February 2002


Internet Office Project Hawkeye Released!:  02.16.02
As Emailed From:  Internet Officer (AD Ari)

Several months ago the Internet Office announced plans for the first ever Internet Office Competition, entitled Project Hawkeye. Not much info was released, and with good reason. Today, we finally present to you the public site for Project Hawkeye. Linked to it is the URL for the Qualification Test for entering the second phase of the competition. What is the second (and main) stage? It's a series of missions designed to be completed on the Internet, run by the Hawkeye Admin Team. We well accept 20-25 people from those that take the Qualification Test to participate. If you're not accepted, you'll be prepared for the next episode of this competition, coming this summer, Project Hawkeye II! Don't forget to read the FAQs on the Hawkeye site!

Project Hawkeye main site URL: http://www.ehnet.org/~hawkeye/

Project Hawkeye Qualification Test URL: http://www.ehnet.org/~hawkeye/test/

IO/AD Ari/CS-5/SSSD Sovereign

Internet Office

VA Jacob Van Nowak Appointed as New Lord Ambassador:  02.20.02
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

EH Advanced Guard

Resignation as LA 
Date: 2/20/02 3:57:21 PM Eastern Standard Time 
From: dclutterbuck2@yahoo.co.uk

Greetings Sirs,

It pains me to have to say this, but I have had less and less time recently due to college studies. Thus I believe that it would be best if I resigned from the position to let someone else take over, who could do a better job at the moment. Pri, could you please transfer me to Sword Squadron of the ISD Relentless.

I have had a great time as Lord Ambassador, and would like to thank GA Ronin for giving me the opportunity to serve in that position. I believe that I have built the Advanced Guard into an active group which would be a good foundation for my sucessor to take over, and also that some of the projects started like the Imperial Embassy and Recruitment project will continue.

I will be around for the next LA if they need any information about current projects, and can supply the current websites if needed.

Again, I am sorry for having to resign, and I hope that I can be of some service in the future when my end of year exams are finished in May/June time.

Thank you very much for your time


Vice Admiral Osan'gar
Former Lord Ambassador of the Emperor's Hammer

Fleet Commander's Note:

The Fleet Commander (GA Ronin) has decided to appoint Vice Admiral Jacob Van Nowak as the new Lord Ambassador of the Emperor's Hammer.  his work at bringing Bill Smith, Joe Corroney and Matt Busch to the EH has been outstanding.

I wish Jacob congratulations and best of luck in his new Position !

Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}


MAJ Bond Selected as the New Fleet Commander's Attach� (CA:FC):  02.25.02
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

Office of the Fleet Commander

With former CA:FC Oren Williamson resigning from his Position, the Fleet Commander (GA Ronin) is pleased to announce CMDR-VROY/MAJ Bond/Storm/Wing XIX/SSD Avenger as the new Fleet Commander's Attach� (CA:FC).

MAJ Bond is herein promoted to the Rank of Rear Admiral commensurate with his new duties...

Subj: Command Attach� of the Fleet Commander 
Date: 2/8/02 10:07:36 PM Eastern Standard Time 
From: chiefbond@hotmail.com 
To: fc@emperorshammer.org 

Sir, I understand your Command Attach� has recently resigned. I would be  honored to fill his shoes. The Emperor�s Hammer has been a part of my life for well over two years, nearly two and a half. I have served as commander of a subgroup, and in many command positions on the way to that, the opportunity to directly serve the leader of this great club would be a fantastic honor. I would take my position seriously and dedicate myself to serving you and your Executive Officer.

I will absolutely get the reminders out in time & complete every task you would assign me with the best of my abilities, in a perfectly punctual manner. You require your Command Assistant to maintain a webpage, mandate consistently punctual responses to e-mails and demand a clean record with the HCI-- I fulfill everyone of your requirements.

The position of subgroup commander is equal, even exceeding that of a battlegroup commander who would hold the rank of Vice Admiral. Should my Tie Corps rank still be a barrier, I would gladly keep my current one as I served-- or be demoted upon the completion of my service.

I have deeply enjoyed my time working under you and for the club as Chief Game Master and I have wholly enjoyed my time in the club. If you allow me to serve as your Attach�, I would have an opportunity to give back to you and the club.

I would be honored to serve the Attach� to the Fleet Commander.


CMDR-VROY/MAJ Bond/Storm/Wing XIX/SSD Avenger

SBM Radiak Bond (Sith)/RM/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow

The following qualified candidate's applications were also reviewed:

Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}


Fringe CGM Report #2:  02.22.02
As Emailed From:  Chief Gamemaster of the Fringe (Gryffon)

The Fringe - EH Roleplaying Game (EH RPG)

The first days of the new CGM Gryffon
Population: Approx. 120 (Rough Estimate)

From the Office of the newly appointed CGM...

Things are coming along smoothly here in The Fringe. The database is up, and the creation of web pages to utilize it have begun. I've created a new manual which is on the desk of the FA and the XO as we speak. The Internet Office has graciously hosted The Fringe Message board once again. It can be viewed at The  Fringe Message board. We are well on our way back to a formidable sub-group.

The call has been sent out. I'm looking for a DCGM. This call was sent out over the Fringe eGroup, but in case it was missed e-mail cgm@emperorshammer.org with your qualifications if you would like to apply. You must be a member of the Fringe in order to have this position. 

Keep your eye on the Fringe Webpage to see the progress that we are making. Note: It is in a preliminary state, so don't expect much at this time. Oh, and if you know to fix that problem with the frames (you'll see what I'm talking about), feel free to let me know.

For all you Fringe members, expect to be resuming normal activity next week, and for all those interested in joining the Fringe you may contact Zem and he will keep track until the database is ready.

That's the news for this week, Gryffon out...

