconnaissance Officer =-
[- | -}
RO-MAG/FA Keiran Idanian/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
KE (Krath)/CON/Alvaak
"For the honor of the Emperor's Hammer"

Jedi Starfighter in Stores Now:  03.12.02
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (FA Keiran Idanian)



Check out this new game!

-= Fleet Admiral Keiran Idanian, Reconnaissance Officer =-
[- | -}
RO-MAG/FA Keiran Idanian/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
KE (Krath)/CON/Alvaak
"For the honor of the Emperor's Hammer"

AD Ari's Birthday Request:  03.18.02
As Emailed From:  Logistics Officer (FA AbsoluteK)

Internet Office


Sir, I'm not sure if you're aware or not, but today is IO/Ari's 16th birthday. I was wondering if you could put a happy birthday announcement
for him on the EH domain tonight with your update?


--FA Aiden "AbsoluteK" Cantor Karias


Test Run:  TIECorps.Org Database Moves to Emperorshammer.Net:  03.08.02
As Submitted From:  Fleet Systems Engineer (SA Kawolski, ret.)

The domain and contents have been moved over to  Please update your bookmarks. Report any errors you encounter to SA Astatine and SA Kawolski.

(People with e-mail addresses: your accounts have NOT changed. You address is still

Fleet Commander's Note:

The main Domain has been updated with the new links.  As soon as most of the bugs and glitches from the transfer have been corrected, all of the linked URLs should work fine.

Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}

XO Report #5/NL #82 Posted:  03.10.02
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Office of the XO

Prelude to Andevia has been extended by one week, so the new finishing date is 14th March. There's still a critical lack of design and fiction entries. The fiction events are especially important as they will feature as the basis to fill all those plot holes and give us a plot for a followup competition. Also, as a result of unsportsmanlike actions by a few, the ladder events have been closed. The Prelude to Andevia website is:

Newsletter 82 is available online at (and  Features include articles on Project Hawkeye and an insight into the evolution of competitions (specifically Prelude to Andevia).  Submissions for #83 are due by 20th of this month, so get them in. With the impending release of Jedi Knight 2, issue 83 will be focused around Jedi Knight 2 and related stuff. If you want to write an article about this subject matter, let me know at

The TIE Corps site has almost finished it's move to the new domain. We're still getting some error messages, so if you get error messages, email myself and Kawolski (, with the error message. A note for Internet Explorer users - by default, Internet Explorer suppresses the detailed error messages you might normally get, resulting in a generic "Error 500" message. This is basically useless as a wide range of things can cause the Error 500 message. To turn on detailed error messages in IE 6, click on Tools, then Internet Options. Select the Advanced tab and under the Browsing heading is an item called Show friendly HTTP error messages. If you uncheck that, you will get the detailed error messages that will help Kawolski and I fix the problem much faster.

On another note relating to the database and site - I"ve only personally looked at a few pages of code in the site. I don't know the database layout and I'm not sure what's in there and how everything relates. As such, coming up to me and saying "Hey Ast, you should add this cool feature!" is a bit silly and a waste of both our time. I don't intend now or in the future to slave away adding every cool new feature that someone comes up with. I intend to maintain my focus on core XO duties (ie. newsletters and subgroups). In the meanwhile, I will be trying to learn as much as I can about the code and layout of the TC database and will be only adding features when there is sufficient demand for it.

In more general news, there's an email doing the rounds, claiming to be a Microsoft security bulletin. However, it does not follow the standard format for Microsoft security bulletins and includes the "patch" for the alleged problem in the email. Microsoft never include the patch for security problems with the security bulletin. If you get such an email, do not run the attachment. Delete the email. If you ever want to know what security or other updates your version of Windows needs, click on the Windows Update item on your Start Menu or go to

SA Astatine - XO

VA Khadgar Appointed as new Combat Operations Officer (COO):  03.09.02
As Emailed From:  Flight Officer (FA Priyum)

Combat Operations Office

Greetings Grand Admiral & Sector Admiral,

My recommendation for the next EH COO is Vice Admiral Khadgar (, current Commodore of the ISD Grey Wolf in the ASF.

