Star Wars Sites

of the Non-EH Sites of the Week***
There were many different
NON-EH Sites of the week this month. Three to be exact.

artwork by Tony Bela
The first NON-EH SotW was
Fett Fan Club. Many Star Wars fans really like the character
of Boba Fett. This is the site for anything and everything
you ever wanted to know about Boba Fett. The HTML was impressive
along with the amount of information these people could find on
a single character. With good graphics I feel that this is a must
see site!

The second site was The
Imperial Racing League. This is a special subgroup of the
Emperors Hammer ally, The Galactic Empire. I really liked
this site because of its use of a small database as well as the
fact that Ive never seen a group that used Episode 1: Racer.
This is open to all people of the Internet world, which is something
you dont see that much because in most organizations you must
be a member to participate.

Finally, The
Completely Unofficial Star Wars Encyclopedia.
This site has a great amount
of information that you can use. All the information there Ive
found in this is correct, because Ive read most of the Star
Wars books. Although the HTML may not be complex, it suits the purpose
that it was designed for, to make a website devoted to information
and I feel that has been accomplished. Its only downfall is
that there are very few graphics, but most information sites are
like that. This is a site where you go to read, not look at the
pretty pictures
Admiral Keiran Idanian
RO-VROY-XADI/AD Keiran Idanian/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
SBM Keiran Idanian/M:SHW/CON/Alvaak, ENV