CGM/LT Gryffon/SSSD Sovereign
OW Gryffon(Obelisk)/Cestus of Tarentum

Hammer's Fist Stormtrooper Legion PRF Report #55:  02.22.02
As Emailed From:  Prefect of the Legion (Field Marshal Ares)

Hammer's Fist (EH Stormtroopers)

Membership: 93 active, 150 total

1) Competitions and more coming out of our ears! Two more Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds levels have been uploaded to the HF Operations website. Also, the operations Whitestorm and Cloak and Dagger results are being put up. The Platoon League scores for the week are also updated.

2) The run-on story that the Hammer's Fist did for the Prelude to Andevia EH-wide competition is complete. I am very pleased with our participation. Hot on the heels of the Prelude fiction, another HF run-on is going on on our message board.

3) The HF combat uniform palette problem will hopefully be fixed. I am making a custom palette covering all possible uniform colors and it is hoped this can be used to correct the strange coloration of some uniforms. The color problems have been happening due to the uniforms shown on the HF roster being automatically composited and forced to a single palette from up to five separate images.

Prefect of the Legion
Field Marshal Ares


Emperor's Hammer Interview with Star Wars Artist Matt Busch:  02.16.02
As Compiled/Obtained By;  Reconnaissance Officer (FA Keiran Idanian)


Here is the Interview with Matt Busch.  Also, I think it would be nice to give Matt Busch's Homepage the Non-EH Site of the Week! :) http://www.mattbusch.com.


Forwarded Message: 
Subj: Re: Emperor's Hammer Interview (Matt Busch) 
Date: 2/15/02 2:59:50 PM Eastern Standard Time 
From: MBFVisions 
To: RO KeiranIdanian 

Here's the interview!

Please let me know when it's posted, and if you have a specific url address that I can send out in my upcoming Newsletter!



1.) Why did you want to become an artist, and why?

I like to entertain, and I like to express myself. For those reasons, I actually enjoy all of the arts quite a bit. I'm a storyteller at heart.

2.) Who are your inspirations?

My main inspirations are film makers, like George Lucas. I think film is kind of like the grand daddy of the arts these days, since any given film encompasses art, music, theater, and the est of the arts combined into a single cohesive piece.

3.) What is your favorite book, and why?

Right now my favorite book is THE WAY OF THE WIZARD by Depak Chopra. It's a very metaphysical way to look at life, and it's actually very similar to the Jedi lifestyle.

4.) What is your favorite movie, and why?

If it had to come down to one, I'd have to say THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK.

5.) Where did you first see Star Wars?

Actually, I was four when STAR WARS first came out, and my parents saw it for themselves and decided it was a bit too violent for me. I actually had to trick my grandparents into taking me! I saw it at the Showcase Cinema, not far from where I live right now...

6.) What made you decide to paint many different Star Wars images?

Well, before I was contracted to paint STAR WARS images through various Lucasfilm Licensees, I painted STAR WARS imagery for pure joy, as it brought me back to that special place in my childhood. I love going back there!

7.) What is your favorite thing about Star Wars, and why?

I love the films themselves. Everything about the films blow my mind. They're our cultures' modern myths...

8.) What are some of your hobbies, and why do you like them?

I've been very lucky that I've been able to incorporate just about all of my hobbies into my career, like writing, drawing, and I'm just now dipping into animation and film making. One of the things that I guess I have as an extracurricular hobby is playing musical instruments, like drums, guitar, and piano.

9.) What is your favorite thing about being an artist?

I'm my own boss. I make my own hours and I say yes and no to the jobs I want and don't want. The creation of art itself is very therapeutic, too.

10.) Do you have any current projects that you are working on that you are allowed to talk about?

Yes, I'm doing a number of things regarding EPISODE II, like book covers and whatnot. I'm not sure if I can really talk about them, but I'm really excited about them and excited about the movie! I'm also illustrating a wrap-around cover for Autograph Times Magazine, celebrating the 25th Anniversary of STAR WARS! The magazine will also feature an interview with me...

11.) What images did you design that you are most proud of, and why?

Every new painting I do is my favorite, so I'm really digging the EPISODE II stuff right now...

12.) What kind of music do you like?

I love everything, but I'm a rocker at heart.

13.) Who is your favorite band, and why?

If I had to narrow it down I'd say Van Halen. If you know who they are, they you know why!

14.) Who is your favorite painter, and why?

I really like Simon Bisley's stuff right now. And Bill Sienkewicz.

15.) Who is your favorite character in Star Wars (movies and books), and why?

Since I was a kid, I've always admired R2-D2. My dream has always been to have a real, life-sized R2 that hangs out with me around the house.

16.) What do you think about the Emperor's Hammer?

I think it's great! I used to be a gamer myself, and it's wild to see how these organizations can thrive online.

17.) How do you feel about being an honorary member of the Emperor's Hammer?

I'm honored! Thank you! The Force will be with you... Always.

EH Entered into 6th Annual Webby Awards Competition:  02.16.02
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

Webby Submission Confirmation & Receipt 
Date: 2/15/02 4:40:32 PM Eastern Standard Time 
From: entry@webbyawards.com 
To: wcall@aol.com

Dear Webby Awards 2002 Entrant:

Thank you for submitting your Web site(s) for consideration in The 6th Annual Webby Awards. Nominees will be announced in Spring 2002.


We have confirmed entry and payment for the following site(s):

1. Emperor's Hammer ( http://www.emperorshammer.org )

Site Name:  Emperor's Hammer

Category:  Community

Fees:  $150.00

Total: $150.00

You entered the following billing information:

Name: William Call
Email: wcall@aol.com

Your confirmation number is: xxxxx. Please reference it when contacting us via e-mail.

The Webby Awards 
Honoring the best in creativity, technology and individual achievement. 
For help contact: drwatson@webbyawards.com

Sponsors include: 
Sponsors include: IDG ( http://www.idg.com ), Creative Group
( http://www.creativegroup.com ), SBC Communications ( http://www.sbc.com ), 
and Elias Arts ( http://www.eliasarts.com ). 

