VOLUME #72: February 2001

CO Reports
SGCOM Reports
Advisor Reports
TC Reports




Battle Board
Duty Roster
Medal Board
Sqd. Rdy. Room


Episode II
Gaming News



TIE Corps
Bounty Hunter's

Corporate Division
Dark Brotherhood
EH Directorate
EH Strategists
Hammer's Fist
Imperial Senate

Infiltrator Wing
The Fringe

Medical Officer
Report #7
2.16.2001 - AD Michael

"Honor, Dignity, Doing The Impossible"

"Radar tends to fail at night and in bad weather, and especially during both." - Murphy's Laws of Combat

Quiet week, that is. Unfortunately Mr Madine has resigned due to too few time. Sorry to see ya go. :(
I've also got word of some kind of "discrepancies" in the ASF. I want every Doc and Nurse there to stay sharp. Don't hesitate to call for reeinforcements if needed.
Nothing more happened. I'm glad that more command officers are finally reporting in.
BTW, there was a slight mistake in last week's report: It was Mr. Thannier who sent in the report for the TC, not Mr. Goatham.
As always the domain has been updated.


Yeah, the report is quite short this time, too much stuff to catch up.

The XMO happily recovered from his illness (nearly...still carrying some last things around with me...bah), and is now back to his work =P
A new person passed the PMO/PNO Course, congrats PMO Rastyn!
some things seem to happen in the TC, I will watch it closely.
Not more this week, as I said before, not so much important stuff happened this week. There is the new Uniform-Competition, and I'm already wondering who will be the winner, and how the uniform will look =P

XMO/LC Death/FMC/M-TFC Last Hope
--= Professor for Commandstaff-Course =--

1. Egroups unsubscribing: If you are not part of the Fleet Medical Corps, and incorrectly receiving email from this group, please unsubscribe yourself by sending a blank message to medcorps-unsubscribe@egroups.com. Also all commanding officers are encouraged to ask their inferiors to subscribe to this egroup if they didn't do already. Subscribe by sending a blank mail to medcorps-susbcribe@egroups.com.
2. FMC-manual: If you have questions about the FMC or if you just want to have more information, try downloading the FMC-manual at http://www.medcorps.de/manual.zip.
3. Message Board Reminder: We have an official FMC-message board, located at http://www.sitepowerup.com/mb/view.asp?BoardID=125376. We once had even started a run-on there although it has run dry. Using this board is a good way to show your activity and will be rewarded.
4. Meetings: The FMC-meetings are usually held at 2130 Zulu on #EH_MedLab, Undernet. You'll have to use an IRC-client such as mIRC to connect to it. You can download mIRC here: http://www.mirc.com. 2130 Zulu is 1830 EST (wich is 6:30 pm), 2130 GMT (wich is 9:30 pm) and 2230 CET (wich is 10:30 pm).


     Command Staff
          MO/AD Mike (darkjedi@otelo-online.de)
          XMO/LC Death (DEATH-PRIVAT@gmx.net)
          PMO/LCM Thannier (devon@aloak.ca)
          PNO/CPT Goatham (RGoatham@aol.com)
          SMS/CM Morgan (w.j.aigner@netway.at)
          SNS/LT Baron Fel (Findolf1@aol.com)
          DOC/SL Joerg (supporter@joerghoffmann.de)
          DOC/CM Starfire (starfire@singnet.com.sg)
          DOC/LT Astarosa (astarosta@copetel.com.ar)
          DOC/LCM Striker (WilStriker@msn.com)
          DOC/LCM Mikalen (craymikalen@squadron.org)
          DOC/LCM Bonzo (icklebonz@hotmail.com)
          DOC/LT Rety (plumberbutt@go.com)
          DOC/CM Manitsas (manitsas@aol.com)
          DOC/LT Braxton (NJB15@ix.netcom.com)
          DOC/LT Tyderius Gaul (bobbypat@computer.net)
          DOC/LCM Hizad (heartofgold42@hotmail.com)
          DOC/SL Kyle (eh_kyle@yahoo.com)
          DOC/SL Jae (jaesixnine@hotmail.com)
          N/LCM Biges (biges@centrum.cz)
          N/SL Wemmel (Jan1506@gmx.de)
          N/SL Sickman (sickman@ntlworld.com)
          N/LT Osan'gar (dclutterbuck2@yahoo.co.uk)
          N/LCM Banger (banger1@btinternet.com)
          N/SL Vash Tribal (vash@isdcolossus.com)
          N/SL Daisuke Airyu (airyu@isdchallenge.org)
          N/LT Richthofen (von.richthofen@gmx.net)
     Infiltrator Wing
          PMO/CM Rastyn (kerryd@connect.ab.ca)
          PNO/LCM Astixderchris (asterixchris@yahoo.com)
          SMS/LCM Jourdain (jourdain@stardestroyer.org)
          SNS/SL Sienar (sienar@gmx.net)
          DOC/LT Felth (sithlord5858lvr@yahoo.com)
          DOC/LT Axxemann (scruffy53@home.com)
          N/LT Malik (ezwill@famvid.com)
     Imperial Senate
          PMO/CPT KDOG (eh_kdog@hotmail.com)
          PNO/SL Plif (lordplif@corridor.net)
          SNS/SL Jaccr Crais (jaccr_crais00@yahoo.com)
          DOC/LT Nikus (aari_nikus@usa.net)
     Bounty Hunter's Guild
          PMO/CM Desmos (MAVEEN@aol.com)
          PNO/SL Culprit (culprit987@hotmail.com)