Khadgar is a long standing Flag Officer, with plenty of command and multiplayer experience. He's able to host/run MP competitions, work with Battlestats and should have no problems promoting MP activity throughout the EH. All in all, I can't think of anyone better qualified for the position, so I hope you give him due consideration.

With Respect,

Fleet Admiral Priyum
Flight Officer & TIE Corps Commander
FO-TCCOM/FA Priyum Patel/CS-4/SSSD Sovereign
[DRAG] {IWATS-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RT-SM/1-TT}

Ramos Resigns as Logistics Officer:  03.08.02
As Emailed From:  Former Logistics Officer (AD Ramos)

Logistics Office

Dear Command Staff,

Due to other commitments and lack of time, I must resign as LO. I will truly miss working with my peers and hope that some day I can return to this position after revelations in other parts of the EH. I have transferred to the position of Assistant to the Prefect in the Hammer's Fist and will spend the next few months trying to rehabilitate the Jedi Knight and Jedi Knight: II arm of our Elite Shocktroopers. Thanks for the good times...I will be sending personal letters of thanks to everyone later. But just a list of people who deserve credit for helping me hold this office together and truly make it the place that it is today follows:

FA Yodavin, FA Darkov, AD Goatham, VA Crusader, COL Ian Jackson, LC Wes Janson, LC Krax Tarnisar, CPT Ximeno, CPT Shakur, MAJ Ekim, RA Darksaber, COL Darth Vader, CPT Shay'la Dukhal, VA Kano, RA Leeson, VA Mell, and the rest of the IHS and Sentinel Crews past and present.

I said to myself I wouldn't make this letter long, so in conclusion I will remain as a Logistics Office Assistant if the Flight Officer would make the final roster transfers for myself and I will be taking a demotion to Colonel to join my beloved Tornado Squadron on the ISD Challenge if the commodore RA Locke would accept me under the great ship he runs, the ISD Challenge.

Thank you and if anyone has any questions please feel free to email me,

My door is always open,

Admiral Ramos Kanzco
LO/AD Ramos Kanzco/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign


Bill Smith Autograph to the Emperor's Hammer:  03.04.02
As Obtained By:  Reconnaissance Officer (FA Keiran Idanian)

(click to download full image - 202 KB JPG file)



I'm pleased to present the fleet with an autograph from one of our honorary members, Bill Smith! 

-= Fleet Admiral Keiran Idanian, Reconnaissance Officer =- 
[- | - }
RO-MAG/FA Keiran Idanian/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign 
SBL (Sith)/CON/Alvaak 
"For the honor of the Emperor's Hammer"

FA Priyum Awarded Medal of Honor (MoH):  02.25.02
As Recommended From:  Tactical Officer (FA Striker)

(Please see Operations Manual for medal descriptions)


Day-to-day work is often under-evaluated, and I would like today to bring your attention to the tireless and constant work done by our Flight Officer. Fleet Admiral Priyum Patel has been FO for now over a year, which happens to be very exceptional due to the wearing heavy workload FOs usually have. He has proven to be excellent in this position, reliable over all these months, and fully dedicated to the TIE Corps. His high level of activity brings the respect of his subordinates and sets high standards for the whole Fleet. Therefore, in recognition of his hard work, I would like to recommend him for the highest medal of the Emperor's Hammer, the Medal of Honor. Fleet Admiral Priyum Patel is among our finest officers, please consider the possibility to award him this coveted medal.

Thank you for your consideration.