All balloting is audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers ( http://www.pwcglobal.com )

Fleet Commander's Note:

FYI...There's no place to start voting yet as we just entered.  If we're lucky enough to be named one of 5 "nominees" in the Community Category, THEN you can vote...and believe me, it will be plastered all over the Domain... :)

Everyone can do me a BIG favor though over the next few months to compensate me for the $150 entry fee...ahem...cough...gasp...Please be SURE that you have minimal deal links/URLs...our sites have to look good and function properly...

Who knows, considering some of the mediocre winners from 2000, we may actually have a shot...!

Thank you for your time...

Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}


AD Havoc Appointed as Training Officer:  02.17.02
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Training Office

After a lengthy selection and interview process, a new Training Officer has been appointed. AD Havoc, currently Command Attach� to the Flight Office is the lucky victi...I mean, winner. :P His combination of steady performance and history of doing really monotonous work got him the job. The other applicants included:

* RSV/AD Tron
* WC/LC Boris
* KPN Arion Sunrider
* RSV/FA Starlion
* WC-ROA-PROF/LC Aylius Khan

SA Astatine - XO

Gryffon Appointed as New Chief Gamemaster (CGM):  02.16.02
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin) and Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

The Fringe - EH Roleplaying Game (EH RPG)

With Kadath recently going AWOL to attend to RL military duties, the Executive Officer (SA Astatine) has selected Gryffon as the new Chief Gamemaster (CGM).

After the whooping two applications for this post, a selection has been made. Gryffon has been selected as CGM, due to his extensive roleplaying and EH experience. The other applicant was FA Darkov.

SA Astatine - XO

Our congratulations and best wishes in his new duties...!

Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}


Slegr Appointed as Chancellor of the Senate:  02.17.02
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Imperial Senate

After reviewing the applications and conducting interviews, a new Chancellor has been selected. Slegr, formerly Executive Councilor, is the winner. The other applicants included:

* DCH/VIC Matt Rust
* M:EDU/PRV Atican
* A:DCH/VIZ Justinian Leviticus Maximus

XO Report #4:  02.16.02
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Office of the XO

Firstly, the most important things that have happened in the last week or so are the appointment of a new TO, CHS and CGM. Congratulations to Havoc, Slegr and Gryffon respectively. A note about vacant positions and applying for them. A number of people applied for TO and CHS before the positions were officially announced as being open and the selection criteria were posted. The selection criteria is meant to allow myself and the Fleet Commander a standard benchmark for comparing application, as well as allowing potential applicants know exactly what is wanted. To apply before the criteria is posted is rude and shows a lack of patience that would be unsuitable in a Command Officer. So, basically if you apply in this fashion, you blow your chance at the job. :P

Submissions for the next Newsletter are due by 20th (this coming Wednesday). You can get a nice award for submission and your 5 seconds of fame by having your submission immortalised in the Newsletter.
Prelude to Andevia is still running at:


and PRF Ares has received an Imperial Cross (IC) for his service as Prefect.

Lastly, LucasArts have released a trailer for their in-production game, Jedi Outcast.

It follows on from Jedi  night and is developed by Raven, a company who has some competence in making 3D shooters. The trailer is in Quicktime format and is about 3.4MB. It displays some of the nice graphics (especially the saber effects and moves) and is available at:


SA Astatine - XO

Imperial Historical Society:  02.13.02
As Emailed From:  CMDR-ENV/LC Wes Janson/Phoenix/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf

Logistics Office

Ever wonder where the EH came from? How it started? What is was like way back when? Well now is your chance! The Imperial Historical Society is hiring active and motivated members to help reconstruct the EH's history! We want you! Our job is to compile reports, INPR's, Rosters, old images, and anything else relevant to the EH's History! However, we need help to do so! Anyone interested in helping compile the History of the EH should contact me, LC Wes Janson, at eh_janson@hotmail.com ASAP! All work will be rewarded fairly! Send applications for joining to me, or just e-mail me requesting information. I'll reply ASAP. We want you! Join now!


CMDR-ENV/LC Wes Janson/Phoenix/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf


An Interview with Alan Dean Foster. Author of The Approaching Storm:  02.02.02
As Emailed/Compiled By:  Reconnaissance Officer (Fleet Admiral Keiran Idanian)

1.) Why did you want to become an author, and why?

I like to tell stories, and I like to travel. In my stories, I get to do both.

2.) Who are your inspirations?

My travels, the SF writers Eric Frank Russell, Murray Leinster, and Robert Sheckley, and Uncle Scrooge.

3.) What is your favorite book, and why?

THE LOST WORLD, by Arthur Conan Doyle. Great adventure, great traveling, and great characters

4.) What is your favorite movie, and why?

GUNGA DIN. Same reasons, plus it shows the equality of humankind, and is one of the few films from its era where the villain is obviously more intelligent than the heroes.

5.) Where did you first see Star Wars?

At a cast and crew screening on Hollywood Blvd., several weeks before the film was released. Alice Cooper sat behind me, and before the film was shown we chatted about old Warner Bros. cartoons.

6.) What made you decide to write a Star Wars book?

I was asked to by Del Rey (the publisher) and approved by Lucas.

7.) What is your favorite thing about Star Wars, and why?

I get to travel some more, only this time, somebody else does the guide work.

8.) What are some of your hobbies, and why do you like them?

Scuba diving, because it's the closest you can get to being on another planet. Classical music, because it transports me. Basketball, for its combination of grace and power.

9.) What is your favorite thing about being an author?

Not having to commute to work.

10.) Do you have any current projects that you are working on that you are allowed to talk about?

Out next month from Del Rey, DIUTURNITY'S DAWN, the final book in The Founding of the Commonwealth trilogy. In August, IMPOSSIBLE PLACES, my first short story collection in several years. In September from Warner, THE MOCKING PROGRAM, the first novel set in my world of the Montezuma Strip. Next projects: STEEL YU, a second Montezuma Strip novel, and STAR BREAK, a new Flinx & Pip novel.

11.) What kind of music do you like?

Classical and heavy metal.

12.) Who is your favorite band, and why?

ZZ Top. Uncomplicated, straight-ahead rhythm with terrific guitar work. I'm also very fond of the L.A. Philharmonic.

