Naval Commander
Report #5
2.23.2001 - VA Xanos Goatham Zorrixor
Fleet Naval Corps Report #5 - February, 23rd, 2001
Membership: 49
Well, this weeks seen quite a lot of activity, aswell as a number of developments. The memberships increased a slight bit, and i expect this to increase further this next week, with the hope that the new competition (details latter) will maintain the membership level :)
Further on the list, the NC reform debates well underway, currently i'm holding off discussing further though, as i'm waiting for COS Quake to return tomorrow. As i want to make sure my staff agree with my views before we move on them...
1.) As i said above, the reform ideas are well underway in the debating side, but I can't disclose much to the public yet, hopefully i'll have some finalised things to say next week...
2.) COS Quake returns from leave tomorrow, so things will resume as normal.
3.) My mistake last week, TFC/RA Renier wasn't on leave last week, but sometime this coming week hes going on leave. Someone hit me next time I regurgitate discussions on ICQ which i had while asleep :P Anyhow, this has been quite good as its allowed the main occurance this week to get underway...
4.) A major NC competition has started today, its a multi part competition, for both Crusader and Monitor, here are the details:
Starting today is the NC multi category competition. Any one in the Navy may participate and you may enter in as many categories as you wan't. Competition closes 23 March.
Here are the categories:
Everry one flies F-XWA 15. Send your pilot files to renier@new.co.za. Who ever gets the higest score wins.
First place - Iron Star: Silver Wings
Second Place - Iron Star: Bronze Wings
Mission Design
Create a mission involving the Naval corps. Try to be origanal with your entries. Send your entries to findolf1@aol.com.
First Place - Iron Star: Silver Ribbon
Second Place - Iron Star: Bronze Ribbon
Write a piece of fiction involving the NC. Entries must be 300-1500 words. Send your entries to findwold@aol.com
First Place - Iron Star: Silver Ribbon
Second Place - Iron Star: Bronze Ribbon
Create a Picture/Banner/Uniform patch/ ect with a NC theme. Send entries to renier@new.co.za
First Place - Iron Star: Silver Ribbon
Second Place - Iron Star: Bronze Ribbon
Design a fleet with one of the following roles: Scout/Ofense/Defense/Interdiction
No more than 10000 points may be used. Points are given for how well you explain your choices and how mutch sense your explanations make. Make me believe that your fleet will work and you'll propably get a medal.
First Place - Iron Star: Silver Ribbon
Second Place - Iron Star: Bronze Ribbon
Send entries to renier@new.co.za
The strategy test is atached to this mail.
First Place - Iron Star: Silver Ribbon
Second Place - Iron Star: Bronze Ribbon
Send entries to renier@new.co.za
The person who sends in the most entries gets a Iron Star: Bronze Ribbon
Thats about it for this week, theres not much to say in writing i know, however like i said, next week i hope theres some things i can make public :)
Thankyou :)
Naval Commander, Vice Admiral Xanos Goatham Zorrixor
NAVCOM/VA Xanos Goatham Zorrixor/Naval Corps
NAVCOM Reports