Medical Officer
Report #5
2.2.2001 - AD Michael
Dignity, Doing The Impossible"
"If you can't
remember, the Claymore is pointed towards you."
- Murphy's Law of Combat
Right, let's
get the bad news ahead. CPT KDOG has conducted an AWOL-check in the IS-FMC
and awoled 3 members, eliminating nearly half of his crew. He's promised
to do some recruitment work and I'm looking forward to it.
The second bad(?)
news is that I won't be able to hold tomorrow's meeting. GAF's calling.
I will place the lead into the competent hands of Lieutenant colonel Death,
he will get it working. Don't miss it dudes, although I'm not present,
Mr Death will give you an announcment from me.
Over to the
good news. We've got two members who passed the FMC-Academy, congratulations.
The IW has downsized
and I've updated the roster accordingly. The only division is now the "MC-90
Renegade" and the two units are Wing I and Wing II. So if you're in the
IW, your ID-line looks like that: DOC/LT Abel Malik/IW-REN/Wing II. Note
the "REN" for the "MC-90 Renegade".
And finally
a warm welcome to Rear Admiral KDOG who's been appointed as the new Morale
Officer. Finally I have a companion again in my relentless tries to drive
the Command Staff insane!
The domain has
been updated and I expect every PMO to check it and tell me any errors.
another report from your XMO =P
kept me quite busy this week, so I didn't do too much.
did some first lookarounds and plannings for some things which maybe can
be changed, if Mikey agrees... =P
of the week is: .... THE INFILTRATOR WING last week =P Hey all
you other divisions, come on and get me stuff in so that I can award that
to you maybe too ;-) Some friendly competition is always good.
that's it for now...I expect the reports to be in in time! I send this
report at nearly the last possible time, but I just got one PMO-Report
so far!
I expect many many people to come to the meeting!
Death/FMC/M-TFC Last Hope
Professor for Commandstaff-Course =--
1. Egroups
unsubscribing: If you are not part of the Fleet Medical Corps, and
incorrectly receiving email from this group, please unsubscribe yourself
by sending a blank message to
Also all commanding officers are encouraged to ask their inferiors to subscribe
to this egroup if they didn't do already. Subscribe by sending a blank
mail to
2. FMC-manual:
If you have questions about the FMC or if you just want to have more
information, try downloading the FMC-manual at
3. Message
Board Reminder: We have an official FMC-message board, located at
We once had even started a run-on there although it has run dry. Using
this board is a good way to show your activity and will be rewarded.
Meetings: The FMC-meetings are usually held at 2130 Zulu on #EH_MedLab,
Undernet. You'll have to use an IRC-client such as mIRC to connect to it.
You can download mIRC here:
2130 Zulu is 1830 EST (wich is 6:30 pm), 2130 GMT (wich is 9:30 pm) and
2230 CET (wich is 10:30 pm).
Command Staff
MO/AD Mike (
XMO/LC Death (
PMO/LCM Thannier (
PNO/CPT Goatham (
SMS/CM Morgan (
SNS/LT Baron Fel (
DOC/SL Joerg (
DOC/CM Starfire (
DOC/LT Astarosa (
DOC/LCM Striker (
DOC/LCM Mikalen (
DOC/LCM Bonzo (
DOC/LT Rety (
DOC/CM Manitsas (
DOC/LT Braxton (
DOC/LT Tyderius Gaul (
DOC/LCM Hizad (
DOC/SL Kyle (
DOC/SL Jae (
N/LCM Biges (
N/SL Wemmel (
N/SL Sickman (
N/LT Osan'gar (
N/SL Tiger (
N/CM Vexen (
N/LCM Banger (
N/LT Richthofen (
Infiltrator Wing
PMO/CM Rastyn (
PNO/LCM Astixderchris (
SMS/LCM Jourdain (
SNS/SL Sienar (
DOC/LT Orvak (
DOC/LT Felth (
N/LT Axxemann (
N/LT Malik (
Imperial Senate
PNO/SL Plif (
SMS/CPT Madine (
DOC/LT Nikus (
Bounty Hunter's Guild
PMO/CM Desmos (
PNO/SL Culprit (
[no report recieved]
SSSD Sovereign:
Wing 1: recruitment
message for new Doc sent
Wing 2: Doctor
Morale is goin high, 1 new pilot, one promo, Doc expect to do the
SMS/PMO course and working on the Medbay for Wing II
Wing 3: Doctor
1 transfer out, 2 new pilot in, 4 medals,
to increase recruiting Doc Mikalen reopen the Wing III Mentoring Program
Wing 4: Doctor
Starfire did not report in.
Wing 5: Doctor
Lots of activity within Wing V this past week, especially with new, and
some new, pilots joining the ranks! Lots of promotions and awards as well
spread around
for the active and motivated members of Wing V! Wing V reached a pinnacle
of 50 pilots this week! new pilots, newmedals, new promos
Wing 5. Nurse
Sickman: will be taking the Doctor´s test soonest.
Wing 6. doctor
Bonzo did not report in this week
Further a new/old
problem was coming up this week on the Sovereign is CHEATING:
We have to do
all and explain to the pilots really dont do this.
Total number
of pilots on the Sovereign incresed this week.