13.) Who is your favorite character in Star Wars (movies and books), and why?

Obi-wan. He thinks.

14.) What do you think about the Emperor's Hammer?

Knows how to ask questions.

15.) What made you want to write, a pre-Episode II book - The Approaching Storm? 

Del Rey asked me.

-= Fleet Admiral Keiran Idanian, Reconnaissance Officer =- 
[- ro@emperorshammer.org | http://www24.brinkster.com/ehro - }
RO-MAG-XADI/FA Keiran Idanian/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign 
SBL (Sith)/CON/Alvaak 
"For the honor of the Emperor's Hammer

CGM Replacement Requirements Posted:  02.07.02
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

With the recent designation of former CGM Kadath as AWOL due to RL involvements (i.e. the military), the Executive Officer (SA Astatine) herein posts requirements for replacement Chief Game Master (CGM):

The Fringe - EH Roleplaying Game (EH RPG)


The Chief Game Master will be required to take a leading role in the Fringe, especially with the impending release of new platforms in the form of games such as Knights of the Old Republic, Star Wars Galaxies and Neverwinter Nights.

Selection Criteria - Essential

1. Experience in roleplaying, preferably in the online sphere.
2. Proven command experience, at the level of TIE Corps Wing Commander or similar.
3. An acceptable level of online presence.
4. The ability to work with a range of EH personnel.
5. Documentation of games played and games that you have game mastered.
6. Understanding of dice script.

Selection Criteria - Desirable

1. Member of the Fringe.
2. Understanding of both the West End Games D6 and Wizards of the Coast D20 systems.

You must address each of the criteria with supporting evidence. Simply saying "Yep, I can do that" won't be enough. You must also include three references, including at least one superior. These references will be checked. Applications are to be directed to the Fleet Commander and the Executive Officer with the subject "Application for the position of Chief Game Master".

SA Astatine - XO

Reciprocal Link With Star Wars Combine:  02.06.02
As Emailed From:  Internet Officer (AD Ari)

By the way, we now have the EH logo linked to www.emperorshammer.org on the Star Wars Combine News site. One of their web designers had approached me in regard to use of the code for the Sabacc Online game I created, and I agreed provided that credit is given properly and that we get a nice link on their page. So have a look: http://www.swcombine.com/news/ ...it's the biggest image on the right side, nice and prominent. The SW Combine happens to be another one of the largest SW (RPG) organizations on the internet (4500 members, 2500 active), which definitely means good exposure for the EH.

Long live the Emperor's Hammer!

[GSx3] [SSx2] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-rh-gh] [IS-4SR-BR]
[LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoE] [CoB] [CoL] [LoA] [OV-3E]
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor

PRF Ares Awarded Imperial Cross Medal:  02.09.02
As Recommended By:  CO/BG Lander/GS-4/DREAD Retribution and Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

(Please see the Operations Manual for EH Medal descriptions)

Martin Lander wrote:


I would like to recommend PRF Ares for a promotion. He has done a lot of work for the HF. Most recently he has set up the HF shop and created the HF uniforms (which you can't currently see on the HF page, but I assure you they are good). From what I understand his education and other RL aspects take a lot of his time, but he still finds time for the Hammer's Fist.

BG Lander
Commander of Operations in the Hammer's Fist
CO/BG Lander/GS-4/DREAD Retribution =MS SN4= [DsS] [HC] [LoS x2] [CoO x3]
[MoD x2] [LsA x2] {IWATS mIRC 1/2 IIC 1/2/3}

It seems that Ares has already been promoted as high as possible (silly Lander :P) so I think we should give him an IC instead...

SA Astatine - XO


Matt Busch (Star Wars Artist) Welcomed as an Honorary EH Member:  02.04.02
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (FA Keiran Idanian)

Matt Busch

In a message dated 2/4/02 9:06:31 PM Eastern Standard Time, MBFVisions writes:

Hi Keiran,

Sure, I'd love to be a part of it!

I'm attaching a photo. My url is www.MattBusch.com, and the email is obviously MBFVisions@aol.com.

Email interviews work the best for me, as well, so feel free to send the questions whenever you like...


Matt Busch

-= Fleet Admiral Keiran Idanian, Reconnaissance Officer =- 
[- ro@emperorshammer.org | http://www24.brinkster.com/ehro - }
RO-MAG-XADI/FA Keiran Idanian/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign 
SBL (Sith)/CON/Alvaak 
"For the honor of the Emperor's Hammer"

Joe Corroney (Star Wars Artist) Welcomed as an Honorary EH Member:  02.04.02
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (FA Keiran Idanian)

Joe Corroney

In a message dated 2/4/02 6:10:47 PM Eastern Standard Time, joe@joecorroney.com writes:

Hi Keiran

It's nice to meet you and I'm flattered you would consider me to be an honorary member of your Star Wars website.  I took a look at it just recently and am very impressed.  The site looks very cool and professional and you already have an impressive list of honorary members like Peter Mayhew and Anthony Daniels.  I'd be honored to join those ranks and be featured on your website.  Feel free to send me the interview anytime.  I'm really busy right now up until Celebration 2 in May working on an Episode 2 project for Lucasfilm. I'll try to answer your questions and get back to you as soon as I can.

Thanks again for noticing my work and letting me be a part of your site. I look forward to hearing back from you.



Experience the worlds of superheroes, sci-fi, horror and fantasy in my artwork for comic books, role-playing games, trading cards and magazines. Star Wars, Star Trek, White Wolf, Age of Empires, Comic Book Art and more!


Joe Corroney, PO Box 12172, Columbus, OH 43212-0172

-= Fleet Admiral Keiran Idanian, Reconnaissance Officer =- 
[- ro@emperorshammer.org | http://www24.brinkster.com/ehro - }
RO-MAG-XADI/FA Keiran Idanian/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign 
SBL (Sith)/CON/Alvaak 
"For the honor of the Emperor's Hammer"

XO Report #3:  02.02.02
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Office of the XO

The technical problems with the imperialacademy.org domain have seemed to have stopped for the time being. Seems all that was needed was a reboot. The hosting company has informed me that they're going to get Windows 2000 Advanced Server, a new box and stuff to migrate all the sites to. All the backed up email has been sent and newly generated emails are being sent too. Also, detailed error messages are being displayed.

