Logistics Officer
2.24.2001 - RA Ramos Kanzco
Welcome to the 6th LO Report,
A great deal of things have happend in the Logistics Office this week with assignments being given out and projects furthering in completion. The Historical Archives Project will be officially completed when FA Darkov uploads the proper files to the site. RA Ian Jackson has begun work on the Sentinel Project which details will be outlined later. Operation Distant Talon and Newsletter HTMLizing go well also so were basically running now as a smooth office. The period of transistion is over and now a steady process of producing results and goods is begining.
The New LO Site is up at:
The NL Archives can be found at:
The Home of the future archives can be found at:
Thanks to all the creators of these sites. They will be updated througout the week and should be in final completed forms by around wednesday.
If anyone happens to run by FA Darkov, please tell him to email me immediatly.
Sentinel Project:
This Project was designed for bringing the latest in Star Wars news and Updates to the Emperor's Hammer. A monthly section of news and analysis of news will be sent by the Project Leader to the EH Newsletter. This will be compiled by researchers and writers. This is the first part of the project. The second part of the project will involve creation of Star Wars sites that contain information on Star Wars games, books, comics, movies, etc. The last part of the project will be designed to assign Sentinels(the people who spread news to ships and collect it) to create a link between the LO and the EH so the LO can research subjects the EH Wants us to.
LO/RA Ramos Kanzco/CS-11/SSSD Soverign

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