SMS/CM Morgan/TC-Division
TIE Corps Battle
on your appointment. Morale on-board the ISD Challenge
remains very
good. I have been attending to one confidential issue regarding
a pilot, to
the satisfaction of that pilot.
All pilots new
to the Challenge receive an official "Welcome from the Ship's
DOC" and an
invitation to visit our sickbay at
They also are invited to
fill out a morale
survey. This instrument is seldom used, but does work (as
in the case
above) to alert me to any morale issues that come up.
Some time ago,
I forwarded the collar images of the DOC and Nurse pins to the
Operations Office.
There seems to have been an effort by the FMC to make
more elaborate
pins for higher ranking FMC staff, but the Operations Office
has not approved
them or been made aware of them.
I am currently
engaged in a effort to have all Wing X squadrons submit both
male and female
versions of their squadron patches to the Operations Office.
Challenge [DOC]
ISD Colossus,
and ISD Immortal:
No Report
Aggressor Strike
No Reports of
any kind
PMO's Notes:
I neglected to
inform Baron Fel that he was to send me a report yesterday until last night,
so he will not get a strike. I will be contacting ships that don't
have a DOC/N.
Also, I will
be taking applications to fill SMS spots in the BattleGroups, and Aggressor
Strike Force. If you are interested send me a email with the normal
application stuff.
Last Hope [DOC-SUP]
of Supervisors=--
[again no report
recieved - last chance]
Well, another
week, another paycheque.
This week saw
some big changes in the IW. The Warspite and Fear a no
longer active
carriers, they are now a part of the Second Task force in the
IW Order of
Battle. Our new home is the MC90 Renegade, and both Wings are
on the same
ship now. Everyone still has work with the FMC. :)
Astix's ship
design competition is wrapped up, and the winner is SGM Viper
Axxemann (the
same Viper Axxemann that we all know and love!!)
Viper!! The Run-On comp ends today, results next report.
And we're still
looking into new competitions to take place with the new
year, and look
for a better turn out still from this one. LT Abel Malik
has taken over
the DOC duties for Wing II, and LT Mako Felth has been
reassigned to
N for Wing II. Mike, if you could update the IWFMC roster on
the page for
just Wing I and Wing II all under one Cruiser, the MC90
Also, a few weeks ago, the IW members all received promotions to
LT, except SL
Xavier Sienar. I would like for all to witness his
SL Sienar, for your contributions to the IWFMC, you are
promoted to
LT along side your peers. Congratulations and keep up the good
Sorry it's a little behind. :P
This week, I
got three reports. This is better than last week, but c'mon
everyone, you
want the position, show me!! I know things are slow, and
what not, but
send me some form of notice. What you want to do, what you
think may help,
ect, ect. I've spoke breifly to Astix, Kyph Orvak and
Spent lots of time talking with Abel Malik, and Viper Axxemann on
IRC. Let's
get this happening people, send them up the chain, and if I
don't receive
them, I'll be looking into who broke the chain.
>This is PNO
>We have some
new comps out
>No complaints/needy
people in the IW
>No news on
motto comp :P
>Uh, this is
the only report I've had in, and its not from a nurse:P
SMS Jourdain reporting in- unfortuanlty with nothing to report-
>hopefully in
your report you can clarifie things now that the wings have
>changed etc
for us! Until then, im here; buit have recived no reports!
Greetings from the Wing II FMC Doc aboard the new MC-90
Renegade.I >have
nothing to report as yet nor have i heard from Mako Felth
either (but
he >informed me last week that he would be on leave for a
while, he just
neglected >to tell us how long he'd be gone exactly). I have
announced my
new position >over the IW wing 2 e-group and am available if
anyone needs
help with anything >on mirc, icq #65510837, or via e-mail.
That's it for
now. "I'm not a Doctor in >real life, but i play one in the
>N/LT Abel Malik/Wing
Take the courses
for your positions!! Like I said before, everyone will
have thier course
before the end of Febuary. This is non-negotiable.
These courses
take about an an hour, and will better your FMC knowledge.
That I know,
I've taken the PMO/PNO course, and Malik has taken the DOC/N
course, get
that addition to your ID line, it'll help everyone in the long
PMO: CM Trevor
PNO: LCM Astix
SMS: LCM Xavier
SNS: LT Xavier
LT Kyph Orvak
LT Viper Axxemann
LT Abel Malik
LT Mako Felth
Any questions
can be directed to myself
PMO/CM Trevor
Rastyn/IW/M-TFC Last Hope
Knight of
the Warspite
Trevor Rastyn/White Squadron/Wing I/MC90 Warspite/IW/EH
OotW, VC(x2),
CBV(x2), MC1(x2), MC2(x10), MoI, POTW(x2)
[IWATS Core,
SM/2, M/1, M/2] {IWTA CapEx, SGK, SCC, SRW}
"...and with
the coming of the night, in the morning we shall remember them."
[again no report
recieved - last chance]
Medical Officer Mike
( )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Mike/FMC/M-TFC Last Hope, GOE/ISMx4/MoI/MoC/LoA/OV-3E [IWATS-M/1/2-PHP/1/2-SM/1],
DJK Michael
Halcyon (Krath)/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae,
{Drynwyn's Flame}
YT-2000 Transporter "Stiletto", mod. TIE Defender "Vengeance"
at, ICQ: 83498366,
ZONE-ID: SKYE_Kai_Allard

MO Reports