The requirements for Training Officer have been posted on the EH, TC and TO sites. The requirements were written like a *real* job ad, so treat it as such. In line with that, here's a tip - just saying "Yep, I can do that" to selection criteria points won't get you the job. :P Back up that claim. Also, the competitions experience doesn't necessarily have to be in the TIE Corps.

The Chancellor of the Senate has resigned. I will be writing up the requirements for the position over the weekend. It will be similar to how the TO requirements were done. Also, those of you who've already applied should be ashamed of yourselves...applying for a position before the chair is even cold. :P

Newsletter 81 has been released. It's my first time (I'm a NL virgin :P) so please be gentle. If I screwed up anything, let me know. It's about 6 megs and is available from


http://www.imperialacademy.org/xo/nl/NL%2081.zip (better for the Aussies).

It's also available online at http://www.ehnet.org/nls/hammer81/

Thanks to abk for donating his space and my CA for doing a wonderful job with the NL. Send your submissions in for next month's NL and you can get a nice Letter of Achievement!

Prelude to Andevia is still running! There's just over a month to go and I'm really hoping for more activity in the events. The Ladder is highly active with lots of matches being flown. Check it out at:


SA Astatine - XO

Newsletter #81 Posted to the Fleet:  02.02.02
As Submitted/Compiled By:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)


Office of the XO

Available from http://www.ehnet.org/nls/hammer81.zip and

It's around 5.90MB.

Also online at http://www.ehnet.org/nls/hammer81/

SA Astatine - XO

Chancellor Marr Resigns, Replacement Sought:  01.31.02
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin) and Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Imperial Senate

With the recent resignation of CHS Marr, the Fleet Commander (GA Ronin) and Executive Officer (SA Astatine) have decided to open the Position for Applications.

The following criteria shall be met by prospective candidates:


The position of Chancellor of the Senate (CHS) will offer a unique challenge to applicants. The Senate, as many of its members know, is in trouble and it will take a supremely skilled leader to lead the subgroup out of the wilderness. Applicants must address the following criteria:

Selection Criteria - Essential

1. Proven command experience, at a level of TIE Corps Wing Commander or equivalent.
2. An acceptable level of online presence.
3. Fast email response time.
4. A clean record.
5. The ability to work with a range of EH personnel.
6. A plan for fixing the Senate.

Selection Criteria - Desirable

1. Member of the Senate.
2. Proven track record in improving a sector of the EH or a subgroup.

You must address each criteria with supporting evidence. Simple saying "Yep, I can do that" won't be enough. You must also include three references - including at least one superior. These references will be checked. Applications are to be directed to the Fleet Commander (GA Ronin) and Executive Officer (SA Astatine) with the subject "Application for the position of Chancellor".

SA Astatine - XO

Applications Still Being Accepted/Requirements for Training Officer:  02.05.02
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Training Office


The position of Training Office is one of the most demanding in the EH. The position covers a wide range and scope of duties, requiring a multi-talented person. The successful applicant will also be under the extra pressure of continuing the standard of work conducted by the previous Training Officer. Some duties of the Training Officer include:

* Marking tests
* Reviewing, approving and implementing new courses
* Reviewing competition submissions
* Assisting all members of the EH in relavent training matters
* Design and running of TO competitions
* Keeping IWATS staff in line
* Filing reports and all the other stuff good COs do

Applicants must address the criteria as laid out below.

Selection Criteria - Essential
1. Proven experience in running competitions, preferably involving a scope larger than a TIE Corps Wing.
2. Good written communication skills.
3. An acceptable level of presence in online media (such as IRC, message boards)
4. Fast email response time.
5. A clean record in conduct.
6. The ability to work with a wide range of EH personnel, including the Executive Office, Flight Officer, Operations Officer and various officers within the TIE Corps and subgroups.

Selection Criteria - Desirable
1. Graphics ability.
2. ASP coding experience.
3. Solid training experience, either within the EH or in real life.

You must address each criteria with supporting evidence. You may also include three references - including at least one of your superiors (either form or current, preferably current). These references will be checked. Applications should be sent to the Fleet Commander (GARonin@aol.com) and Executive Officer (jpboyce@indigo.net.au) with the subject "Application for the position of Training Officer".


CA:FC Orin Williamson Resigns, Replacement Sought:  02.01.02
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

"... I must unfortunately step down from CA:FC. As I have proven in the time I've been here, I am not consistent with my ability to get in link checks, and e-mail reminders to the CS every week for their reports. Also, I've come to realize that my main interest continues to lie with the BHG, and I feel that I would be unfairly neglecting the rest of the fleet if I were to remain CA:FC. I request that I be reverted to the reserves at my previous rank of Captain, and that I be released from CA:FC duties. However, as part of my obligation, I will continue to provide the links checks until such time as a new CA:FC is chosen.


MSTR/Orin Williamson/Cyclone/BHG-H


The Fleet Commander is currently seeking a new Command Attach� (CA:FC) to assist with maintenance of the Office of the FC website and maintaining/identifying dead links off the EH Domain.

Office of the Fleet Commander

Qualifying criteria include:

  • Hold the Rank of Vice Admiral (VA) or higher and have been in the EH 1+ years

  • Have had NO problems with the HCI

  • Be able to host/maintain a CA:FC website

  • Be consistently able to check/respond to emails

  • Send out weekly email reminders to the Command Staff to send in their weekly reports

If interested, please email your applications to the Fleet Commander (GA Ronin).

Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}


Logistics Officer (AD Ramos) Awarded the Grand Order of the Emperor (GoE) Medal:  02.06.02
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

(Please see the Operations Manual for EH Medal descriptions)

For his outstanding efforts in compiling the EH Historical Archives and hosting ALL eighty-one (81) EH newsletters, Admiral Ramos is herein awarded the Grand Order of the Emperor (GoE) Medal.