TAC-PROF/FA Striker/CS-3/SSSD Sovereign
DFCx2/MoC-SoC-24B-12S-8G/CoSx2/CoLx2/CoB/LoAx5/OV-3E [TMPR], SBL(Sith)
IWATS Professor, XWA Mission Design Course -

Corporate Division News:  03.05.02
As Emailed From:  PREX of the Corporate Division (DarkAngel)

Corporate Division (CD)

After a month of waiting and delays, the Corporate Division finally has a new home and database. While we are still working out some of the backend features and bugs, the front end is fully functional. Thanks go out to VPP Mutilator, and DC Dash Riprock for their hard work on this project. You can find it at

Once we have finished the key back end features, the CD will move onto its next projects. Nova Shipyards and a Stock Market. Both of these projects have been in the planning stages for some time. I hope to be able to introduce them in the coming months. Anyone who is interested in helping out with either of the projects, please contact Prex Dark Angel ( )

VA Dark Angel

Prex/VA Dark Angel/VSD Warhammer/CD
[CDC] [PD] [DBM] [SoA] [CGM] [CoL]
ISMx2/IS-1BW/LoCx3/LoA [CAVL] {IWATS-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-PHP/1-SM/2} 

The Emperor's Hammer - A Squadron Commander's Tribute to Avenger Squadron:  02.28.02
As Emailed From:  CMDR/MAJ Khameir Sarin/Avenger/VSD Aggressor


GA Ronin,

Before I am swept up in the hectic training that awaits me after May, I felt that I should write to you about my current squadron. I am currently the Squadron Commander of Avenger Squadron. This is one of the Tie Corps four Elite Squadrons. Over the past three months I have become very proud of the pilots under my command. Their dedication to the Emperor's Hammer Club is far and above the greatest I have ever seen from a collection of 12 Pilots. In the last three months they have flown 250 Single Player Battles, 103 Single Player Free missions, won 21 Distinquished Flying crosses for winning an official EH multiplayer competition, won 488 Legion of Combat awards for defeating an opponent in an official EH multiplayer event, they have taken 6 IWATS courses, designed our very own Elite Fighter and had it approved by the chain of command, created over a hundred uniforms for various EH officials, created 7 squadron logos, defeated an RS Squadron in a head to head match, and they have flown 436 ladder matches at the Prelude to Andevia Competition run by XO Ast. 

Recently the Squadron Competed in the XVT Week of War on the Zone against 40 other clubs. At this competition an Avenger Pilot finished 1st in overall Points (CM BlackHero #3185) earning an unbelievable 103 Wins (which will earn him 103 LoCs!). The EH finished 8th Overall in the competition. Avenger had the honor of outscoring all other EH Divisions combined (divisions are typically wings). 

The Squadron has recently begun flying against the Rebel Squadrons in an attempt to bring back the good natured competition between the clubs. We have also begun work with Zone Clubs to set up competitions on the zone. 

I am very proud of what the Avenger Pilots have accomplished in three short months. When I took over the squadron only three pilots filled her ranks.  Currently the squadron is operating at 12 full members. Each and every member of the squadron is a highly enthusiastic and motivated individual. 

For their hard work and dedication to the fleet, their outstanding job representing the club on the Zone, and for their overall performance I have brought them to your attention. I hope you do not mind the letter, as it really serves no purpose other than to bring the squad to your attention. I felt their performance deserved it. 

CMDR/MAJ Khameir Sarin/Avenger/VSD Aggressor

Star Wars Guitars:  03.01.02
As Emailed From:  RSV/VA Andronicus/M/FRG Phoenix

Thought this might make a neat addition to the next domain update :-)

Fernandes Guitars

"In association with Lucasfilm Ltd., Fernandes Guitars is the official
STAR WARS licensee for the guitar industry. Offering a select
line of collector's series product featuring your favorite
classic STAR WARS characters, the Fernandes STAR WARS
series will blow your mind."

There's the Star Wars Retrorocket and Nomad guitars (the Vader Retrorocket looks cool :-), picks, knobs, straps, et al. Just the trick for the SW-loving guitar player (like me :-)

Unfortunately, the guitars are over $1,000 a pop...

RSV/VA Andronicus/M/FRG Phoenix

Imperial Sovereign Protector (ISP) Report:  03.02.02
As Emailed From:  ISP (FA Brad)

The Delta Project...

