Directorate Operations Manual


Unlike many other subgroups of the Emperor's Hammer, the Directorate does not employ a traditional military ranking system. Because of the Directorate's unique mandate to govern the planets and territories of Emperor's Hammer space, the Directorate uses an aristocratic title system (eg. Baron, Earl, Duke).There are also female equivalents for ranks above Knight and female titles for ranks above Honorable. For simplicity, these have been added to the examples of each rank where possible. Remember that position ALWAYS supercedes rank in the Directorate, so a retired Duke never has more power than a Viscount serving in the Ministry Council.

The ranks of the Directorate are as follows, in order of importance from highest to lowest:

1. Grand Duke (GD) -An Imperial Grand Duke is the pinnacle of the New Order's aristocracy, and this title is only bestowed upon the very highest reaches of the Empire and only when a majority vote of the entire Directorate is carried out, and the recipient is named by a unanimous vote of the Ministry Council in favor of this most worthy bestowment. The title of Grand Duke, once awarded, may never be taken away, and this officer may proudly display the rank until the end of their days. A member who is granted this title may use the title "Grand Duke" or "Grand Duchess" in formal occasions, and are permitted the privilege of representing a specific location within the Emperor's Hammer. Only a Grand Moff - either current or former - may receive this prestigious award.
Grand Moff, Grand Duke John Doe of Aurora
Grand Moff, Grand Duchess Jane Doe of Aurora

2. Duke (DK) - Very few members of the Directorate are likely to achieve this rank, as it is reserved solely for Grand Moffs and truly exceptional Deputy Grand Moffs. Dukes are very well-respected members of the New Order, and are considered the cr�me of Imperial society. The Grand Moff is bestowed this title (of the Aurora System) upon their ascension to the Office, and the Fleet Commander is also granted the bestowment of the title "Duke of the Emperor's Hammer Territories". A member who is granted this title may use the title "Duke" or "Duchess" in formal occasions, and are permitted the privilege of representing a specific location within the Emperor's Hammer.
Grand Moff, Duke John Doe of Aurora
Grand Moff, Duchess Jane Doe of Aurora

3. Earl (ERL) - The rank of Earl is the highest to which a member of the Ministry Council can rise without becoming Grand Moff. Earls are the "model officers" of the Directorate, and the advice of an Earl holds great sway over all matters in the Directorate.The title of "Earl", once granted, may be displayed by a member forever with extreme pride, as befitting a rank given to so few. The officers who hold this position will be remembered with awe for as long as the Emperor's Hammer exists. Earls are granted the honor of representing a specific location in the Emperor's HammerTerritories, and are granted use of the honorific "Lord" or "Lady" to be used before their names:
Minister of State, Lord John Doe, Earl of Phare
Minister of State, Lady Jane Doe, Countess of Phare

4. Marquis (MQS) -Marquis are long-standing and dedicated members of the Ministry Council that have performed extensive duties in attempts to improve their sphere of influence and the Directorate as a whole through innovative and exeptional ideas over a significant period of service. Because of the tenure and the level of commitment required, only the most exceptional members of the Directorate will ever reach this rank. All Marquis may use the title "Lord" or "Lady" before their name and are granted the honor of representing a specific location within the territories to display on formal occasions:
Minister of Education, Lord John Doe, Marquis of Phare.
Minister of Education, Lady Jane Doe, Marquise of Phare

5. Count (CON) - Members who have reached the rank of Count have dedicated themselves fully to the Directorate. This rank may be awarded to Ministers or High Moffs who perform above expectations or in rare cases even an exceptional System Moff. Counts may participate in Ministry Council Debate but may not vote unless they are a Minister. Counts are granted the privilege of representing a specific location within the Emperor's Hammer Territories, and are allowed to use the honorific "Lord" before their name on formal occasions:
Minister of State, Lord John Doe, Count of Setii
Minister of State, Lady Jane Doe, Countess of Setii

6. Viscount (VSC) - Only the most adept of Governors General can aspire to the honor of a Viscountcy, and those individuals who do are treated with the utmost respect throughout the Emperor's Hammer. The rank of Viscount is also the entrance rank for Ministers who sit on the Council as full members. Viscounts who are not full members of the council may participate in debate but do not hold voting privileges. Viscounts are given the honor of representing a specific location in the Emperor's Hammer, which is reflected when they are addressed. Viscounts may also use the honorific "Lord" or "Lady" in front of their name in formal communication:
High Moff, Lord John Doe, Viscount of Setii
High Moff, Lady Jane Doe, Viscountess of Setii

7. Baron (BRN) - The rank of Baron is considered by many to be the highest rank any officer has a hope of achieving, and those who have been granted this rank may be known as the model officers of the Directorate. This rank is granted upon ascension to the position of High Moff. Barons have a non-voting seat on the Ministry Council, and may participate in the debates of that exalted body. In addition, Barons are granted the honor of representing a specific place within the Emperor's Hammer Territories, which is reflected in their formal title. In formal address, Barons may add the prefix "Lord" or "Lady" before their name:
High Moff, Lord John Doe, Baron of Phare
High Moff, Lady Jane Doe, Baroness of Phare

8. Baronet (BRT) - The title of Baronet or Baronetess is bestowed upon those dedicated individuals who show the potential for large scale command. As such, System Moffs are granted this title upon appointment, though dedicated Governor Generals, or even in rare cases a Regional or Lieutenant Governor may be awarded this rank for excellent service. Baronets have the utmost honor and privilege of being addressed as "Your Excellency" , as well as being granted the use of the prefix "Sir" or "Lady" before their name, when addressed formally:
System Moff, Sir John Doe
System Moff, Lady Jane Doe

9. Knight (KGT) - The rank of Knight holds envy among the officers of the territories, and elevation to this rank is truly indicative of when a leader rises from the rest of the membership. This rank can be granted for exceptional service and dedication to the duties required of a Regional or Lieutenant Governor,and is also granted to a Governor General upon appointment. Individuals who have become a "Knight of the Imperial Order" are granted the title "Sir" or "Lady" to be used before their name in all formal communications:
Governor General, Sir John Doe
Governor General, Dame Jane Doe

10. Honorable (HNR) - The first honor bestowed upon Directorate members upon completion of the CORE exam. Members of this rank form the backbone of the Directorate, and are granted the privilege of using the term "The Right Honorable" before their name when addressed formally:
Regional Governor, The Right Honorable John Doe

11. Citizen (CIT) - The training rank given to all new members of the Directorate. Citizens will be granted the title of Honorable once they have completed training.


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