Some pertinent LO-related websites:

Congrats and thanks for all the hard work !!!

Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}


The Approaching Storm:  02.02.02
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (FA Keiran Idanian)


On January 28, 2002, the pre-Episode II book, The Approaching Storm, was released in book stores. Below is the information that can be found on the inside cover of the book:

"The Republic is decaying, even under the leadership of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, who was elected to save the galaxy from collapsing under the forces of discontent. On the tiny by strategic planet of Ansion, a powerful faction is on the verge of joining the growing secessionist movement. The urban dwellers wish to expand into the prairies outside their cities - the ancestral territory of the fierce, independent Ansion nomads. If their demands are not met, they will secede - an act that could jump-start a chain reaction of withdrawal and rebellion by worlds of the Republic. 

At the Chancellor's request, the Jedi Council sends two Jedi Knights, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luminara Unduli, to resolve the conflict and negotiate with the elusive nomads. Undaunted, Obi-Wan and Luminara, along with their Padawans Anakin Skywalker and Barriss Offee, set out across the wilderness. Many perils lie waiting to trap them. The Jedi will have to fulfill near-impossible tasks, befriend wary strangers, and influence two great armies to complete their quest, stalked all the while by an enemy sworn to see the negotiations collapse and the mission fail..."

-= Fleet Admiral Keiran Idanian, Reconnaissance Officer =- 
[- ro@emperorshammer.org | http://www24.brinkster.com/ehro - }
RO-MAG-XADI/FA Keiran Idanian/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign 
SBL (Sith)/CON/Alvaak 
"For the honor of the Emperor's Hammer"


Bill Smith Email Interview:  01.28.01
As Conducted By:  VA Jacob Van Nowak

Bill Smith

Dear Jacob,

An interview with Bill Smith, author of Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels, The Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology, and Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, Second Edition and the new Outlaw Galaxy novels.


1) Where did you first see the Star Wars Movies

My love affair with Star Wars started with the Marvel Star Wars comic adaptation and the Star Wars novelization. I grew up in a really small town in Northern New York and missed out on the Star Wars phenomenon that swept the world in the summer of 1977. Instead, I discovered the novels and comics in school the following Fall.

I saw the cover of the novel--starships, robots, laser guns, aliens. Wow! It was love at first sight.

I first saw Star Wars during the 1978 summer re-release. Had to go to a different country, too--My parents took me to the drive-in in Cornwall, ONT, Canada.

(Oh yeah, when Phantom Menace came out, my brother, his friends and I drove 40 miles to the nearest college town for the midnight showing. It was a very cool experience.)

2) What is your Favorite thing about Star wars

Favorite moment: The twin suns setting on Tatooine in Episode IV.

My favorite thing as a whole is the compelling believability of these imaginary worlds, particularly the sophistication with which the stories were presented in the original A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back. (Sorry, but Greedo did NOT fire first.)

I get the sense that if the camera was looking in another direction, we'd be treated to amazing adventure stories just as thrilling as the movies we've been shown. I tried to bring that to my roleplaying products--I really wanted to create the sense that this was a REAL place where all kinds of cool things were happening on a million worlds every single day.

I love the sense of adventure, the sense of wonder, and the anticipation of guessing what amazing things will be lurking just over the horizon. I enjoy the fact that good and evil are presented in clear-cut terms. I'm fascinated that the civilization of Star Wars spans millions of worlds and has a history going back thousands and thousands of years.

3) Was there anything besides star wars that inspired you to write?

The other things that really made me decide I wanted to write were Battlestar Galactica and the Marvel Star Wars comics, particularly the comics written by Archie Goodwin and David Micheline (basically the run from Star Wars to shortly before Jedi). The Brian Daley Han Solo novels were AMAZING and I remember reading them in 8th grade Math class and thinking to myself, "I want to do this when I grow up!" They all captured my imagination.

I was also inspired by the original Star Trek, Flash Gordon, the classic Doc Smith novels, playing Dungeons and Dragons, Marvel and DC superhero comics...but the things that really drove me were Star Wars and Battlestar.

4) Who is your Favorite Character and Why?

Luke Skywalker. As a kid growing up in a really small, isolated town--who didn't want to be there while most of my friends were perfectly content there--I spent an awful lot of time looking off to the horizon, daydreaming, writing stories in my own universe and the Star Wars galaxy, and looking forward to going to the stock car races. (Stock car racing is my other big passion.)

In Jedi, Luke's goal of redeeming his father and confronting the ultimate evil is very compelling. I love the mythic transformation of Luke from boy to noble warrior-peacemaker, and how he rights the wrongs of the past and succeeds against all odds.

When I was younger, I liked Han Solo more, but as I got older, I identified more with Luke.

And Boba Fett is just plain the coolest. It was a shame that he was so underutilized in Jedi--it would have been great if he'd shown up on Endor to put Solo in his place.

(Actually, I was the one that talked Parker Bros. into putting Boba Fett into Star Wars Monopoly. Parker Bros. wanted to use C-3P0 and I politely explained, "You MUST have Boba Fett. Besides, you need more villains to balance the heroes. If you want to put in C-3P0, create a dual R2 & 3P0 figure. Boba Fett just HAS to be in this game."

I also convinced Parker Bros. to set the Boardwalk and Park Place spaces on Imperial Center. At the time--pre Special Editions--they didn't know about Coruscant.)

5) Do you Plan on writing anymore books?

I would greatly enjoy the opportunity to writer future Star Wars books. (I'm sure most people who've worked on SW would agree with me. The people at Lucasfilm and Del Rey are super to work with.)

I've been having a great time writing my own Outlaw Galaxy novels. (Check out www.BillSmithBooks.com for sample chapters.) The universe is a very fun, action-adventure space fantasy setting. Books 2 & 3 are in final editing now and set to release over the next couple of months. I'm plowing ahead with Books 4, 5 & 6 right now. (I self-published just because the climate favors that approach right now...it's much easier to make a go of it doing it myself rather than trying to go through the big New York publishers.)