The Delta Project now has its own website:  Nobody has came to me about helping with the website design. If you 
have experience doing visual design of webpages and would like to help on a big project, please e-mail me: ( ).

Another person has agreed to help with the project. Programmers and testers are needed the most right now. If you would like to be a tester 
please let me know the specifications of your computer (OS version, amount of RAM, CPU Type & speed, etc.) Currently it is only available 
to those using Windows. I would hope to first make it work with all 32-bit Windows versions (95, 98, ME, 2000, XP).

The calendar program is reaching it's final beta stages. A big thanks to CM Spearhawk for his big help and contributions to the programming.

As for the main program, I am close to adding the funcionality to connect to the TIE Corps database (which is moving to Being able to connect to the database will speed up the report writing for Squadron Commanders in their Monthly Squadron Evaluations and Weekly Squadron Reports.

In time, I hope to make this be functional for other officers besides just TIE Corps Squadron Commanders, but it is a good place to start. 
Any subgroup who has an online database that stores personnel information and activities can allow the use of a reporting program such 
as this. Again if anybody has any ideas about something like this and let me know.

Also, the VB Graphics designer is still needed. If you have created graphic interfaces in Visual Basic (other than plain windows), please 
contact me.

That is all for now.


ISP-UA/FA Brad/SSSD Sovereign, 
{IWATS-AIM-ASP-CBX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RT-SM/2-TT-VBS}, SBL(Sith), (BN), 
T-Ph: "Black Death"


Internet Office Project Hawkeye Released!:  02.16.02
As Emailed From:  Internet Officer (AD Ari)

Several months ago the Internet Office announced plans for the first ever Internet Office Competition, entitled Project Hawkeye. Not much info was released, and with good reason. Today, we finally present to you the public site for Project Hawkeye. Linked to it is the URL for the Qualification Test for entering the second phase of the competition. What is the second (and main) stage? It's a series of missions designed to be completed on the Internet, run by the Hawkeye Admin Team. We well accept 20-25 people from those that take the Qualification Test to participate. If you're not accepted, you'll be prepared for the next episode of this competition, coming this summer, Project Hawkeye II! Don't forget to read the FAQs on the Hawkeye site!

Project Hawkeye main site URL:

Project Hawkeye Qualification Test URL:

IO/AD Ari/CS-5/SSSD Sovereign

Internet Office

VA Jacob Van Nowak Appointed as New Lord Ambassador:  02.20.02
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

EH Advanced Guard

Resignation as LA 
Date: 2/20/02 3:57:21 PM Eastern Standard Time 

Greetings Sirs,

It pains me to have to say this, but I have had less and less time recently due to college studies. Thus I believe that it would be best if I resigned from the position to let someone else take over, who could do a better job at the moment. Pri, could you please transfer me to Sword Squadron of the ISD Relentless.

I have had a great time as Lord Ambassador, and would like to thank GA Ronin for giving me the opportunity to serve in that position. I believe that I have built the Advanced Guard into an active group which would be a good foundation for my sucessor to take over, and also that some of the projects started like the Imperial Embassy and Recruitment project will continue.

I will be around for the next LA if they need any information about current projects, and can supply the current websites if needed.

Again, I am sorry for having to resign, and I hope that I can be of some service in the future when my end of year exams are finished in May/June time.

Thank you very much for your time


Vice Admiral Osan'gar
Former Lord Ambassador of the Emperor's Hammer

Fleet Commander's Note:

The Fleet Commander (GA Ronin) has decided to appoint Vice Admiral Jacob Van Nowak as the new Lord Ambassador of the Emperor's Hammer.  his work at bringing Bill Smith, Joe Corroney and Matt Busch to the EH has been outstanding.

I wish Jacob congratulations and best of luck in his new Position !

Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}

MAJ Bond Selected as the New Fleet Commander's Attach� (CA:FC):  02.25.02
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

Office of the Fleet Commander

With former CA:FC Oren Williamson resigning from his Position, the Fleet Commander (GA Ronin) is pleased to announce CMDR-VROY/MAJ Bond/Storm/Wing XIX/SSD Avenger as the new Fleet Commander's Attach� (CA:FC).

