Fleet Medical Corps Pins
by Rear Admiral Manitsas #295

Once I was part of the Operations Office, I began to work on other projects.  My first was to create an entire set of female admiral uniform templates with all the various admiral ranks.  My second was to update the Fleet Commander’s Honor Guard stripes with both male and female versions to include the new ranks such as Legionnaire (500 pts), Executor (750 pts), Gladiator (1000 pts), Archon (1500 pts), Templar (2000 pts), and Imperator (3000 pts).  These FCHG stripes used red and gold stars to denote higher ranks.  As I was working on them, I noticed that the stars could be combined with the caduceus to denote the various positions of the FMC in a very clear and attractive manner.

I would retain the simple gold and silver emblems for Doctor and Nurse.  The Senior Medical Supervisor and his assistant would add a single color matched star to the right of the caduceus.  The Principal Medical Officer and his assistant would have two stars.  Gold would always denote the primary officer, and silver the assistant.

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