6) Do you play any Star Wars Games if so what?

I sometimes play the computer/console games but I'm not dedicated enough to get really good at them. I don't have the time for traditional RPGs--I spend most of my free time working on my novels. I occasionally run SW:RPG (original D6 rules) when I visit my brother and his friends during the holidays.

7) What do you think about the Emperor's Hammer

I think it's pretty cool, actually. I mean, the Imperials aren't evil, they're just misunderstood. : )

I think the Imperials are much more compelling villains--er, antagonists; excuse me--if you take the time to examine their point of view and show why they believe what they do. They feel they are just bringing law and order to the galaxy. Yes, a few occasional injustices happen, but that's going to happen with any large government. They feel, as a whole, the Empire does much more good than harm and protects the rights of all citizens, especially humans.

Last but not least

8) What do you think about me, hehe Just kidding 8-)

Hey, you were cool enough to approach me about being on the site. Thanks!

Thank you for taking the time to contact me! I hope this helps! If you have any more questions, just bounce them my way!

Bill Smith
Bill Smith Books

PO Box 3164
York, PA 17402

Info for www.NHGF.net: 01.30.02
As Emailed From: Tim Bradshaw, President, New Horizons Gaming Forum

NHGF.net is a new Gaming Network that offers reviews and previews on all your favorite games. It also offers a monthly Newsletter, interactive forums, and daily News on all your favorite PC Games. In addition to our features, NHGF.net runs the NHGF Network, a network of websites dedicated to specific games or themes including Age of Empires, Starcraft, Quake 3, Ultima Online, Star Wars: Rebellion, and many more!

I hope that's good enough. Thanks again, we appreciate it! Have a good one!

-Tim Bradshaw, President
New Horizons Gaming Forum
Bringing the Games to You!


George Lucas A&E Biography Special:  01.27.02
As Emailed From:  OWL Tron Sadow (Obelisk)/PCON/Alvaak

A&E will be featuring a special Biography on George Lucas Sunday night, here's a link you might add: http://biography.com/tv/listings/lucas_g.html and also an image.

OWL Tron Sadow (Obelisk)/PCON/Alvaak, GCx2/SC-SoP/WR/BZ/DC-KC/(BN) {SA: CORE}
RSV/AD Tron/M/FRG Phoenix/Reserves, GOE/MoC-10BoC-1SoC-1GoC/CoL/LoA/OV-4E [LANC] {IWATS-SM/2}

Applications Being Accepted/Requirements for Training Officer:  01.26.02
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Training Office


The position of Training Office is one of the most demanding in the EH. The position covers a wide range and scope of duties, requiring a multi-talented person. The successful applicant will also be under the extra pressure of continuing the standard of work conducted by the previous Training Officer. Some duties of the Training Officer include:

* Marking tests
* Reviewing, approving and implementing new courses
* Reviewing competition submissions
* Assisting all members of the EH in relavent training matters
* Design and running of TO competitions
* Keeping IWATS staff in line
* Filing reports and all the other stuff good COs do

Applicants must address the criteria as laid out below.

Selection Criteria - Essential
1. Proven experience in running competitions, preferably involving a scope larger than a TIE Corps Wing.
2. Good written communication skills.
3. An acceptable level of presence in online media (such as IRC, message boards)
4. Fast email response time.
5. A clean record in conduct.
6. The ability to work with a wide range of EH personnel, including the Executive Office, Flight Officer, Operations Officer and various officers within the TIE Corps and subgroups.

Selection Criteria - Desirable
1. Graphics ability.
2. ASP coding experience.
3. Solid training experience, either within the EH or in real life.

You must address each criteria with supporting evidence. You may also include three references - including at least one of your superiors (either form or current, preferably current). These references will be checked. Applications should be sent to the Fleet Commander (GARonin@aol.com) and Executive Officer (jpboyce@indigo.net.au) with the subject "Application for the position of Training Officer".


XO Report #2:  01.26.02
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Office of the XO

As many members have noted in the last few weeks, the imperialacademy.org domain has suffered a range of technical problems. I had been hoping these problems would go away but now they are hampering money-making efforts related outside the EH (I use the domain as a staging ground for demos). So, one way or the other, the problems will be fixed soon. The latest problem is relating to email, meaning that the confirmation emails sent out for competitions processing and for Prelude to Andevia ladder matches aren't being sent. A backlog of about 150 was sent a few days ago, but those generated since have not. 

This is something I don't really have control over, being Saturday night of a long weekend. The abusive phone call to the XO has to wait till Tuesday.

As per prior discussion with the Fleet Commander, I've decided to introduce two Executive Orders designed to enforce some standardization. The first deals with recommendations, specifically those dealing with the GOE, IC, MoH and OoR medals, as well as promotion recommendations for the rank of Admiral and higher. It's no secret that people, in the past, have left off relevant authorities (like the XO and OPS) in these recommendations to minimize the chances of opposition. Those people do nothing but tarnish the work of those who have genuinely earned their awards and ranks and will not be tolerated. Such recommendations must now include the Executive Officer on the email. The second Executive Order relates to Command Attaches. From now on, the XO and FO must be notified of apparent CA appointees by the relevant CO. Why? So we can check their record and make sure they haven't been a naughty boy or girl. The CA is generally the first in line to replace a CO when he or she leaves the position and we should expect...demand just as high standards from CAs as we do from when we open applications for a CO post. Anyone who tries to get around this will get slapped with a 404 (Failure to obey an order or regulation) charge at the very least.

The requirements for Training Officer have been sent for posting on the EH domain. It will also be posted on the TC news page and the imperialacademy news page. Training Officer and Dean will not be spliting up. There isn't the work to justify splitting the two positions and they would just be in conflict.