MAJ Bond is herein promoted to the Rank of Rear Admiral commensurate with his new duties...

Subj: Command Attach� of the Fleet Commander 
Date: 2/8/02 10:07:36 PM Eastern Standard Time 

Sir, I understand your Command Attach� has recently resigned. I would be  honored to fill his shoes. The Emperor�s Hammer has been a part of my life for well over two years, nearly two and a half. I have served as commander of a subgroup, and in many command positions on the way to that, the opportunity to directly serve the leader of this great club would be a fantastic honor. I would take my position seriously and dedicate myself to serving you and your Executive Officer.

I will absolutely get the reminders out in time & complete every task you would assign me with the best of my abilities, in a perfectly punctual manner. You require your Command Assistant to maintain a webpage, mandate consistently punctual responses to e-mails and demand a clean record with the HCI-- I fulfill everyone of your requirements.

The position of subgroup commander is equal, even exceeding that of a battlegroup commander who would hold the rank of Vice Admiral. Should my Tie Corps rank still be a barrier, I would gladly keep my current one as I served-- or be demoted upon the completion of my service.

I have deeply enjoyed my time working under you and for the club as Chief Game Master and I have wholly enjoyed my time in the club. If you allow me to serve as your Attach�, I would have an opportunity to give back to you and the club.

I would be honored to serve the Attach� to the Fleet Commander.


CMDR-VROY/MAJ Bond/Storm/Wing XIX/SSD Avenger

SBM Radiak Bond (Sith)/RM/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow

The following qualified candidate's applications were also reviewed:

Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}

Fringe CGM Report #2:  02.22.02
As Emailed From:  Chief Gamemaster of the Fringe (Gryffon)

The Fringe - EH Roleplaying Game (EH RPG)

The first days of the new CGM Gryffon
Population: Approx. 120 (Rough Estimate)

From the Office of the newly appointed CGM...

Things are coming along smoothly here in The Fringe. The database is up, and the creation of web pages to utilize it have begun. I've created a new manual which is on the desk of the FA and the XO as we speak. The Internet Office has graciously hosted The Fringe Message board once again. It can be viewed at The  Fringe Message board. We are well on our way back to a formidable sub-group.

The call has been sent out. I'm looking for a DCGM. This call was sent out over the Fringe eGroup, but in case it was missed e-mail with your qualifications if you would like to apply. You must be a member of the Fringe in order to have this position. 

Keep your eye on the Fringe Webpage to see the progress that we are making. Note: It is in a preliminary state, so don't expect much at this time. Oh, and if you know to fix that problem with the frames (you'll see what I'm talking about), feel free to let me know.

For all you Fringe members, expect to be resuming normal activity next week, and for all those interested in joining the Fringe you may contact Zem and he will keep track until the database is ready.

That's the news for this week, Gryffon out...

CGM/LT Gryffon/SSSD Sovereign
OW Gryffon(Obelisk)/Cestus of Tarentum

Hammer's Fist Stormtrooper Legion PRF Report #55:  02.22.02
As Emailed From:  Prefect of the Legion (Field Marshal Ares)

Hammer's Fist (EH Stormtroopers)

Membership: 93 active, 150 total

1) Competitions and more coming out of our ears! Two more Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds levels have been uploaded to the HF Operations website. Also, the operations Whitestorm and Cloak and Dagger results are being put up. The Platoon League scores for the week are also updated.

2) The run-on story that the Hammer's Fist did for the Prelude to Andevia EH-wide competition is complete. I am very pleased with our participation. Hot on the heels of the Prelude fiction, another HF run-on is going on on our message board.

3) The HF combat uniform palette problem will hopefully be fixed. I am making a custom palette covering all possible uniform colors and it is hoped this can be used to correct the strange coloration of some uniforms. The color problems have been happening due to the uniforms shown on the HF roster being automatically composited and forced to a single palette from up to five separate images.

Prefect of the Legion
Field Marshal Ares