[no report recieved]


WING I: No doc
WING II: Doctor Astarosta: Numbers have dropped dramatically, as Psi has gone from 10 members to 6, and Kappa AWOLed a pilot. However, the merged
Theta-Rho continues to grow, and at this rate it will be split again soon. On the last few days, the new recruitment laws have caused a pretty big ruckuss around,
both agreeing and disagreeing. And on the good note, our WC and FMC veteran Calzeo
Inkwolf has been promoted to COL!
WING III: Nobody did report in (Doc Mikalen or Nurse Osan'gar)
WING IV: Doctor Starfire on leave till end of this week (since a week)
WING V: Doctor Wil striker is covereing for a new home so Nurse Sickman made the report:
A increase in numbers in Wing V, especially in Samekh and Sadhe. The storm seemes to have passed after the `cheating` cases with no one mentioning it
anymore and getting on with normal TC activity.
Activity is better as well, with even myself flying this week (eek!)
WING VI: Doctor Bonzo did mot report in.

Total no. of pilots is dropping down too 228 pilots on the Sovereign
The growth is on Wing V all other did loose some pilots.

SMS CM Morgan /TC-Division

I did not recieve any other reports.  Come on people!

I would like to annouce 2 new SMSs:

BG SMS: Manitsas

ASF SMS: Baron Fel



PMO/LCM Devon Thannier/FMC-TC/M-TFC Last Hope


[no report recieved]



Well, another week, another paycheque.

Very quiet in the IW this week, and not alot to report.

Unfortunatly, DOC/LT Kyph Orvak has left us for the Reserves and is no
longer DOC of Wing I.  Which brings me to my nex point..  don't smoke
crack!!  Oh, wait!!  that's the wrong report...   Ah!! here it is!!  LT
Viper Axxemann is hereby asigned to DOC duties of Wing I, and is required
to find a N to fill his vacency.  Congratulations Axxemann!!

Two reports this week, well three kinda.  LT Axxemann told me the other
nite he'd be close to get his report in, 'cause of the recent news of
becoming a father.  That and there is now Wing I nurse, so...   but Wing II
nurse, SNS and PNO didn't get in on time.  C'mon people, let's keep things
rolling along.


         Well another week goes by, and another report... nothing major
happening here. I have recived one DOC's report which i include below. I
will take the SMS corse test very soon! i just have to find some time!
SMS/LCM Jourdain/IW-Ren/Wing II/IW/EH

        Once again i have nothing major to report though i'm a little disturbed by
some rumors floating around. Same time next week. Malik
DOC/LT Abel Malik/IW-Ren/Wing II/IW/EH


Take the courses for your positions!!  We're halfway threw the month, I
want  everyone to have thier course before the end of Febuary.  Again, this
is non-negotiable.  These courses take about an an hour, and will better
your FMC knowledge. That I know, I've taken the PMO/PNO course, and Malik
has taken the DOC/N course, get that addition to your ID line, it'll help
everyone in the long run!!

PMO: CM Trevor Rastyn  {kerryd@connect.ab.ca}
PNO: LCM Astix  {Asterixchris@yahoo.com}

SMS: LCM Xavier Jourdain  {jourdain_uk@yahoo.com}
SNS: SL Xavier Sienar  {sienar@gmx.net}

DOC/Warspite:  LT Viper Axxemann  {scruffy53@home.com}
N/Warspite:  TBA

DOC/Fear:  LT Abel Malik  {ezwill@famvid.com}
N/Fear:  LT Mako Felth  {sithlord5858lvr@yahoo.com}

Any questions can be directed to myself


T. Rastyn

Knight of the Warspite
IWFT-A,WC/CM Trevor Rastyn/Wing I/MC90 Renegade/IW/EH
OotW, VC(x4), CBV(x2), MC1(x2), MC2(x11), MoI
[IWATS Core, SM/2, M/1, M/2] [IWTA CapEx, SGK, SCC, SRW]
[W-wing: Lazlo] [YT-2000: Sierra]
"...and with the coming of the night, in the morning we shall remember them."


Nothing major to report BHG-wise.  We have an uneasy alliance, basically I
leave them alone and they don't make my life miserable.  I do, of course,
make myself avaible, but they don't seem to appreciate it.  My PNO is still
in the process of taking the test for his posistion.

On another note, FMCon 1 is officially over.  Participation was digustingly
low, and the resuts will be filed later, with rewards (if any) to be
determined later then that.

On a final note, I will be on leave stting Tuesday and continueing until the
end of the month.  I will again be avalible on March 1, 2001.

PMO/CM Lord Desmos/BHG/M/TFC Last Hope
{IWATS: Core, IIC/ 1, mIRC /1&2, GFX}

Fleet Medical Officer Mike
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MO/AD Mike/FMC/M-TFC Last Hope, GOE/ISMx4/MoI/MoC/LoA/OV-3E [IWATS-M/1/2-PHP/1/2-SM/1],
DJK Michael Halcyon (Krath)/AED/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae,


MO Reports

   Command Staff


   TIE Corps


Copyright © 2001 Emperor's Hammer, All Your Base Are Belong To Us
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