The winners of the Design a Bad Guy competition have been selected. The lucky people are:

- FM/LCM Reb Crush/Talon 3-3/Wing XX/ISD Subjugator
- FM/LT Ender mBind/Echo 2-2/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard
- DA Elya (Krath)/Aleema of Satal Keto
- FL-TCS/LCM Master/Tempest 3-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge
- FL/LCM Alain Dindareanu/Omicron 2-1/Wing VIII/ISD Colossus

Congratulations to them. Their entries will be added to the enemies page and we'll start looking at using them in future competitions.

It seems I've made a little screw-up with the Newsletter and it's late. :P It will be released next Friday and in the meantime, I encourage people to sent stuff for the next one to me. Subgroup members are especially encouraged since the newsletter has typically been light on content from subgroup people.

And..um...apparently acquiring Natalie Portman is 20 times a better New year's resolution than finding a cure for cancer (according to http://www.imperialacademy.org/pollresults.asp?ID=10)

XO/SA Astatine/CS-2/SSSD Sovereign

Logistics Office Updates:  01.26.02
As Emailed From:  Logistics Officer (AD Ramos)

Logistics Office

Operation: Resurrection Update

Its been a great week for Operation: Resurrection with the development of various pieces behind the scenes. The teaser trailers are slowly getting made and we have a full motion video trailer made for a future release, though it gives away some secrets so we can't release it just yet :)

See the TRAILER and find out about LINKAN TERNOD at http://vanguard.phpcoding.org/lo/

The development of the gaming side of Resurrection continues with the completion of the TIE and XWA Training CABs, along with fictional plot. The plotline for the main three CABs is completed and work has begun on writing up the complex fiction for each individual mission.

Thanks go to the full Operation: Resurrection team for their dedication to the project and their continued hard work:

Director - Vice Admiral Zorrixor
Assistant Director - Vice Admiral Kano
Plot Supervisor/Author - Major Ekim
Webmaster - Rear Admiral Leeson
Animation Coordinator - Commander Mycroft
Narrator - Major Dark Hawk
TIE Developer - Lieutenant Colonel Drake
XWA Developer - Major Roguewing

COO Report #6:  01.25.02
As Emailed From:  Combat Operations Officer (VA Brucmark)

Combat Operations Office


Huge news this week, on to it!

XvT Week of War Results!

The EH has finished fifth in the XvT Week of War! This is by far the best we've ever finished in a week of war, and it is thanks to a great effort by many. Here's a sampling of the statistics for us this war:

Ranked Pilots (10 games or more):
Blackhero (42nd overall!), Verr (44th overall!), Kaerner, MindB_ender, Rahn, Zoron, Dax_Corrin, Falconkwg, Sarin, and myself (5th overall).

Top Divisions (by game wins):
Wing XIII with 50 wins, 43 losses
Avenger Squadron with 45 wins, 40 losses
Wing XV with 31 wins, 20 losses
Wing XX with 13 wins, 8 losses
Tau Squadron with 10 wins, 3 losses

For full statistics, visit the War Page and view Club Scores, EH.

Great work to everyone who participated!

XWA Week of War

The XWA Week of War starts today! Let's get out there and show the XWA community that we can compete with the best of them!

War Page Address: http://www.battlestats.com/games/xwa/war/info/?wow269

As always, for information on how to sign up and play, see COO Report #1 or email me.

Outer Rim News

I have been in contact with an RS member about the Outer Rim War, so hopefully something will be set up soon. Stay tuned! Of course, our actions depend on whether the rules can accommodate both of our clubs :)

That's all for this week, great flying again to all in the XvT Week of War!

COO-TCT/VA Brucmack/VSD Aggressor 
[IMPR] [Jedi Master]
EH Top Gun

NJO Book Released - "Dark Journey":  01.26.02
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (FA Keiran Idanian)



The newest NJO book has been released to book stores! It's called Dark Journey, and below is the text found on the back cover:

"Though the Jedi strike force completed its deadly mission into Yuuzhan Vong terriroy, the price of success was tragedyL not everone made it out alive. In a daring getaway, hotshot pilot Jaina Solo stole an enemy ship, taking along her fellow survivors - and leaving behind a huge piece of her heart.

With the enemy in hot pursuit, Jaina is forced to seek haven in the unprotected, unfriendly Hapes Cluster, where the Jedi are help responsible for a past tragedy - and where the royal family has grim plan for their famous Jedi guest. Even mopre sisister are the intentions of the Yuuzhan Vong, desperate to capture Jaina for a hideous sacrifice.

Grief-stricken and obsessed with revenger, jain is blind to these threats - and to the overpwoering evil dangerously close to consuming her. In the coming conflagration, Jaina will be fighting not for victory or vengeance, but for her very being..."

-= Fleet Admiral Keiran Idanian, Reconnaissance Officer =- 
[- ro@emperorshammer.org | http://www24.brinkster.com/ehro - }
RO-MAG-XADI/FA Keiran Idanian/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign 
SBL (Sith)/CON/Alvaak 
"For the honor of the Emperor's Hammer"

New NJO Books:  01.26.02
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (FA Keiran Idanian)



When looking at Arron Allston's website I found the following new NJO books. I thought you maybe interested in this.

Star Wars: New Jedi Order novel in which the Jedi and the New Republic cope with the aftermath of the events of Troy Denning's Star By Star. 
To be published April, 2002

Luke Skywalker�s daring mission to halt the Yuuzhan Vong�s nefarious plot is struggling on all fronts. And time is slipping away for Han and Leia Organa Solo, trapped on a small planet whose rulers are about to yield to Yuuzhan Vong pressure to give up the Jedi rebels. Rebel Stand is due out in August 2002.

*MOre NJO book information at: http://www.starwars.com/eu/news/2001/12/news20011204.html

-= Fleet Admiral Keiran Idanian, Reconnaissance Officer =- 
[- ro@emperorshammer.org | http://www24.brinkster.com/ehro - }
RO-MAG-XADI/FA Keiran Idanian/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign 
SBL (Sith)/CON/Alvaak 
"For the honor of the Emperor's Hammer"